The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Aloner Like Jen

  1. .
    OMG that photo of her scrunched up face! She is really starting to look like a witch, especially with that nose. Her hatred and unhappiness are really showing on her face now.
  2. .
    I am in total agreement with the Baker that said Jen likes putting/leaving the kids in potentially dangerous situations. She doesn’t want to be a mother, ever. I will die on this hill.
  3. .
    Of course the kids are going to grow up to be entitled adult brats. Look at who their parents are. They are learning early in life that there’s the wealthy, and then there’s everyone else.
  4. .
    Donny actually looks cute in that sailor’s outfit.

    Edited by Aloner Like Jen - 4/5/2024, 11:00 PM
  5. .
    I guess Concierge Jen thought the duckie rule didn’t apply to her 1% Princess Saddlebags Ass.
  6. .
    Jen eats bread seasonally. Every season.
  7. .
    If Jen was honest with herself, this article could have been written about her.
  8. .
    I totally forgot about the Goddess Cafe. SMD may be objectionable to some, but he truly loved that cow. As Jen once said, the proof is in the pudding.
  9. .
    I’m starting to believe that it’s smoke and mirrors. Her budget doesn’t match her ridiculous spending. .
  10. .
    This seems very Jen appropriate. Not bathing for a week. And she claims to be such a busy bee. Do it Gene. Do something positive for the environment instead of just being a waste of gas guzzling space.
  11. .
    Few people are less deserving of monthly vacations than Ugly Beefstick Gene Ross. Granted, she is running from the miserable reality that is her life and is of her own creation, but it is still gROSSly unfair.

    Jen deserves a 14 hour a day, six days a week waitressing job in a greasy spoon serving burly guys who call her “sugar”, slap her ample ass, and are terrible tippers.

    ETA: she definitely used a filter on her thumb. It’s normal to see creases and she has none. Her fingernails must look bad.

    Edited by Aloner Like Jen - 4/3/2024, 12:45 AM
  12. .
    Don glowed up and Jenny ballooned up.
  13. .
    I wonder what Beefstick would say if CC lost her backpack. “Well, that’s too bad. You’ll just have to go without.”
  14. .
    Jen overpacks kid activities because she thinks that her kids need as much self soothing as she does. And as others have said, she wants to keep them so busy that she has to do minimal parenting. She is such a broken human being.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 29/3/2024, 23:38) 
    Omg, the cards that go with the rubber ducks 😂

    Lucky, lucky
    You found a


    Read the rules
    You stupid

    :hearty-laugh: /ded
2059 replies since 25/1/2020