The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by LyingLiarWhoLies

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    I thought she wasn’t gonna buy any new furniture… She already doesn’t like the bed in the bedroom and is asking opinions on buying a new bed… Here we go!!!!!!
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    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 17/3/2024, 04:29) 
    Excellent summation LyingLiarWhoLies !

    She's giving those kids such a warped view of reality. At around 26 minutes, she talks about how she had no option but book concierge. She says "I told the kids- enjoy it- it might not happen again" So gross!! So now, she is going to make sure the kids hyper-focus on the perks of concierge vs. verandah.
    When I was a kid we might stay at a Howard Johnson. The ice machine down the hall was so exciting. The pitter-pat of kids running to refill their ice bucket.

    Jen- you moron- you're killing ""the magic moments". Water Water All Around and Not A Drop to drink, like concierge Jen.

    I mean, honest to God I would even have a little bit of respect for her if she was going out and running actual marathons!!!!

    But she literally pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to Disneyland… To wear a cheap skirt and waddle Past people that are paid to take photos of her…

    Then she comes home to an empty house sits in front of a camera And tells her story to a bunch of strangers!!!!!

    None of these people are her friends. None of these people really care about her!!!!!

    I mean when you really stopped to think about her life, it is incredibly sad and it’s depressing to think about so I can’t even imagine the amount of depression she has living it… No wonder all she does is stuff her face and And her basement!!!!!!! It’s an awful way to live, and there is no amount of money that would ever convince me to live the way she’s living!
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    There’s plenty of things wrong with her don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying she’s a greatest person!!!!

    But it would make a whole hell of a lot more sense and make her a whole hell of a lot more money if she gave a certain amount of money to her daughter, who then purchased crap from Amazon from her links… She would make more profit!!!!

    All of her money is coming from Amazon Amazon, which is why she pushes it so much and continues to purchase and her YouTube videos!
  4. .
    There is no point in buying subscribers… You don’t get paid based on how many subscribers you have… YouTube does not push your video because you have a lot of subscribers… In fact, it can be harmful to a YouTube channel if you have a lot of subscribers but not a lot of video views. So if you have 700,000 subscribers and you only get 20,000 views on your videos, it can be harmful to your channel.

    In fact, the YouTube world has changed so much and the last five years it literally does not matter how many subscribers you have it only matters how many times your video is viewed by unique watchers

    You can’t get paid for watching your own videos so even if she puts her videos in the background and they run, she will not get credit for that watch.

    I can promise you where she’s making all her money is from her dollar tree Hall videos… Which lead viewers to watch other dollar tree videos, which she still gets a percentage for. So if you click on her video and watch her dollar tree haul and another person dollar tree Video pops up and you click on it she is still getting a percentage from you watching the other video.

    The misconception is that website That report how many subscribers you have report with each single subscriber you get it doesn’t… Those types of Webs websites report in 1000 increments!!!!

    Also… And today’s society people push the subscribe button and then never go back and watch a video… I have been known to watch somebody’s video and I feel like if I watch more than 2 to 3 minutes of the video I should give them a subscribe because it means I’ve liked the video and I said subscribe to them to show them that their effort and making the video is gaining them subscribers… but then I never go back and watch another video… For whatever reason I’m not interested in that topic… Whatever the case maybe.

    So if you just do the tiniest bit of research, and if you have the tiniest bit of understanding, more subscribers does get you anywhere… And it would be a waste of money for anybody to be buying subscribers.
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    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 16/3/2024, 23:44) 
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 3/16/2024, 05:26 PM) 
    Oh, this is TRAGIC! 😂😂😂


    She acts like she's winning gold in Paris this summer

    What a lonely, sad life… There are moments that I get so pissed off that she is so shot in the ass with luck and then I see photos like this of her… Where she’s literally doing the same thing over and over and she thinks she’s conquered the world and then she has to go home to her house that is completely empty She has no friends. Her family hates her. Her kids can’t stand … and then she has to spend some amazing story and put it out to a bunch of strangers online… I think there is nothing more sad than this woman and no matter how much money she has or how many things “work out” for her she still at the end of the day has nobody… Just a closet full of cheap skirts and hidden chocolate !!!!
  6. .
    I guarantee those shoeboxes with the brand new pairs of shoes will be at the top of her closet next year when she does a clean out and she’s throwing out all of the workout clothes she has now because none of them fit her!!!

