The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Whackadoodle

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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 6/30/2020, 05:55 PM) 
    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 30/6/2020, 23:53) 
    I am showing my age. He will always be Wesley Crusher to me. :D

    Just finished rewatching TNG yesterday

    There you go. The best Star Trek. Albeit with quite a few cheesy episodes
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    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 6/30/2020, 05:49 PM) 
    No idea who Ingrid is. But I know Will Wheaton (and not just from TBBT).

    I am showing my age. He will always be Wesley Crusher to me. :D
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    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 6/30/2020, 05:45 PM) 
    Can Jen get over her stupid berry containers, already :saying-a-prayer-smiley-emoticon

    Can you imagine having no other interests in life but berry containers? Just moved into a new house with a million new things to do and explore and this heifer is focused on berries. No man on earth will ever find her interesting. She doesn't have it in her to be appealing except for her bank account.
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    QUOTE (sweettreat @ 6/30/2020, 05:31 PM) 
    I haven't watched the whole vid yet so I'm not sure.

    Don't know who she is. But I am always skeptical of people who announce their grand exit from social media. I follow Ann Wheaton, she is the wife of Wil Wheaton of Star Trek fame for you Trekkies out there. She made a big to-do about being tired of Twitter and all the rude comments she receives. Yada yada yada. She said she was deleting the Twitter app from her phone and peace out. I kid you not, one day later she was back. I laughed and laughed. The addiction is real folks. Now, her husband on the other hand, did leave Twitter and has yet to come back. But I dare say, for women, it seems harder to give up probably because we are more social creatures.
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    QUOTE (parrothead1 @ 6/30/2020, 11:02 AM) 
    I agree-- I think she is enjoying showing tiny peeks at "her" house. The look in her eyes says it all. She is neener neener ing US. I think she reads here and she KNOWS we want to see it so she won't show it until we stop asking for it and lose interest. Snobby bitch at the finest!

    This. But truth be told, I can't blame her. If I were her, I wouldn't show it either. We have torn her house and taste to shreds and I am sure she is not eager for more. However, I am not addicted to internet attention like she, so I am sure she won't be able to resist revealing pics in due time.
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    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 6/27/2020, 09:10 PM) 
    That’s sort of what happened in the neighborhood my mom lives in. The covenant supposedly said it was to forever remain a golf course, it got sold anyway, and now the legal battle has been going on for 6 years and the course is a wasteland. There was a temporary order that they had to turn the water back on and at least make a half assed attempt at keeping it up during the process but I don’t think that lasted long. Now it’s just stalled forever in the courts.

    That is a shame. I am sorry for your mother. Some companies will risk lawsuit in hopes they can wear down the opposition. Filing motion after motion to clog it up in the courts.
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    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 6/27/2020, 07:14 PM) 
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 28/6/2020, 00:20) 
    As a golfer, I would love to live on a golf course, simply because I could go out at night and play 3 or 4 holes, if I didn't have time to play. I could also practice chipping and putting on that hole, if no one was out just before dark.

    But, I don't live on a golf course, but I do live on a lake, so that is good!

    Today I am an unhappy homeowner, LOL I'm FINALLY removing the popcorn texture from the walls of my master bathroom. It is so stupid to put that on a wall, it collects dust. In a bathroom, even more stupid! Ugh. I've been sanding to remove it and I've got just one little section left to go and I just needed a quick break, so I am having a glass of tea and reading here for a break

    I would love to live on a course, but it’s no longer a guarantee. In Vegas a bunch of courses got bought up, they destroyed the courses and put houses up. In HOA communities where people thought there was no legal chance of it happening. Now the people who paid for the premium course lots are screwed. It’s terrible.

    That can happen if there are no restrictive covenants in place that dictate what type of land use is permitted for the golf course. Some covenants will specify land use is restricted to a golf course only as part of development approval. That covenant would also apply to any future buyers of the land. The covenant could allow for some other development upon approval of the entire community or possibly just the abutting homes. If there is no contract between HOA and the golf course, then the owners of the golf course are free to do whatever it wants with the land within its zoning specifications.
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    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 6/27/2020, 05:50 PM) 
    QUOTE (Backup Bunions @ 6/27/2020, 11:28 PM) 
    It would not be good for kids to be in earshot of my hubby when he plays!🤣

    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 27/6/2020, 23:13) 
    Prestige. Somewhere along the way, golf became synonymous with upper crust. Surrounding homes are priced higher. So if you live on a golf course it means you must be somebody who can afford things. Same way disgusting fish eggs became caviar. Price it higher. Rich people think its decadent and covet it.

    There are also some who love the view of the manicured lawns and people watch. My ex has a home on a golf course and he likes to sit out and watch the people play.

    We bought on a golf course, but we are not golfers. My husband and teen son will play occasionally as the course we are on is affordable. The reason we bought here is because we like how our home backs up to so much manicured green space and a ton of trees. We know a home will never go in behind us. I don't mind the golf carts. People wave if we are in the yard. We wave back. We collect stray golf balls. Our HOA is cheap and not part of the golf club. We are in a part of the country where back yards are typically not fenced but notice the new track neighborhoods going in have the houses so close together they are fencing some of them. Coming from CA and always having a fenced yard this kinda makes me sad.

