The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by backupbaggie

  1. .
    I watched the Valentine’s date again. He comes off as pompous at times, but in this one I say poor Don. She makes passive aggressive comments to him, he buys her expensive gifts, and then he cooks her supper. I remember one video where she complained Don couldn’t help as much after his surgery. I think that was when poor Don realized how selfish and uncaring she is.
  2. .
    Does anyone remember the video where cc said something when she and Jen were in her room and Jen said “yes, Daddy broke it”
    I think it was a shelf on the wall or something. I think Don got addicted to pain meds after his surgery or mixed them with alcohol, lost his temper, maybe ended up in rehab and realized he was better off without her. Or he refused to go to treatment and she asked him to leave. Could someone link that video to see if I’m recalling it correctly?
  3. .
    But at least she saved money on parking 😂
  4. .
    I’m just glad she has a backup for everything or Bunsie wouldn’t have a stocking. Crisis averted.
199 replies since 11/12/2019