The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Flowerchild01

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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 8/25/2022, 09:02 AM) 
    I spy empty garden beds. End of season? Or lemon threw in the towel long ago? Another waste of major money

    You got to this before me. I was just going to post this for all who were still wondering what happened to the planter boxes. Poo!

    Typical Lemon. :lazy-good-for-nothing:
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    QUOTE (ThatsWhatSheSaid @ 8/24/2022, 09:01 AM) 
    QUOTE (Trashy @ 24/8/2022, 14:49) 
    Lemons insta story about her coffee station mess is making me irrationally upset. Paige is an adult, and allegedly works at a coffee shop, she should be able to make a drink without making a mess. My theory is it’s actually the little lemons hot chocolate she pointed out, but heaven forbid they face any discipline. I would be mortified to have my mom point out my messes online. Especially if I was the one scrambling to make coffee before heading to work while my lazy mom stayed home watching hallmark all day.

    What gets me whenever she does this, is how she plays detective everytime there’s a mess.

    “I’ll have to ask Paige if she sprayed coffee on the wall…”

    “I’ll have to see if the girls scribbled markers on the wall…”

    “I’ll have to ask Bryce if he spilled chips on the floor and walked away….”

    Sounds like you know exactly what happened and because it continues to happen, you are not doing anything about it. And doing whole Instagram stories shaming your dirty kids while all you’re doing to showing what a terrible mother you are isn’t the relatable content you think it is.

    Lemon belittles her kids every single time she posts things like that. She obviously likes pointing out the fact that her kids are messy. Well Lemon I've seen your bedroom before, and the dust bunnies all over your house, and the months of dust accumulated on that area above the front door and the ceiling fans. Let's just be real she's by no means a clean freak herself. So why she has to point out the messes the kids make is beyond me.
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    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 8/21/2022, 06:06 PM) 
    QUOTE (Flowerchild01 @ 8/22/2022, 12:04 AM) 
    Not for the life of me do I believe that for one second either.

    Plus the martyr was at it again at another wedding. I thought she said that the reception was being catered. So why was she involved in that part? I guess her "helping" out was in lieu of a gift.

    Do you think she took any of the taco bar leftovers to serve?

    Yes, of course I do, why would that go to waste. She gives the kids leftover breakfast for school lunch why would someone's wedding be different. Except for hers of course, 40-50k wedding, my ass. If that's true I bet they're still paying for it, or they defaulted. Princess!!!!
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    QUOTE (JourneyLikeJen @ 8/21/2022, 01:27 PM) 
    I don't believe 50's parents spent 40-50K on her wedding. Has anybody here seen any pictures of it?

    Not for the life of me do I believe that for one second either.

    Plus the martyr was at it again at another wedding. I thought she said that the reception was being catered. So why was she involved in that part? I guess her "helping" out was in lieu of a gift.
  5. .
    So Miranda feels the love because she gets gifts. Not because of anything else.

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    QUOTE (JamHands9 @ 8/20/2022, 10:46 AM) 
    QUOTE (MrsDoubtfire1 @ 20/8/2022, 15:40) 
    I find it super weird that 50 doesn’t put any type of ice pack in her kids lunch boxes.

    Agreed! She’s like they eat early. It’s still like 3-4 hours before they are eating since they leave early.

    QUOTE (Miranda22 @ 20/8/2022, 14:08) 
    I'm getting rather tired of these YouTuber bento lunchboxes. Maybe the kids like them, who knows. 50 said she is happy the giant lunchboxes she bought have a handle on both sides because if she packs certain things, it would spill and get messed up if it's held by the wrong handle. So Maya and Mason (and all other kids dealing with these type lunches) better not mess this up, or their lunch will be a disaster. 🙄

    I used a YumBox for my son for a few years plus some snap containers (he’s in 4th grade now so no bento). The YumBox (and Bentgo) are sealed to the top of the container so things don’t go all over.
    The regular containers aren’t so I pack things individually or not something that would be bad if it moved around.

