The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Chachacha

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    QUOTE (Bunion of Fury @ 12/3/2022, 03:05) 
    Tens was in the picture during the rv trip but Jen did not know. I can see don keeping it secret maybe even to his parents because he was not divorced yet and yes I am convinced Jen thought she was going to win Don back in utah but left in a hurry and egg on her face once she realized her plot failed and he was done. The rv back bedroom may have been used to haul her shit back.
    Maybe Don hurried up and married Tens to let Jen know to get the fuck out of his and his parents lives.
    I ll say it again the devastating news is the engagement and subsequent purchase of the mansion. That sealed the fate of Jen. Never getting back together and nemesis Tens gets the better house (and body).
    I am not sure when Jen met tens for the first time but I am convinced she knew her prior to the divorce hence the feeling of betrayal. In her mind since she was an acquaintance there was an affair. I am thinking tens was selling jewelry to Jen.
    I don t think Don cheated though Jen would absolutely say so instead of vaguebooking, she wants jenions on her side. But I do believe tens saw an opportunity and took it because why not.

    Tens was selling what jewelry to Jen? What do you mean?
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    💪on point.
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    This comment!
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    QUOTE (Mr Jennifer Ross @ 9/3/2022, 18:05) 
    Ok, I watched, well sped thru, the video completely now.

    1. Since Jen may read here and often responds to posts here, what are some very clear suggestions you would give a friend who out this video out?

    I mean, clear and direct - mine would be to tell my friend to do the following small things first “schedule an appointment for a haircut, ask a friend to have brunch in Chicago together one Sunday, ask Tens to have coffee together somewhere outside of your home since she will always be in your childrens lives, sign up for a marathon in your own city and join a run club to prep for it…but those might be too much too soon. It may need to be more simple. All I know is I would never keep quiet while a friend struggled like this.

    2. She basically says Don cheated with Tens. That’s the impression I am getting from it and I don’t completely believe this is true because she seems to be lying a lot these days.

    3. I can’t understand how she thought she would divorce Don and still stay close to his mother.

    she thinks Don cheated by remarrying so soon after the divorce. She thought he will stay single forever just like her and would sacrifice his life for the good of her kids and herself. This is why she also thought her MIL would remain a forever MIL. She Basically thought divorce means having control over 50% of their savings with nobody telling her how not to spend it, having the kids out of her hair few days a week and not having to sleep with Don while ALL other factors of her life remains as is, including her relationship with the in laws. Don marrying had rocked her world.
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    QUOTE (Mr Jennifer Ross @ 9/3/2022, 16:12) 
    She kind of did say that she divorced Don to show CC how to choose herself or something like that?

    I don’t know how to fix Jen’s issues but that is what I stick around for. Maybe she needs to get back into the planner community and plan her days? Isn’t the reason she started YouTube because she was floundering? How did she get herself out of the rut back then…

    yes!!!! I was talking about that! I can’t be bothered to find in which video but she did vague hint it was to set an example to her kids.
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 9/3/2022, 08:01) 
    It feels like Jen has teased at least 4 video ideas in each of her Lives for the past year, but has never delivered. She’s mentioned:
    - her fitness journey
    - her Oura ring journey
    - how she trained for Italy
    - how she trained for Dopey
    - her Peloton journey
    - her experience with Noom
    - organizing her craptice
    - vague references to the divorce story
    - vague references to co-parenting

    Those are the topics I can recall in 30 seconds of thinking about it. And now she has no ideas for her Patreon!?

    About the divorce story, did she once mention this or am I imagining that one day she’d talk about her divorce as to how she did it for her kids to save them from immorality/bad influence and not ti gave them grow up seeing they’d mother being disrespected? I think she vaguely said something in this line in one of her post divorce videos with a hint towards politics (Don supporting Donald Trump and not having the woke mind, not supporting her vegan journey in favor of baby cows etc.)
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    If Patreon does not give refund, the users will still have the right to dispute the charge with their credit card if they think they are not getting the service worth the money. She might not care about the disputes but Patreon would, as repeated disputes from buyers blacklist a merchant/seller. The money will be reverted back from her account and Patreon will have to pay fine to the bank. So they will eventually kick her out of their platform.
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    QUOTE (DonsAmex @ 8/3/2022, 13:19) 
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 8/3/2022, 13:16) 
    So what’s going on behind the scenes that is rocking here irks again? So much so that after a trip to GW she takes an impulsive leap into Patreon. I know she’s hinted at this before, but something has made her decide now is the time and she’s jumping in with no real plan. I don’t know w hat it is but it will reveal itself soon; it always does.

    I wonder if Tensleigh is starting a food blog or project. Or trying to write a cookbook. I doubt it but maybe. You’re definitely onto something.

    Tens is preggo. That will cut down her child support as Don would now have 3 biological kids to feed instead 2. Also inheritance will be shared by more.
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    Did she mention she won’t date ever again???? I saw in one of the comments screenshot. Why, do you think?
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 7/3/2022, 21:16) 
    she expects to never have a wedding ring on her hand ever again

    ong, did she say that on the live?
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    QUOTE (Mr Jennifer Ross @ 7/3/2022, 18:03) 
    I think she should try being honest. I’ve said that before but I think lying to herself and everyone is just causing more shame and guilt. Surprised someone who loves Brene Brown so much doesn’t see how much she is harming her self with this pattern.

    And I think Don has shared his side of things with anyone and everyone. So, why is she sitting around hiding?

    Then I would start dating, she needs to put herself out there.

    Because she has nothing to expose! This totally proves that Don, after all, did not cheat on her. Probably tried to talk to her multiple times about making it work at some middle ground but at that point, she was stuck on a vegan spree to look woke which did not suit Don’s taste, she did not want to do bare minimum as a mother and wife and anybody telling her to do anything was caging her, and it simply became unbearable for Don to put up with her. She probably now, in hindsight, realized she messed up. Now she has ended her vegan phase and told the internet she was only trying it for a short while. She sure thinks she wishes she can do over the past and ended the vegan phase before it ended her marriage. She surely thought Don will just stay single and miserable forever and will chase her around with puppy eyes and she would continue to boss around the Ross clan without having to serve as a housewife AND will have full financial control on 50% of their savings. She is stupid.
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 2/7/2021, 02:56) 
    QUOTE (lurker1991 @ 2/7/2021, 02:28) 
    The same could be said for us....I mean the forum titles alone include "From Alimony Checks to Welfare Checks," "Shot in the Ass with Karma," and "Alone and Bitter, Social Media Quitter." This forum comes up third in the search results for "OrganizedLikeJen" and fourth in the results for "Pretty Neat Living," higher in the results than even some of her own social media accounts.

    She chooses to read here. Period. She doesn’t choose to have that shit brought to her social media. Should she have thicker skin? Absolutely. But she doesn’t. And the people posting that on her accounts know that.

    But she can choose not to read her social media comments too. Lots of you tubers don’t read comments.
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    The lurkers use different names when they post on her social, than their member names here. Obviously scolding them here will not stop them. May be stop posting inside info here so they can’t post mean comments?
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    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 28/6/2021, 00:34) 
    If she reads here it's her choice. Other people's place --> other people's rules. Her Instagram is hers, though.

    commenting on public Instagram is the commenter’s choice. The platform gives that tight as long as the comment is not abusive. She could make her Instagram private if she wants to prevent intruders.
109 replies since 24/1/2020