    Try to wear them… She’s not gonna get rid of them!!! They’re gonna sit in the box on the top shelf, not being used!!!

    This video is making me extra pissed off… I literally just put back a $20 purse because I felt like they were better things to use our money on even though I haven’t had a purse in six years. It just wasn’t necessary… There’s other things economy that are more important to spend money on and deal with… And it pisses me off the amount of money she literally pisses away.!!!! That literally somebody’s life!!!! She is the most wasteful, ugly Piece of shit person I’ve ever seen in my entire life
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    QUOTE (Crusty Cooter Cloth @ 15/3/2024, 20:53) 
    At about the 19 minute mark when showing the trash bags there is some black splotches on the wall. Could that be mold growing through the paint?????

    I also feel like the spot has gotten bigger since last year… Because it made an appearance last year when she was doing spring cleaning or closet cleanup or whatever shit she does these days… I feel like that spot was much smaller!!!
  8. .
    Of all the things to get Reggie about, I know this is like the least of the issues… but move the fucking books out of your closet …. It is stupid they are there !!!!
  9. .
    Of all of Jenny’s personalities… I hate Disney run Jenny the most. She’s so gross.!!!!!!
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    How in the hell does she still have 900 people paying her for this bullshit??? It is only gotten worse and worse on her content and there’s still so many people willing to pay her monthly. It is maddening.!!!!!!
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    QUOTE (xphiler4ever @ 11/3/2024, 00:14) 
    Someone already said it but I cannot get over how someone does this and doesn't realize how beyond cuckoo bananas it is.


    Come on… What is the matter with you?? Can’t you see how brave this is?? Can’t you see the incredible progress that she’s made in her life to be able to post this exact video… The fires she has walked through to be able to post this… Show a little respect.!!!!!!!! 🙃🤣🙃
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    QUOTE (D**'sGlowUp @ 9/3/2024, 17:16) 
    Her manic rolling around on the floor filming her “exercise” is an absolute cringe fest. How… HOW do you watch that footage back and still elect to put it on the internet?!?

    Also, have been in and out with her rambling but does this look right for this month of croissant crumb chasing and concierge cruising?


    Sometimes I think she doesn’t edit… Meaning, she doesn’t watch back her footage she just thinks oh I remember what I filmed and she just pops in her intro or a couple details but doesn’t watch it fully back and that’s why so many things get left in.

    And sometimes I think she just literally has no self awareness and she thinks she’s amazing and everything she does is right, so it doesn’t matter

    She probably thought it was so brave of her to show her working out because of all the trolls and everyone is mean to her and she wrote above it and post it anyways… She’s delusional
  13. .
    QUOTE (Gene Is Sis Concert @ 6/3/2024, 01:56) 
    Did this sugar pig really make a 9x13 pan of brownies with M&M’s? She’s said her kids don’t like chocolate so obviously she’s going to inhale the entire pan on her own. Doing it for the big girls!

    One of her blogs from just recently had her buying four or five boxes of brownie mix, and making at least two of them a week. Jmoney is eating more sweets in a week than most of us eat all year.

    As far as Disney… And Disney cruises go, I will never understand it. Disney is so overrated and overpriced. As a grown ass woman, there are 1 million other places I would rather go than a dumb ass overpriced theme park.

    And her kids have got to be bored to death of Disney… They’ve been more in their short life than most people dream of grow going their entire life.

    QUOTE (Splurgysplurge @ 6/3/2024, 03:19) 
    I'm had a relatively normal childhood

    My mom and dad had us involved though - I did violin, dance sports foreign language class plus all the school activities etc.