    I try to reduce my environmental impact with prepackaged things so I like the wash and reusable containers. For 50 it makes no sense since she uses everything individually packaged.

    Speaking of environmental impact, I don't know if you all have heard of the channel The Dougherty Dozen or not. These people have 14 kids and the amount of one time use crap that they buy is insane. They went on a beach vacation a few weeks ago and filled something like 12 carts full of mostly one time use food.

    You have to go check out this ridiculous lady and her channel. And then watch The Dad Challenge Podcast. This guy is great, I think.

    Dad Challenge Podcast video:

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    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 8/19/2022, 04:16 PM) 
    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 19/8/2022, 16:04) 
    I live in mn land of ten thousand plus lakes. Most people here but boats not jet skis. So you know mote people can use them. If they go to the lake only one or two at a time can use it. A boat would be smarter


    Lol, I'm in Wisconsin, and we laugh at Minnesota being "the land of 10,000 lakes" because we have more lakes than you! (Don't hate me...just giving you shit! 😊)

    Anyway, the area I live in has a very high concentration of freshwater lakes. We are a tourist town, and have a high number of wealthy visitors with second homes here coming from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison. These people have serious money. Locals all have small boats. Only the wealthy have pontoons and jet skis. The people have million dollar lake homes as their second homes here, and I can guarantee their children's higher education was taken care of before they bought water "toys". The Lemons look ridiculous.

    The Lemons are absurd in their spending. They are so obsessed with their own satisfactions before their kids, and their futures. Man it's expensive to pay/help pay for college. There is going to be a significant problem when college rolls around trying to pay for it. Maybe it will be 4 out of 4 not getting no further education. They will be and I'm sure are such PROUD PARENTS.
  8. .
    OMG! Two more kids have escaped Noel? Yay for them! I haven't watched her or read here in a very long time. The video titled "They're Moving Out" just came up in my feed so I had to come and see what was being discussed here. Not much yet, but I'm quite sure there will be comments soon.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 8/19/2022, 08:57 AM) 
    That is THEE most ridiculous purchase i have ever witnessed!!!!!

    They go on ONE lake trip per year!!! Rent the stupid jet ski you fools!!

    What’s even worse is how she words that post. She is an arrogant loser. Sits on her ass most days and then tries to come off like a baller. There is absolutely no reason for her to post that he bought that. Shame on her.

    Lemon loves going to the lake …why you ask?
    Does she like to hike? No
    Swim? Nope
    Grill? Not a chance

    She likes to go so she can sit around and do nothing except eat while her parents pay the bill, her mother cooks, her father entertains the kids on the boat rides.

    This is enjoyable for her. Sad

    Oh my God my feelings exactly. She is so damn pompous about it. They are some of the most materialistic people. They're actually sickening about how they boast.
  10. .
    The sheer wastefulness of these people is crazy. A Jet Ski, right where will they store that in their garage they can't even park a car in? That is a frivolous thing to be buying right now. Those two are completely sickening. every time I go days without knowing what's going on in the Lemon life they are spending more money on something not needed. The summer is OVER. They won't use that thing til ma and pa Lemon pay for the next lake trip NEXT YEAR> Many more lake trips my ass. I wonder if Lard Ass Lemon got on the thing? If they both got on it together they probably sunk the thing. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:


    How many vacations has Lemon been on this year 6? She acts like such a spoiled little princess. She's just gross.
  11. .
    Literally, her video today, to me, was her grovelling for losing her s**t and being an a** in her Live videos. Trying to make it seem like she really has a genuine spot in her heart for any of her subscribers. Come on she likes the attention and especially the gifts also they may need whatever she makes from YT. I just feel the video was for show and not sincere.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 8/17/2022, 10:47 AM) 
    I guarantee the reason college or any continuing education was not encouraged with Paige is because of money. Lemon doesn’t find education necessary or beneficial. She must not realize that if her husband didn’t have a degree as he does, they would be living with her parents with 4 kids.

