The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ChooChooTheDivorceTrain

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    QUOTE (pinksims @ 6/15/2022, 09:45 AM) 
    QUOTE (Gene Is Sis Concert @ 15/6/2022, 03:56) 
    Wow, how many times has she pulled this stunt in recent months? Starbucks Gate is the biggie that comes to mind and I know there have been others between then and today. Didn’t she tell us she had no fuck$ to give not long ago? Because Dirty Delete Gene is proving otherwise :smoking-smiley-face:

    The simple fact is that Jen doesn't know how to interact with other human beings. She does and says things that almost seem to intentionally start drama and gain her attention. She can't see the world from the point of view of anyone but herself, so she just constantly fucks it up. We are seeing in real time why she has no friends and why her marriage is done.

    I think she intentionally started the drama on IG so she could feel like a victim. She justifiably got hell at CC's graduation/felt bad about being around the Rosses and just could not deal with those feelings. To sit with them, she would have to have some inkling that she messed up. So instead, she starts IG drama so she can "safely" get attacked, feel like a victim, and be a martyr about how she can't share anything anymore. It's a way to distract herself and get her passive-aggressive rage out. She's such a bitch--many of the comments showed concern for Winnie and offered condolences. Others were very generous about Jen's intentions. She just wanted to get a crap comment so she could freak out--and then had all those other IG posts to cover up her tracks. What a sicko. I feel so badly for those kids--especially CC.
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    I'm LOVING that Jen had a freakout.

    F her for her little trick with Winnie. She's dumb but she's not that dumb--she knew what she was doing.

    And f her for how she dressed CC. I hope she got SHAMED--as she should--for dressing her so dumpy for her special day. Run to Target and pick up a cute dress and shoes--nothing expensive is needed. She showed how she treats CC for EVERYONE to see and I hope she got absolute hell for it. She totally SUCKS as a person. There is something so sick and twisted inside of her and she takes it out on CC, who she is jealous of. I feel extremely triggered by the whole CC thing because it's something my mom would've done--in her own world, totally self-absorbed, with every healthy need of a child dismissed.

    The leggings under the dress is weird. I understand wanting to protect CC from showing her underwear, but maybe just a pair of play shorts? Why this modesty wear? I don't have children, so is this need necessary at CC's age? It makes me wonder if Jen is trying to "protect" her from creeps--I've always suspected Jen was a victim of S.A. but I have no proof. Just a feeling.
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    Jen is loving all of this attention. It's so gross. It's like she gets a high off of it--the same way she gets a high from her ED and overexercising. What a sicko.
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    QUOTE (Jenn0820 @ 6/3/2022, 03:40 PM) 
    My goodness Hilary is so selfish, that vacation was totally not kid friendly and meant for her and her New England obsession. I also live in NJ and we go to the beach/boardwalk to go on rides/play games and we go with another family and their kids omg the kids have a blast!! They are only young once give them a vacation they enjoy.

    She's so WEIRD! I think a better vacation for her and her family would be to go to Ocean Grove, NJ. We go there every summer and it's a beautiful and quaint town which fabulous architecture and cute shops and restaurants. It's super Christian and DRY so no bars, alcohol, or partying. Asbury Park is right next door and each year that town is getting cooler and cooler, with great bars, restaurants, music venues, etc. She's so cheap and weird and I'm surprised Dan didn't put his foot down but he probably wasn't around much to consult with because he seems to never be home.
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    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 6/1/2022, 05:17 PM) 
    Just started watching it and she is so UPTIGHT. Her mouth and voice are very tight and shaky like someone who is ready to explode. I have to have another glass of iced tea before I go back in ...

    I thought that too and thought it was so odd! She sounded like she was really winded or really scared in a weird way. The only thing I could think of was when I once called the police about neighbors that were fighting and while trying to describe what was happening I sounded like that--I was too tense to get a full breath so I was talking while shallow breathing.

