The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ListerineLikeJen

  1. .
    Yup. Just like we suspected, he’ll never change.
    Today is Memorial Day where he lives. His one and only post on Memorial Day is a pic and comment about his fucking socks with a tag. What an asshat.
  2. .
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 22/5/2021, 17:27) 
    So how does the old, distant friend know for a fact that she posted pics on Tinder saying she's thirsty? Shady. I still don't trust this person.

    I can’t keep up. I read every single post so I am often behind when something crazy is discovered.
    I just had to jump on and comment that you’re not the only one who’s not 100% convinced yet BackupSize8
    As much fun as this is, and I am thoroughly enjoying the thought of Ex-Trophy Wife Jen, who believed Don could do no better than her, eating crow... but ya, I dunno 🤷‍♀️
  3. .
    Although I want this to be real, I’m still skeptical 🤨
    Who writes like that? Also, the brick in the background of this pic looks off. There is a row of brick without mortar.
    And the “engagement ring” looks more like a wedding band.

    Edited by ListerineLikeJen - 21/5/2021, 15:51
  4. .
    I saw the registry a few days ago but dismissed it because I highly doubt our DKR III would have a registry. Although a lot of it was kitchen items LOL and Jen did rob him 😝
  5. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 21/5/2021, 01:24) 
    I hope Charlotte and Donny are with Don right now

    they might get sucked into one of her giant flaring nostrils

    This comment is gold
  6. .
    I can hear her cackling from here
    And a big F U to you too Jennifer!
    Now what am I going to use as a sleep aid?!?!?
    BTW, you can’t get rid of us, the Bakers have memorized every detail of your caged life
  7. .
    Oh hell no. I haven’t picked up on the latest find about RM1
    Can someone puhleazzzze PM me the link where I can find these pics?
  8. .
    Oh wow he really was sick huh. I feel kinda bad but who TF posts pics of themselves while sick in the hospital?!? He is such an attention whore. Well that was short lived; I don’t feel sorry for him anymore cause he’s still an asshat.
  9. .
    QUOTE (ooooooolikejen @ 12/5/2021, 20:15) 
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 5/12/2021, 12:06 PM) 
    Is that even a hospital gown, or just another one of his tragic wardrobe choices?

    You might be on to something.

    Wouldn't be hard to fake a hospital-esque gown and some white bedding.
    That's a sure-fire way to get heapats, sympathy as well as an understandable excuse to no have to vlahhhhwwgggg for another 6 months while he "recovers"

    That is exactly what I am thinking too.
    That mask he is wearing in his pity pic doesn’t look like the standard hospital issued mask they make you wear as soon as you step inside their doors.
    Faker McFakey
  10. .
    Yup. I interpreted that shitquote being something to do with his “work”. I really can’t see him being a very motivational educator or leader of any sort. Hope he got kicked to the curb.
  11. .
    I also find it gross to wear your shoes in the house. It is common here in Canada to take them off at the door.
    That being said, I find Prissy to be kinda gross in general - he doesn’t wash his produce and he puts all his boxes and packages on his kitchen counter to name a few. Maybe it’s just me being a clean freak :dunno:
  12. .
    Where do we start? His 1st? I have no doubt he reads here and won’t be surprised if he deletes some of those hauls and strategically placed items 🤣
  13. .
    This site and my silly posts is my guilty pleasure and escape. Should I kick the bucket and someone comes across my password book and iPad I hope they enjoy the snark. Until then, I am keeping you and my stash of chocolate all to myself
  14. .

    OMG I love your name!
  15. .
    She brought her stowaway moose, does that count as a friend?
625 replies since 7/1/2020