The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SadlyNoLongerAvailable

  1. .
    So she’s affirming she reads here by stating “we will be together all the time”
    Man those poor kids
  2. .
    Healing is my guess too
  3. .

  4. .
    Is Don’s house listed for sale?
  5. .
    Jen will tell. She can’t help herself
  6. .
    Those are new stockings. Not the ones she used as Mrs Ross
  7. .
    She won’t adopt. She will purchase.
  8. .
    Great… she’s promising a new dog. The very last thing she should do
  9. .
    The only time I haven’t bathed my body daily with soap was when I was suffering from heavy depression but 🤷🏼‍♀️
  10. .
    I refuse to believe this dumb bitch who, at one point owned more Lush than an actual Lush store, doesn’t know there is soap that isn’t drying

    Also still got what Jen? The ability to raise your leg? I could do that at 9 months pregnant sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️
  11. .
    No cozy fire like she always had at RM1. Just gross bare feet.

    Jen you’re a crap mom. The few hours you have your kids you barely interact with them and then only for content. Do better!
  12. .
    Did she really call some ballet lessons her “ballet career”? 🙄

    Don may not have been “the handy one” but he was the one that financed everything
  13. .
    I don’t think D & T want her to be with the kids more. I don’t think they would ever say no that they wouldn’t take the kids unless it interfered with big plans. I doubt he can tell her not to travel on her own time. He’s just as much of a parent and can make medical decisions for the children too.
    I don’t think Don will try to take her back to court for less money, I don’t think he cares about the money. I think he wants the time with his kids

    I actually think maybe T is pregnant. It’s literally the only thing I can think of that would push Jen into the spiral she seems to be in
  14. .
    I can’t even watch her. I get the cliffs notes from yall.

    There were no “undocumented trips” from a woman that documented her vag discharge on a calendar she shared
  15. .
    Am I the only person who Santa doesn’t gift adults?

    My kids know Santa brings kids gifts. And fills stockings
735 replies since 10/1/2020