The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ContributeToTheCollective

  1. .
    QUOTE (Suzanne’sBiggestFan @ 26/3/2022, 23:36) 
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 26/3/2022, 23:33) 
    not sure if the weekends change after Break

    so he either has them W&Th
    Wed thru Sunday night-she gets them Mondays

    I always forget she has the kids enrolled in full time work camp…I mean school….

    Boy these kids get shuffled around so much! Maybe I’m old school though? When I was younger, I only spent time with my Dad/His family on the weekend and every other holiday.

    I really hope the kids have duplicates of everything they want and need at both homes. I couldn’t imagine being that young and never knowing where you are when you first wake up, and not being surrounded by your things.
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    QUOTE (AirportHashBrown @ 3/26/2022, 08:21 PM) 
    QUOTE (WonderOrBlunder @ 26/3/2022, 19:25) 
    Her feet pronate SO much, i don't know how she hasn't sprained both her ankles!

    Technically, they supinate but yes, it really looks terrible, especially for a runner. Additionally, it puts extra stress on the calf muscles to compensate. So, it makes them grow even larger. This all reminds me of CC's walking issues as a toddler. The Boyles women feet are cursed.

    I'm no doctor, but I suspect her continued sunburn need to punish herself by running and doing high impact exercises haven't done her foot issues any favors. The fact that she refuses to work within her bodies limits and proper medical treatment like bunion surgery, is going to lead to a world of hurt and disability if she isn't careful.
  3. .
    I would like to add the salt and sweat incrusted ball cap she never washed while hiking in Italy.
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    QUOTE (Backupbunsy @ 25/3/2022, 03:00) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 24/3/2022, 23:40) 
    The kids can’t fill her narcissistic supply. She had no choice but to post the video and the Instagram post and stories.

    Hope you’re enjoying the magic, CC and Donny.


    My mother is a Narc, and the neglect I felt as a kid is similar to what I suspect CC and Donny the fourth experience. The number one rule is you just go with her mood. She sets the tone. You don’t need, want or ask for anything. You figure it out. And this can feel quite overwhelming when you are not sure how to resolve what you need. Many times, I would wait to ask my grandparents, since my dad was also out of the picture. I’m thankful that Don is at least attentive towards the kids that goes a long way to helping them feel loved and secure.

    But living with a narc mom who is so caught up in how the world has treated her wrong, leaves little time for making fun memories. I suspect they are doing everything Jen wants to do, and very little to nothing they really want to do. CC may rebel and try to ask for what she wants, but she knows she will most likely not get it from Jen.

    I hope Don and T have let them know they will go again to WDW, this way, she will know there is a better chance of actually doing something she wants to do.

    My mothers narc ways have impacted our relationship as an adult. Once my grandparents died, there was no real reason to get together. And then when we tried, her toxic and selfish habits ruined what would have been a nice memory. Organically, our relationship has evolved into low to no contact. Sadly, I think we are both happier this way.
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    QUOTE (DonlessJen @ 22/3/2022, 20:36) 
    QUOTE (TheyCallMeBigBerthaGene @ 3/22/2022, 02:31 PM) 
    Ugh. I get so angry when I think about all those bullshit trips she took last year instead of spending that money and time on making her home nice.

    Also, Jenions seem to have the mental capabilities of a gnat. How are they not putting two and two together that this woman blows tons of money on crap and herself as a way to run from the responsibilities of her life. And now they are PAYING her too.

    U. G. H.

    But it's not an either/or type of situation. It's not like she chose to spend money on travel instead of fixing her house. She has the money for both. She just has no desire to make that house a home for her kids and herself.

    She could easily afford to fix up the house if she wanted to. It's just those damn chai lattes she can't afford on her own.

    When started talking about the walls in her office being bare, I thought for sure she was about to say, “because I didn’t expect to be here for very long.”
    Instead, she said something about the configuration of her desk needed to work out before she could put something on the wall. The longer she drags her feet about fixing up the house the more I think she’s struggling to realize they are not getting back together.
  6. .
    Doesn’t anyone think that the spring refresh video would’ve been a better YouTube vide???I’m telling you, she’s not going to post anything to YouTube. She’s making the more money doing this on Patreon than she ever did on YouTube.

    She didn’t move to a different town. She knows where she can recycle her boxes and her technology.

    Also didn’t anyone else notice that Winnie’s grooming station didn’t have the blankets or towels or pillows that she had before on the desktop. She’s not grooming that poor animal regularly.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/22/2022, 08:21 PM
  7. .
    QUOTE (RudeItalian @ 22/3/2022, 00:18) 
    This is my first time posting, after being a long time lurker… so, hello Bakery!

    Don’t get me wrong, I will never Jen-fend but… am I the only one that feels genuinely sorry for her after Don&Ten’s wedding invite went public? Jen must feel hurt, watching her ex move on so quick and happy!

    I understand why you might think that. Because it was quite a shock for some of us here at the bakery to think that he would move on so quickly.

    But I think it’s important to keep this in mind. She has yet to tell her audience that he is married. She has yet to acknowledge that her children have bonus siblings.

    She even chastised her audience by telling them not to believe anything unless it comes from her.

    If she were my friend, and we lived far away from each other, and she failed to tell me that her ex was married. Or worst waited years to tell me that he had married, I would be royally pissed.

