The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Whackadoodle

  1. .
    Okay, well I don’t think I will be going to sleep soon. I just went into the bottom cabinet to get my swisspers and felt something on my boob. It was a ROACH. I was about to wash my face. Well that’s going to have to wait a minute. I screamed bloody murder three times and sprayed his ass with hairspray until Dicky came up. He picked it up and threw it in the toilet and flushed it. I went to look and the bastard was doing the back stroke in the toilet!!!
    I sprayed his ass again and re flushed. Fuck that asshole.
  2. .
    She needs to drop Christopher Allen and burn every single self help book she owns.

    Jen - come fully gear up with and work a 13.5 hour shift in the ER with me and then tell me how hard it is to get the dishes done. This bullshit lecturing from someone who has never even experienced the real world is so disgusting.

    How do these morons in her comment section lap this utter bullshit up???
  3. .
    Shouldnt organized Jen have all those addresses for the cards ready to just be printed on labels? Load the printer and hit go FFS

    There is no excuse.
    She got the temporary high from buying the cards and too lazy to follow through.
  4. .
    Whenever I think I’m just circling the cul-de-sac of life, I just need to look at Jen.

    She’s riding a carousel. Her parents and brother have jumped off. Her husband exited. The damn thing is literally breaking down all around her and she’s gleefully clinging to a pole and exclaiming “weeeeee!” Every cycle around, she makes the same observations without fail. Same comments. Same everything.

    Her surroundings are crumbling and she REFUSES to change or adapt. She refuses to sacrifice one iota of anything for her children. She refuses to put ANYONE, even the sent-from-God stupid dog, above herself. And she still hasn’t learned a lesson. Still hasn’t been shamed enough to actually try to change. Still hasn’t been hurt enough to get a dose of reality and humbleness.

    She needs someone to insult her like the yellow doll room. Something that is going to stick and force change.
  5. .
    Wow, she is actually in an RV, with her ex in laws, going to THEIR vacation home.
    After portraying their son as the abusive monster she ran away from.
    There is only one explanation for them inviting her and tolerating her. Don must have fucked something up, big time. There is nothing else that would justify this insanity.
  6. .
    The transparency of this childish woman is unbelievable.

    Jen, thank you for comfirming that you do read here. Unfortunately you are too impulsive and not smart enough to wait a few weeks before revealing what we knew all along. Amateur!

    For starter, your husband did not ditch you because you got fat and stayed ugly. Your marriage fell apart because Don got tired of paying for a pretend wife with pretend hobbies to fulfill a pretend career. Once you also became a pretend mother - the man knew he had only two choices: booze or Boot!
    Stop with your "new to you" body positvity. For years you have flaunted your OOTD for all to see, well that was when you were a pretend influencer though. This bullshit IG story is, again, Contrast and Compare Jen at her best, or worse, whichever fits. You only want two things - control the narrative and accolades. Look at me then, but wow friends, look at me now!! Can you see how much control I have? Am I not inspiring?

    Nobody watches you for your thigh gap and Kale recipes, ok?

    Nobody can relate to your life either. The majority of your subscribers are people you perceive as below your level of social achievement. Where the fuck is the challenge in that? You want to impress? Look up, not down! Your necklace alone is one month rent for a bona fide struggling single mom out there. Body positivity, my ass (which is bigger than yours and I truly don't care nor do I look at yours and feel like I am a failure). IG alone is filled with thousands of women showcasing their before and after pictures. What's the difference? Sweat and blood for months...MONTHS of struggle and focus. Not two weeks worth of Kale, Yoga and laxatives. You idiot!

    Your pretend strength reeks of someone desperate to find herself and accept that in the end, she failed, miserably. You're brick and paper rich, Jen, that's it. There is nothing else. Your personality continues to shift and morphe based on your current needs. No substance. Seriously, pretend housewife Jen was way more fun to watch. At least the content was goal directed. We don't even know where the fuck you are going with all this shitquote and wannabe self help nonsense. You are only inspiring sorry for themselves housewives who dream of finding their own Don so they too can sit on their ass and pretend to be someone they are not. Nobody wants to be you and especially not with that skin. (I had to throw that one in, sorry). YOU ARE NOT AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN.

    Here are a few pointers:

    When you say you don't care and you look away at the same time, you are LYING! So make sure you look straigth in that $1200 camera the next time you serve the bullshit. Body language alone contradicts everything you just said and no amount of cleavage is going to compensate for the desingenous load of crap that IG story was.

    Installing shelves is nothing to brag about. If you were filling in the cracks on your 20 year old concrete patio and planting a few bushes by yourself, maybe I would pay attention. But Elfa shelves? really?

    Switch foundation, you are looking anemic.

    Also, your vagay-gay will be all dried up by the time you find a rich, never married, childless sucker to fill your many voids. At your age, with that kind of money? The choices are limited hon, you either will marry down or share the wealth with the ex, her litter and a trust fund.

    It's not your body you need to work on, it's who you are as a person. Decide who you want to be and be that person. Until then, eat Kale alone and shut up!

