The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ContributeToTheCollective

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    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 19/3/2022, 03:15) 
    It appears the Rosses were Jen's entire community..

    But Tens brought an entire new community to the Rosses, and elevated the Rosses to the 21st century. She has friends and connections.
    Jen has me out here....a Patreon account?

    Jen doesn’t like people but she has 500+ people paying to be her friend in a para social relationship. I suspect she won’t remember any names or details of any of her new “friends”. When you are in a relationship with Jen, the focus in on Jen. Otherwise, she has no time for you.
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    QUOTE (DonlessJen @ 19/3/2022, 02:56) 
    I want to say this might kick her into reality and she can now move on. But, if she didn't do that when they had their actual civil ceremony and legally became a married couple, this probably won't do anything to help her either. She'll just mope, exercise, travel, same as always.

    Yes, there seems to be two parallel universes here. The one where we live, and know what an mature, responsible and loving person would do…..and then there’s Jen’s reality of deflect and avoid.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/19/2022, 03:04 AM
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    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 19/3/2022, 02:45) 
    And here’s my question… Why is it such a rattling news she one of the divorce for five years her and Don are never Ever getting back together… They’re not good together… They’re not compatible together… She absolutely 100% wanted this divorce… So why the with this kind of news rattle her… oh yeah because she’s a liar liar who lies she blew up her life and she is super miserable and depressed over the fact that Don is clearly the one winning!!!!

    I couldn’t agree more. It’s time for her to move on. I suspect she had a heads up before it was made public. Maybe the kids told her, who knows? It would explain however her manic phases and why she decided to start Patreon now. She needed the validation after being reminded she was dumped and replaced quite easily. Not to mention, the other people in her life have left and are not looking back.

    She should do the same and seek some professional help.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/19/2022, 02:54 AM
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    Maybe, now that she has a Don Dollars replacement, she thinks she should act like a baby, so when she does or gives the bad news, we remember how cute and vulnerable she is? Then, we won't get mad at her. When in reality she looks selfish and unstable. She really needs help, ASAP.

    My money is something has conveniently happened to Winnie, and she will have to postpone the trip to DW,

    Imagine being one of her kids watching their mother cuddle a teddybear more than she cuddles them.

    The teddybear is the Advent and Easter chocolate in another form.

    The kids must feel left out on a regular basis. They always seem to get Jen scraps.

    Trust me Jen, when you pull crap like this you are telling your kids you think of yourself more than you think of them. You are also sending a strong message, that they are unworthy and can't have nice or good things, when they are with you.

    You are also showing a poor example of how to cope with the challenges of life.

    You really need to see a professional to learn skills to cope in a healthy way, beyond impulse purchase and eating your feelings.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/18/2022, 10:37 PM
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    I don’t understand what she’s talking about in terms of negative comments?? Many people are just saying “I don’t want pay to watch your videos.”

    People are offering their constructive criticism about her lack of consistency, or failure to provide interesting or valuable contact the actually want to watch. But that’s what I thought she wanted, constructive criticism to help her grow?

    It’ll be interesting to see if her discussion boards inside of her safe space turn “nasty”.

    Also she’s not going to make everybody happy with whatever charity she chooses to donate to. I suspect that will be the first round of negativity, in her “safe community”.

    You can already see she is starting to get overwhelmed, by the idea of all the content she’s promising. She’ll end up posting more haphazard live videos, just to meet the quota, not really focused on quality. But, that’s what she’s been doing the past couple of years anyway. If people are expecting her to change Back to the old Jen, they’re going to be sorely disappointed.

    Also she’s going to leave YouTube like a bad relationship just watch.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/18/2022, 03:38 PM
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    For once I would like her to start the video saying, “I’ve taken time to prepare something I think you’ll really like, here we go.” Rather than acting like vlogging is an afterthought. I think that’s what annoys me the most with her new unkept persona. This whole living by her own whims and whimsy, is Not cute and is in fact disrespectful to her audience.

    Edited by ContributeToTheCollective - 3/18/2022, 04:51 AM
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    A crafty baker could create a “Jen spiral” of her last 24 hours. The high from seeing hundreds of paying Jenions climb over themselves to give her $5 and be her friend. To what she must be feeling now, with many of her loyal followers are calling out her scam and have decided she’s not worth their time.
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    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 18/3/2022, 02:18) 
    Where did she say she is using CBD now???