    Sad. Lemon just had to pour money into unnecessary renovations and impulse spending. And massive amounts of food that they do not need.

    Meanwhile her daughter is “planning her future”

    I wonder….does anyone HELP her plan her future?? Or is this also a do it yourself task like high school

    Sure Lemon sure. How would she ever do that, did she actually have access to a Guidance Counselor that could help her? No just family that doesn't seem to have helped her so far. Maybe she's going to start school at a community college in a few weeks.
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    QUOTE (Anothertimesuck @ 8/16/2022, 02:59 PM) 
    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 8/16/2022, 01:04 PM) 
    Even if the lemonshits had $$$ like that coming in she'd live pay check to pay check.

    You mean Mark's paycheck to Mark's paycheck? LOL!

    It still chaps my ass that Lemon wastes all that money and yet - no housekeeper, fancy car, spa days (at a real spa), having her hair or nails professionally done, clean grout, professional renovations, etc. She spends money on the SUPIDIEST SHIT EVER.

    That's because what she's trying her hardest to look like is not what they are in the least. They are not even upper middle class. And I bet she thinks that there are soooo many people that are envious of them. Not true, he hasn't even had this job long enough to actually have any money. The main reason is his wife pouring through their funds like it's raining money. They will be up shits creek without a paddle when or if hard times hit. THEY HAVE NOTHING! The most that they have is any equity in that house, and only because they can't easily touch that. She can imply they have savings, but they don't. They haven't even finished the kitchen yet, two years later. She acts like a Lady of Leisure but all she is is a lazy good for nothing a**hole.
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    QUOTE (spyro the dragon37 @ 8/16/2022, 02:04 PM) 
    Notice all her videos now feature Winnie
    I hate how she calls the brat the Queen
    we dont need to see the kids mouth she makes faces into the camrea not cute did we really need the whole sepal in the beginning???
    things that say Keto will they help with weight loss?
    waste of money for the smart sweets

    so what she is tired so are many other people.
    she bought 1 thing healthy strawberry's
    tim hortons coffee is not good i miss my tim hortons coffee.I'm going to ask my close freinds to bring me some when they come for my wedding.(Havnt
    more crystal light thats garbage
    she got Winnie 3 barbies did she think of the boys? did she think to get them a gift card or something no she didn't does winnie ever think of her brothers no she dont she thinks of mommy can i have this mommy can i have that miranda says yes

    Just Average
    I’m fr. the same town , she is a pain in the ass , we who grew up with her know her very well & know enough too call a spade when we see a spade ! I’ve moved away due to work but know that she is good at bullshiting ! Both sides of the family know all her s/m platforms, that’s a no brainer . how could they not lol . They are a train wreck 💯 except for the 2 boys . They’re stuck in the middle of her , him & the brat sister , & don’t think Curtis is innocent , he is right there next to her helping her & aiding her with the B/S shit show contents they BOTH create daily.
    Does she act the same on youtube as she does in public??
    What is Winnie like in public??

    Me too!!! The problem with calling her that is now she's put Winnie above herself. Stupid!!!
  15. .
    Why in the world is Lemon spending $30 a water bottle for kids that are so irresponsible with their things? By the time someone is 10 they shouldn't be forgetting things like homework, water bottles, backpacks, jackets, etc. I do understand that does happen on occasion though. Her kids are going to be at such a disadvantage in life because they have an overgrown child "raising" them. If you know that your kids are prone to losing and or forgetting their things all of the time then why are you spending that kind of money on those items? She loves the DT, I'm sure they sell water bottles. And as far as backpacks go why spend a lot on those when they get new ones every year? It won't matter that the things are trashed by the end of the school year they're getting new ones the next year anyway. She's just so frivolous with money that it's just pathetic actually.
3019 replies since 19/11/2019