The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Chowdon

  1. .
    The music is most def a tell. She is so hard to watch these days. And why are you telling us about the drone blooper and not showing yourself throwing the corn cob at it? I mean, you call yourself a vlogger. Ha. Vlog the exciting shit and stop showing us personalized toilet paper stickers! Rant over.
  2. .
    First time poster. Long time follower of Jen. Shit has gotten out of hand. I’m here for it, but only because of this forum, you guys keep it interesting and y’all are hilarious. Otherwise I would be so bored by her rambled of self love nonsense, even with the divorce, her life is a SNORE!

    Anyone have other YouTubers to recommend that can fill the void that was once OLJ and MHWL??? I feel like I need a replacement.
2 replies since 15/1/2020