    Now I'm a homebody - I always was - but even when I was 7/8 those school vacations were a time to slow down off a minute

    I loved holidays breaks and sleeping in and having the treat pancakes or getting a McDonald's happy meal and coming home and building a fort ...

    Don't you think those kids miss those times ??? The Disney cruises are fun every now and then but this on repeat stuff is crazy and exhausting

    It is weird… It’s fucking weird at the highest end of the scale weird.

    As I said, I have no desire to do Disney. I don’t get it I think it’s so stupid. But I have a very good friend who loves all things, Disney… Her and her family have always gone every couple years.

    This year she’s going with and sister-in-law and she’s not taking her husband or kids this time around… I think that’s even weird but she hasn’t been in a couple years… In fact they haven’t been since before Covid, so I’m like OK I get it… I feel like it’s probably pretty normal… All the shit Jenny does is weird as fuck!!!! And sad… OK whatever I’m sure she’s reading here she’s like oh whatever I love to be weird… Let my freak flag fly. It’s amazing… But the truth of the matter is it’s very sad. She lives a sad, lonely life which is why she’s depressed as fuck.!!!!!!
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    QUOTE (cupcakequeen @ 5/3/2024, 03:59) 
    For those who think she doesn't bathe because she is depressed, I honestly don't think so. I had a family member who was very depressed for almost a year, and you know what they couldn't do? Exercise and post online. Show themselves.

    I think this is just Jen living her best life, She was also sweaty and stinky back in the day when she could show up in front of the camera with hair brushed and minimal make up and dress that was too small. This is her unleashing from that life, and in her mind she is living her best life and is not depressed at all. This is exactly how she wants to live (greasy hair and stinky pits be damned) and she finally gets to live it. Why would she be depressed. Yes, you may think that she looks slovenly because she is depressed, but I am convinced that she is slovenly because she wants to be, and has the money to not work or show up presentable anywhere--and people actually pay her for her pocket money (patreons) so she feels like she is working. She is not depressed at all--she is living her BEST life.

    I mean… Of course maybe… Maybe she’s not depressed at all and this is just totally who she has 100%.

    But I don’t think that she’s depressed just because she’s not bathing… There are 1000 other reasons I think that woman is manically depressed. I think you add them all up and it equals depression.

    And she is 1000% in denial that she blew up her life. Which is only causing more mental and emotional problems.

    Good God, the woman looks like she’s about to burst into tears every time she’s on camera… She’s over eating, over exercising, can’t focus on anything, can’t hang pictures on her wall can’t be around her children, overspending, avoiding, lashing out,… Like I said, there’s 101 reasons I think she’s incredibly depressed… Not just because because she won’t bathe
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    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 4/3/2024, 21:57) 
    i'm on a pretty strict schedule unless waiting a day or two will coincide with plans where my hair needs to look good.
    if i was living jen's life (and in her mindset of doing everything at the last minute) i'd be washing and blowdrying my hair on monday and thursday morning, ready for filming.
    she could live in squalor all week and no one would ever know.

    The fact that she could, and does it, and just lets it all hang out for the world to see is even more of an indication that she is extremely depressed!!!
    I’ve said it 100 times that she could have a very successful YouTube channel and really have that as her work and not find any other job and probably nobody would give a second thought to it… But the fact that she literally cannot even put some Chapstick on to film… Little alone, shower, and look decent it just makes it so clear that she is Extremely depressed and she really does need help

    QUOTE (Uncontrollable Resentment @ 4/3/2024, 22:28) 
    Is she afraid washing her hair more frequently will cause her to lose more of it or something? Jen, a clean and healthy scalp promotes hair growth. You aren't doing yourself any favors by holding out a week between wash days, especially when you exercise as much as you do.
    Her scalp has to be sooo dirty. 🤢

    She’s not afraid she’s depressed!
1236 replies since 18/11/2019