    The Bunion has spoken.
  7. .
    Personally I can't give an ounce of respect to a woman who:

    1.Publicizes her VBAC story like this is some kind of super hero we' re dealing with. Nobody wants to hear about my emergency csection after 28 hours worth of hard labor and how I needed a second epidural because the first one was botched so badly, half my body was dead, the other was in full labor ...three hours of this shit before the doc showed up to redo the epi. Shut up Jen. Seriously, women give birth in hotel bathtubs. Last week one gave birth on the sidewalk. You ain't special. Matter of fact, we have been giving birth for thousands of years.
    2. Sufficated under a pile of LV, Celine and other high end shit that could have paid for food and school supplies for all those Chicago black kids she wants us to believe she cares so much about. Just shut the f...up already.
    3. A woman who uses instagram to showcase her massive weight loss as though she has more will power than any body else. Because that's what it's all about. It's not about New Breathing Happy liberated Jen. This is about contrast and compare Jen. We're supposed to be inspired by some good for nothing gold digger who morphes herself into every personality on the planet when it is to her advantage. What's next? Misionary Jen goes to Guatemala to fight the plight of sex trafficking?
    4. I will retract my statement about ED, this bitch is a Borderline Personality Disorder. There is no anxiety here. She uses the Anxiety bullshit to get out of whatever situation this selfish bitch wants to avoid. Whatever is not convenient at the moment. That's right Jen, you have social axiety but only when you fear being exposed for whatever asenine lackluster amoeba you truly are. When it comes to battling the Christmas Crowd at The Container Store for some cheesy ass overpriced wraping paper, there is no anxiety there. I call bullshit and so did Don. And I am not saying he was a great guy, he always seemed to me boring AF. But good for you Don for letting this blood sucking lazy ass pretend socialite out of your hair. Tinder on!
    When you play games, you better be good at it and stick to the script. It was a matter of time before everyone in that family saw through the bullshit. Milk comes from cows. Really? Every freaking brand has some kind of cow pattern or cow illustration on its carton, yeah, even the ones that come in the glass bottles. Whoever bought this load of crap...I just can't. I guess she did not grow up with nursery rhymes, never watched a single movie where they had cows in it. This game is getting old.

    Stop the histrionic bullshit Jen, we know you read here.
    There are no pills for your illness but you sure need some serious cognitive restructuring to, at the very least, present as a human of interest to the rest of the world. Those poor children are getting nothing but mixed messages and that is a recipe for disaster.
    Also, that table screams "sociopath" to me.

    Ok, I am done.
  8. .
    Personally, I would have invested in frying pans before I wasted my ex-husband's money on a firepit.

    Jen's priorities are as messed up as ever, I see.
  9. .
    She rests one bunion on that ledge and her foot's going through it
  10. .
    QUOTE (cjeanette @ 7/8/2020, 03:50 PM) 
    If she thinks this is a "tummy" she really does have body issues.

    rest assured she does not think she has a tummy and does not think she's fat in the slightest. I'd bet we'll be getting a clothing haul soon where she accidentally-on-purpose shows all the size 4 and XS clothes she got
  11. .
    I came here to say exactly that. Funny how now that she’s lost weight, she is all vocal about being accepting of her “imperfections” and/or “curves”. That attitude would have been more admirable when you looked like the hunchback of Notre Glen or when you were smuicing in your jorts, Jen :lol:

    She wants to post all these body shots because she’s feeling herself hard right now. Why can’t she just own anything?
  12. .
    Top loader for life! I like to soak stuff, and dye stuff, and toss in a rumpus sock mid-wash
  13. .
    I don't know how she lives in that big, empty house, surrounded by boxes. That would make me crazy. She has had 3 months to move random stuff. She made the "Big" move before Memorial Day. She does not work and the kids are gone at least 3 days a week. Why is she not unpacked? Even if she is waiting on furniture, hang stuff on the walls. She is so lazy.

    Can you imagine how loud it is when the kids are running and screaming around that big empty house?

    This is why I don't think she will do much with the outside. She'll plant some iris and maybe get a playset for the kids. She never planted flowers at Ross Manor. They had a few perennials and had the lawn mowed by a lawn service.

    She has all the time and $$ to make her home beautiful, she doesn't have the talent and will not ask for help.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Depl @ 2/7/2020, 21:23) 
    She wants sympathy for the divorce. But she is never going get it unless she tells the real reasons behind the divorce.

    She has said nothing about the divorce, and that’s her choice. But people are going to fill-in-the-blanks themselves then, and things look pretty peachy for her right now.

    I wouldn't believe a word she says at this point about the divorce. Even if Don made a video corroborating everything she said I would still be skeptical thinking it was some sort if settlement they agreed on. She sees everything through a "Jen lens" which is highly, highly distorted.
  15. .
    dear friends I received a PM from someone stating that this is the house. the person that shared this information included a kitchen pic:


    just to compare from the video the school FB page posted:


    the Princess ended up in a house that is even nicer on the inside (to me) than the old house. because of course
124 replies since 19/12/2019