The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by LyingLiarWhoLies

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    Ok … I’m moving to maybe a health issue …

    Edited by ZizizouzouTWO! - 28/12/2023, 22:47
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    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 26/12/2023, 17:38) 
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 26/12/2023, 17:35) 
    Why wouldn’t Jenny want to be reached ??? What kind of decent parent does to be reached in case of an emergency???? It is perfectly normal for either Parent to reach in case something happened happened … it’s called Co-parenting !!! Neither one of them are single parents!!!!

    Have we been following the same Jennifer Ross?

    Yes for that’s point … she is a shit Parent … D** is not … that is why he would want to reach out or depend she be reachable

    I don’t doubt that she doesn’t care

    I’m sure when Jenny reads what comment here she will think the same thing .. why would I need to be reached … they are with there Father … that sounds like her response… mine would be .. you crazy bitch you should WANT to be reached !!!!
  3. .
    Regarding RunDisney … I think she desperately wanted to get out of for next year … I she was in much more pain than she let on this last go around

    I think her hip and feet are causing so much pain and she can’t do this crap anymore.

    She is over the travel BS and run crap … she has to find a creative way to rebrand and blame D** not her lack of ability and craziness !!!!
  4. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 26/12/2023, 07:49) 
    Why would Don need to reach Jen in an emergency situation? He is the biological father of the children, able to make decisions on their behalf. The kids are not closely bonded to Jen, they do not need her for comfort while sick. I have no idea what value Jen could possibly offer in an emergency situation (or in life).

    Why wouldn’t Jenny want to be reached ??? What kind of decent parent doesn’t want to be reached in case of an emergency???? It is perfectly normal for either Parent to reach out to the other one in case something happened … it’s called Co-parenting !!! Neither one of them are single parents!!!!

    Edited by LyingLiarWhoLies - 12/26/2023, 05:48 PM
  5. .
    QUOTE (Taxidermied Winnie @ 26/12/2023, 04:13) 
    QUOTE (Spork Meltdown @ 26/12/2023, 04:05) 
    Do we know for SURE that the kids did not see Don at all on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
    They could have been with Don during the day on Christmas Eve. ??
    How do we know for sure they didn't go to Don's Christmas afternoon?

    We don’t. We know she’s the same person who posted being at the theater in Chicago while she was running at Disney. She’s a manipulative liar.

    This is true … this could have been taken anytime … I mean it could have been taken last week … she does shit like that all the time ..

    I mean what was Friday pizza night on Monday seen on the kitchen iPad or something !!!!!
    The Starbucks drink time stamped that gave her early morning flight away !!!!
  6. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 26/12/2023, 04:03) 
    Also...I have never seen a mother proclaim how their kids are their whole heart, and there is no where else in the whole world she'd rather be than with her kids.....over and over ad nauseum the way she does. It gets very old and wouldn't even be believable if she didn't have documented evidence of what a shit mother she is all over the internet.

    She is a liar liar who lies !!!
    This show she always tells on herself … she over compensates and the truth is always clear!!!
  7. .
    QUOTE (JustAverageJane @ 26/12/2023, 03:56) 
    Hmmmm.... so maybe all the pissed off rhetoric earlier was because of the 7/7 change and then someone at Don's got sick and now the Christmas schedule changed too. So maybe she means she isn't doing traveling or Disney for the next couple months because of the new schedule and she doesn't know if later in the year she might go back to traveling once she is used to the new schedule.

    Maybe just a bunch of superfluous bullshit as usual.

    I think she said she might sell the van if she decides not to travel. She didn't seem like it was for financial reasons.

    This is what I’m leaning towards

    I just think if D** had done something wrong she would be shot quoting and way smug

    What’s her bike activity been like

    However neither of there households have seemed all that concerned about Covid … other the with her parents and when she used it as a I can’t deal with what’s happening in the world

    I mean she sent these kids to the soup kitchen in the middle of it when she didn’t have to work and they didn’t have to go.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Oatley @ 26/12/2023, 02:20) 
    QUOTE (FakingIt_MakingIt @ 26/12/2023, 02:05) 
    Jen is always over dramatic, especially when she spins things to make herself look good. I bet it’s nothing more then the 7/7 custody coming into effect and her having a martyr meltdown.

    But why can't she travel at all on her weeks off then??

    This is the only thing throwing me … why can’t she travel on her non-circumstances weeks

    Unless it’s just her throwing a fit … fine I will cancel ALL my travel .. I will show you … and then basically crying poor me … I had to cancel it all for the children !!!!!!!

    Also where are we on the Jenny cycle !??? I mean she has been so crazy the last month I’ve lost track !!!!!
  9. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 26/12/2023, 01:50) 
    me when she said she had to cancel the running events


    YEA !!!!! No stupid ass run Disney BS !!!!! I’m so excited !!!!

    First …. Merry Christmas to all !!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day with the fam jams !!!!

    Second … damn it is popping off !!!! I mean I had no idea we would be is for such a treat this season with her!!!

    I’m bouncing back and forth between it’s just a damn 7-7 switch up and she is being dramatic and an attention seeking bitch !!!!!

    And oh Damn D** is headed to jail or dying !!!

    Full disclosure… I never thought they would get divorced!! I got her about 3 months before the divorce announcement because I started digging … I knew something was off … but never thought they would divorce so quickly with such young children!!!

    It also took me a good six months to believe she really read here !!!! So sometimes I’m not good at figuring Jenny out !!!!!
  10. .
    QUOTE (Muffin Maker @ 24/12/2023, 02:14) 
    I finally caught up, so this is a bit late. But I'm not sure if anyone threw the theory out there of Don going to rehab or getting a DUI or something. I am more inclined to believe the 7-7 custody thing, but I guess these are slight possibilities.