    So I wonder how long her loyal followers will feel once she does acknowledge that he has moved on?? And I suspect it won’t be for years before she acknowledges his new life.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/22/2022, 02:03 AM
  8. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 20/3/2022, 20:10) 
    Brand new Birkenstocks for the spending tally


    What the hell? Is she an amputee? Where is her other foot?
    I can’t imagine she’s contorting herself in such a way she’s balancing yourself on one leg while taking a picture of her feet/foot. Jen, give it up no one needs to see that.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/20/2022, 08:54 PM
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 20/3/2022, 17:01) 
    Maybe Aunt Julie expressed concern that Winnie might pass while she is gone and she wasn't comfortable making decisions like that?

    Yeah, Jen tends to air on the side of drama. I have a feeling Aunt Julie sees the condition Winnie is in and doesn’t want to be left with the responsibility of dealing with he with any end of life care or decisions, because Jen decided to run away for a few days thousands of miles away.
    It was Aunt Julie’s attempt to draw boundaries with Jen. She’s not going to be cornered into making hard but necessary decisions about Winnie.
    I mean Jen left for a three day Vacay run to Disney, knowing her kids had Covid. So it’s not out of the realm of possibility she would hang Julie out to dry to make the difficult decision about Winnie.
  10. .
    She has so many topics she could work with and even if she didn’t want to go Through the nitty-gritty of planning and executing an activity video, she should find someone to talk to, like a professional yoga instructor, or another enthusiast who likes planning or decorating or whatever interests her at the time. This way she can watch the chat, and provide valuable information at the same time. But she won’t do it, because she’s antisocial. She just wants all the attention on her.

    I wonder how many people will have to leave the Patreon before she wakes up to the idea she hast to give them what they want? But I suspect she’ll just dismiss them as not her type of people anyway. It’s very childish I know, but I have to remember who were talking about.

    She’s not a businesswoman Or a true content creator.
  11. .
    I think we’re all in agreement it’s just going to be her talking about herself to her camera. She’s not to going plan anything for them. She’s not going to make any specific content for them.

    They’re telling her what they want.

    They want planning videos. What does she say in response “oh I don’t plan anymore”.

    We want to see packing videos. She replies I don’t have time for that.

    We want exercise or yoga videos. She replies, I’m not a certified yoga instructor.

    She doesn’t to want do anything that they want her to do.

    They’re giving her the benefit of doubt, because of who she was as Mrs. Ross 1.0.

    If she’s not careful, she’s going to lose her base supporters. And then she won’t have anyone to turn to to give her pats on the back and feed her narc supply.

    Part of being in a relationship with anyone Jen, is showing up for them. Even if that means you have to do what they want to do.
  12. .
    I don’t think Jen is rich. But I think she is upper middle class/Chicago Suburb comfortable. I suspect her net worth is about 5-10 Million, thanks to her marring well. This translate to a comfortable life, and if she plays her cards right, she won’t have to work. But I don’t think she can continue to spend $80K a year on trips. She doesn’t have enough Tiffany pretties to hawk to continue to do that.

    I find it interesting that she says she only has two international trips planned this year, but nothing really beyond that. I would love to see a poll on what will be her next persona.

    My guess, Jen the divorced loner. She will come up with live “cook with me’s” and may try to do something creative with the house. It just bothers me how oblivious she is to the way her house feels and how it impacts the kids and her overall happiness.

    By all apearances it looks like the kids have a happy fun alternative to their mothers gray mosuleum, which makes me wonder what they really think about her.

    It would have been smarter for her to either invest the 80K in making the house a home, or buying a smaller house that could have been easily converted into a home. But her house is a reflection of her current soul: gray, boring and lifeless. As a result, sometimes I think we expect too much from her.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/20/2022, 12:42 AM
  13. .
    I don’t think Jen is rich. But I think she is upper middle class/Chicago Suburb comfortable. I suspect her net worth is about 5 Million, thanks to her marring well. This translate to a comfortable life, and if she plays her cards right, she won’t have to work. But I don’t think she can continue to spend $80K a year on trips. She doen’nt have enough Tiffany pretties to hauk to continue to do that.

    I find it interesting that she says she only has two international trips planned this year, but nothing really beyond that. I would love to see a poll on what will be her next persona.

    My guess, Jen the divorced loner. She will come up with live cook with me’s and try to do something creative with the house. It just bothers me that she oblivious she is to the way her house feels and how it impacts the kids and her overall happiness. By all apearances it looks like the kids have a happy fun alternative to their mothers gray mosuleum, which makes me wonder what they really think about her.

    It would have been smarter for her to either invest the 80K in making the house a home, or buying a smaller house that could have been easily converted into a home. But her house is a reflection of her current soul gray, boring and lifeless. As a result, sometimes I think we expect too much from her.
  14. .
    Thanks for the summary. It’s obvious she is going to drop YouTube. She is going to stay were the money and praise keeps her high. And, as long as the group doesn’t ask hard questions, she will stick with it for awhile.

    That poor dog….all I can see is her hind legs strapped on that board. I’m sure that didn’t help, and maybe it caused the problem she is facing now.

    Also, did her Patreon live also include filters? If not, her group is really going to see the real Jen up close and personal, without all of the blurring and hazing.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/19/2022, 10:54 PM
  15. .
    I suspect on her live tomorrow, if she does it, she’s going to regurgitate something from the last chapter she read in some self-help book. This will be her way to cope with whatever is troubling her. She’s going to try to look intelligent and woke, but it will come across as trying too hard and immature. Considering we know more about behind the scenes than she realizes.
665 replies since 3/12/2019