    I just don't understand her at all--why is she doing all of this--glamping and filming, etc.--at all????
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    I sometimes wonder if Laken has undiagnosed ADHD, autism, or a learning disability because she seems like she schtruggles with executive functioning. She gets so weird about certain tasks--like the big dilemma of having to finish her coffee during her morning routine, the light bulbs, and about 500 things that she always seems to be challenged by. It's exhausting to listen to her spend all this mental energy and she goes nowhere.
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    TLO is funny because he posts his sexy selfies and he looks so puffy and gross. The fillers and Botox on both of them make them look too shiny and puffy. Like 2 pigs. TLO’s hairline and hair is fugly too. It looks like yellow ramen.
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    This video is OBSCENE. The amount of waste and hoard is so disgusting to me. I can see why she avoids dealing with all of this because it shows how lazy and wasteful she is.
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    QUOTE (shereallysaidthat @ 5/10/2022, 07:46 PM) 
    In the year that I worked via Zoom,I was dressed (at least from the waist up ) like I was in the office. I was getting paid to do my job, it didn't matter where I was doing it. There is an expectation of how I was supposed to look and act. She has no flucking clue of how the real world works.

    In the beginning of the pandemic my hygiene admittedly took a nosedive. I thought, "What's the point?" and I was scared about what was happening. However, when I had to be on camera for work, I made sure my hair was done, my makeup was on, and I was wearing a business casual (at least from the neck up). Soon I realized that I needed to shower daily (sometimes multiple times), do my makeup, and do my hair (or at least have it presentable) even if no one other than my husband and the FedEx guy saw me. I did it because of ME and it affected how I felt about myself. Jen is a total asshole, but it seems like she is just getting worse and worse with no end in sight. What will be the bottom for her? Having almost limitless time and money has been the worse thing for her. If she was on a budget or had to work, it would force her to take some steps to be better. I hate to get so dark, but will she finally get help if she starts feeling suicidal? She cannot be in a good mental spot, even on her "good" days.
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    He was a functioning alcoholic so he was a great man. If he wasn't functioning he would have lost what he had and people would have looked down their nose on him as an *insert nose wrinkle* alcoholic. Instead he was a great guy who drank a "little" too much. He couldn't have been an alcoholic if he was so successful. There is such a misconception the alcoholic means jobless, or bouncing from job to job between sober patches then homeless drinking from a paper bag.

    This resonated with me. My father was a secret, highly-functional alcoholic and it only got "bad" and not secret when he retired early and he didn't have that structure anymore. (Growing up in that family was bad and stressful but we looked normal from the outside).

    I always thought that Jen had her ED (which I feel is what she does all day every day forever) and Don has his alcoholism in his marriage with Jen. I don't truly know if Don still drinks so heavily (maybe smoking weed with Tens fulfills that). I do think that there's something in him that is sick that lived in that relationship for so long. I think he tolerated a lot whereas someone else with more healthy boundaries wouldn't put up with. I think Jen emphasizing that she wasn't drinking so many years ago was another way that she one-upped Don. She also had to be the designated driver because he drank so much. The fact that she had him on camera drunk (and that he did that drunk Don defender video) just shows that he wasn't just a social drinker but a heavier one. And I think Jen was drinking at the time (Martini Mondays) was to get drunk enough to let Don climb on top of her.
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    QUOTE (MorningRoutineQueen @ 5/7/2022, 06:03 PM) 
    Are you upset the attention is turned to Don’s big day and no one cares you’re likely sitting in a hotel room surrounded by gale force winds?

    kale fart winds
  12. .
    She was such a bitch about that Origins PR box. Some intern just sent it to her and I don't know what Jen expected. I thought she was so bitchy when talking about not getting a note with it and not understanding it.
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    QUOTE (poppedintowholefoods @ 5/6/2022, 11:53 PM) 
    If she is in NYC I hope they get the rain we are having in PA today. It’s been pouring all freaking day.
    I think she is going to reclaim the Shake Shack where they saw the squirrel

    I'm in NYC and it's been rainy all day and tomorrow is going to be raining too. Sunday will be cloudy.

    The trip Gene deserves
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    The doubling of "today" always makes me laugh--it's so ODD.
  15. .
    Her voice is so odd because she has that lisp that comes and goes and that vocal fry. It almost sounds like she’s a smoker or a stoner. I know one young person who sounds as raspy as her because she’s smoked weed daily for years.

    Her newsletter is all about her—like what she’s reading. Who cares?

    Her business is just a cult of her—and she doesn’t have the personality to pull it off.

    It also seems like her drinking is crazy since the wedding. Her mom seems like a drunk so maybe it runs in the family. The image on her story of drinking that beer and how drunk her and Sam were at her wedding eating Whataburger like hogs. YUCK!
157 replies since 27/12/2019