    If it was anything that was put D** in a negative light she would be sing it from the rooftop not to mention the Bakery would have found it out already … we always find it out before she starts in!!!

    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 24/12/2023, 03:00) 
    The only time I haven’t bathed my body daily with soap was when I was suffering from heavy depression but 🤷🏼‍♀️

    ding ding ding 🛎️ !!!!
    She is depressed as fuck !!! And it’s worst than ever and that is the only reason she is talking about the shower !!!!!

    She needs help … she knows it!!!!! She is just digging her heels in like she did with the stupid vegetarian bullshit that blew marriage up… Keep going Jenny… Keep going because it worked out so well for you last time!!!!
  11. .
    QUOTE (Nefarious DisneyPrincess @ 23/12/2023, 22:28) 
    I'm too busy to comment much but I'm keeping up
    :1485540604: :1485540604:
    Happy Christmas Eve!

    Hoo boy this Season of Jen is gold! She's at peak embarrassing now with that photo rehash. She's directly goading us now. What an idiot!

    Yes I’m here for it !!!! Bring it Jenny!!!! I love seeing your fat ass spiral out of control!!!!!!!
    Have the Christmas you deserve!!!

    Can you image all the idiots that join pateron this month because she was talking about old school content only to get manic videos about her unwashed bits !!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  12. .
    I don’t think it’s about D** wanting Jenny to have more time with the kids … it’s about more stability for the kids … the stupid ass schedule they have now is awful!!!! The kids are bouncing around every few days … I doubt they ever know if what are coming or going

    On top of all the fucking traveling she does with them !!!!! It unstable for them!!!!!

    7 days in the same house is much better for them than the bouncing back and forth !!!

    Yes 100 percent at D** would be better but it is not an option.
  13. .
    [QUOTE=Nether Regions Management,23/12/2023, 16:58 ?t=62936108&st=840#entry463928028]
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 12/22/2023, 06:26 PM) 
    I’m still 15+ pages behind because my cager’s kids are in town, and it’s all Christmas festiveness over here, but I feel like this is a reference to my username. Also, Jin is disgusting!

    Oh my gosh, I hate it when I get so far behind here… I was pretty far behind too because of family being in town and Christmas and me actually liking to spend time with my husband and children… And then I got sick

    No worries you’ll catch up!!! It’s been super fun and Jenny land… I’m telling you September through February is the best time with her the rest of the time she’s just boring but boy oh boy, does she let it fly during these months!!!!

    She is disgusting… And her life is a dumpster fire!!!!

    QUOTE (Splurgysplurge @ 23/12/2023, 17:27) 
    I want to be a fly on the wall when she informed Don or a judge that she can't accept the change because she's a travel vlogger and it will interfere with her livelyhood

    She doesn’t even know what the word livelihood means… It would more be like I’m sorry Judge I can’t do this my best friend is my car and I have to fly to it a lot, so I can’t be bothered to to be with my kids… You know I have to take care of my best friend… My car!!!!!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Oatley @ 23/12/2023, 15:11) 
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 23/12/2023, 15:03) 
    I think that sounds very plausible.

    Nope, she would not say 'I don't even know how to say it, so not gonna say"... or "trying to keep the joy on for kids despite everything" or "respect our privacy" if it was a pre-determined custody change (even if she forgot the original decree or the timeline when it starts). She spoke about custody changes in the past freely without illuding something ominous is happening and without giving details of the changes. So she could have just done that. She talked about 2-2-5-5 etc freely. She would have said 'there are going to be some custody pattern changes and I need to change my pre-bookings for that which I'm not liking but gotta do'

    I don’t recall her speaking about it really… In fact, I feel like we speculated for quite a while about what their custody change actually was, and she only confirmed it recently

    I do recall her saying in a past video that she would eventually go to week on week off… But I don’t think she talks about it freely

    In fact recently, when she confirmed exactly what it was, I was feeling like she let it slip because it’s been documented on the calendars now for a year and we’ve caught on and she realized it and so it slipped out in a video

    She often does this when she reads here just like when we had been talking about the fact that it’s thought that she drinks a lot because she’s so red… Literally like two videos later, she was explaining why she was red in her video and flushed… Pretending that she was just mentioning it… That she didn’t know why she was even talking about it… This is what Jenny does!!!
  15. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 22/12/2023, 18:26) 
    Question about her hair washing twice a week. She said people are so weird about personal hygiene think about it years ago people only took a bath once a week. She takes a shower everyday, I am washing the parts of me that need to be cleaned, not to go into too much detail but I don't use soap on every part of my body it's drying. I soap any pit areas and dark areas but I don't soap my arms and legs. I don't get my hair wet on the days I don't wash but I sweat every day. I'm finding, I noticed that I'm sweating less, I still sweat a lot but at 40 I'm sweating a little bit. My hair actually actually looks better when I sweat on it, it gets greasy or faster if I haven't sweat. I don't use dry shampoo. The more I sweat the better it looks between washes. Sweat is just water salty water that came out of your body, it adds volume to my hair, I don't see how that's worse than putting some chemical compound called dry shampoo into your hair. I don't see how that's dirtier I feel much dirtier when I use dry shampoo (agree with her, dry shampoo is gross, so I wash my hair). I know people have lots of thoughts and feelings and judgments on that but it's my hair and I'm going to do what I want with it.
    I think we focus way too much on cleaning the body in this culture the thing is the body will keep itself in a more natural state the less you put stuff on it.

    No, it’s called depression you stupid freak get some help!!!!!
1236 replies since 18/11/2019