    In her Patreon video, she’s in her crap room sharing her thoughts and justifications for using CBD.
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    QUOTE (WalkingPharmacyonaStationaryBike @ 3/17/2022, 09:32 PM) 
    Thank you to the bakers who shared here, I saved my $5 and instead treated myself to my Starbucks drink of choice. Cheers!
    Also I had no idea she had that many theater subscriptions. That could be content people would watch: reviews and theater and travel content for people within driving distance. Like this weekend I’m staying at this air B&B and seeing this show and eating here and shopping there. I’d watch the especially if I was within a few hours’ drive of Chicago. That’s interesting and relevant and would provide value and even help her meet people if she decided to include interviews.

    I couldn't agree more. But I get the impression theater is "performative" for her. She goes to appear cultured, not because she is so engaged in the art form she actually has an opinion about it. I mean, beyond, it was funny. Or, "it was really good."
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    QUOTE (Depl @ 3/17/2022, 09:14 PM) 
    I can’t believe she’s up to almost $3000 a month now.

    Well, looks like The First Mrs. Ross has gone and got herself a job. Bye-bye hobby channel! Enjoy the criticism Gene!


    Yah, I went to go check and she hid the money total. Like people can't multiply 5 x 565.

    One of the first comments was brilliant.
    "I’ve been a follower since you started YouTube and I’ve seen it all with you! I respect your decision. I need to be honest though, you’ve been all over the place for the last few years at least. In my opinion, i don’t think you know what you want, you keep searching and searching trying to find peace and happiness in things....items....adventures.....etc. i do believe this (patron) is going to change when you find this isn’t giving you the happiness you thought it would like so many other things you have talked about. Jen i really do respect you for all that you’ve gone though and the person we see here on YouTube, but looking from the outside in, there is something deep within that has to get fixed first and Paterson isn’t going to do that!this wasn’t meant to offend you at all, i really do care. From others point of view after reading a lot of the comments...and this doesn’t effect me.....don’t compare $5 to buying you a partial Starbucks like it’s a lot of these people it’s very insulting when it’s a luxury to them and you don’t think twice about getting one. Choose your comparisons more wisely. I wish you luck in your journey, and hope you find the inner happiness you’ve been searching for."

    She says she wants honest discussion, well let's see how long these negative/critical comments last.
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    OMG, she is now into CBD. Talk about someone who lacks a sense of self. She is trying to morph into her ex husband's new wife. She really needs help. I hope she uses her new money to get the help she really needs.
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    QUOTE (NorthShoreExchange @ 3/17/2022, 06:53 PM) 
    QUOTE (ContributeToTheCollective @ 17/3/2022, 18:47) 
    Also, I hope having people pay for her content will inspire her to get dressed and at least brush her hair and put a little mascara and chapstick on.

    If she didn’t bother for the launch, it’s never going to happen.

    Good point. Sometimes I forget who we are talking about. Silly me.
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    She says she wants to have "real" conversations and to be corrected so that she can learn and grow. I call BS.

    People have tried over the past 2+ years, respectfully, to offer sound advice and she only internalizes the advice as an attack.

    I think there is a feature to ban a Patreon if they go against our terms of the group. I think that's the only real draw for Jen to set up a Patreon.

    Also, I hope having people pay for her content will inspire her to get dressed and at least brush her hair and put a little mascara and chapstick on.

    I can't help but think she is going to travel less this year. Because she can't keep spending like she did last year. Not to mention, I don't think she likes it very much. I agree with other bakers that she is going old school with the paid content because it's easier for her. She said something in her IG lives that the old MHWL videos are long gone, like she deleted them forever. Too, bad she didn't keep them, people would pay more simply for the "golden age" of Jen.
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    Also if she was really interesting only having a small group she could’ve capped the membership to her ideal number of Members. Now it really looks like a money grab.
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    I checked and then total between Patreon fees which are about 2.5% of the money she takes in and payment processing which is about another 3%. Subtract about 5% of Her monthly total and that’s what she’s bringing home.

    I would like to also amend my prediction about her contributions to the collective. I think on the advice of her accountant, she’ll have a big donation around Christmas time. She’ll need a tax write off, and the head pats for being such a generous person.
665 replies since 3/12/2019