    Yep, that is what my ex likes. An open view of the lawns. And there is a definite benefit to knowing no neighbors will be backed to you.
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    QUOTE (NurseRatchet @ 6/27/2020, 03:23 PM) 
    I guess I don’t get the whole “living on a golf course” thing. The last thing I would want if I was in my backyard with my dog is a bunch of old farts with martinis swinging their stick at a small ball on a Saturday morning.

    Prestige. Somewhere along the way, golf became synonymous with upper crust. Surrounding homes are priced higher. So if you live on a golf course it means you must be somebody who can afford things. Same way disgusting fish eggs became caviar. Price it higher. Rich people think its decadent and covet it.

    There are also some who love the view of the manicured lawns and people watch. My ex has a home on a golf course and he likes to sit out and watch the people play.
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    QUOTE (LateKate @ 6/26/2020, 06:48 PM) 
    I hope we get to see pictures on Compass once it is renovated and on the market.

    I wonder how many moving vlogs we will get before we get a tour of the new house. Why does everything have to be a damn journey :tearing-hair:

    I’m sure Don lived in the basement, but that mattress looked like it was thrown in there after he moved out of the office. She said it is a holding room. They are using that mattress in the master bedroom for staging. Which means she got new bedroom furniture. We caught a glimpse of the new headboard in one of her IG stories.

    Gosh, its like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

    If I had a YT channel following like hers, I would be filming every aspect of my move and providing daily updates. I would love to have people along for the ride giving me moral support and encouragement. I'd take everyone shopping with me picking out things for my new home. Live IG's showing various items while asking the crowd, "So what do you think about this to go in the living room". Another IG Live with people helping me arrange furniture. People would be tuning in for the fun of helping her decorate. She would feel less alone, since we know she has no friends to go shopping with.

    But Hag is so morose she doesn't know how to have do anything with spontaneity and whimsy. She sucks all the joy out it, instead opting for a more staged, sterile performance so she can stick to script. She is dull.
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    QUOTE (TWO!!! @ 6/26/2020, 06:31 PM) 
    The garage was filled to the brim with more storage tubs n misc items.

    Maybe they are renovating the basement utility area and the claundary. I doubt anyone wants a claundary other than Jen. Maybe a Jenion. Imagine touring a $1.6 mil home , you come upstairs to check out the master suite, n bam in the closet there is a washer n dryer in a closet with Vinyl flooring in a mismatched color. I don't think any millionaire will opt for a cheap Vinyl flooring.

    I don't know if I am on board with the w/d being in the closet; it is odd, isn't it? But I certainly would rather have a w/d upstairs where the bedrooms are rather than all the way down in the basement. Flooring can easily be replaced.

    There are many other things about that house I don't like, the w/d in the closet is my least concern.
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    QUOTE (ElfaGoddess @ 6/26/2020, 05:48 PM) 
    Her vibe in this makes me want to sob, and it has nothing to do with feeling any pity for her. 😆 Maybe I’m an EmpathLikeJen.

    She makes it sound like a memorial video of someone who lived and died in the house.

    Hags sucked the life out of that house a long time ago.
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    QUOTE (KittyOfLeisure @ 6/26/2020, 03:06 PM) 
    This is what $1.6 million will buy you in Grosse Pointe Farms, one of the best suburbs in Michigan. Personally, I think furnishings like this are timeless but YMMV. The most striking thing is that this is a true mansion, not a McMansion. All the buildings shown belong to the house, they're not neighbors.

    Sadly, no claundry :-P

    Stately home. For me, that house would require a ton of updating. Would make for a great project for some rich person who has money to spend on remodeling because it needs work though to bring it into the 21st century. From the look of that decor, most of that house hasn't been touched since ever. The kitchen probably had a bit of an update a few decades ago. The wallpaper and paint choices are hideous. The bathrooms need severe work. I don't like the pool area- looks old, dark and uninviting. I've never been a fan of black/white checkered flooring. Some rooms look a tad cramped. I like traditional layouts but that home takes it seriously. I see a lot of walls just to put up another room or separate space. It could stand with having a wall or two knocked down to open it up a bit (never thought I would say that).

    Me personally, I'd spend my $1.6 on something more modern.

    Edited by Whackadoodle - 6/26/2020, 05:50 PM
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    QUOTE (ElfaGoddess @ 6/25/2020, 11:37 PM) 
    I have a ridiculous amount of Zillow and Realtor tabs open on my phone for Illinois, and I’m even getting emails about price drops in the area. 😂
    I need this to be resolved soon.

    I feel like we all should write HH in our (EC 🤫) planners this week.

    LOL! I have to tip my hat to all you house hunters. You guys have done a fantastic job searching. Kept us entertained with postings in a otherwise dull period of inactivity from Hags.
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    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 6/25/2020, 10:40 PM) 

    Thanks for that. Now I understand the layout.

    I don't like the option with the owner's suite on the first floor at all. Right next to the kitchen and garage and laundry room. Yuck.. And having to walk through the kitchen to get to my bedroom. No way.
354 replies since 19/12/2019