The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BeachBum

  1. .
    I don’t understand bringing food to the beach unless you live like 3 hours from a beach.
    We just go to the beach no food no big production. Stay a little while then go home.
  2. .
    Now I understand why Amy’s kids can’t read or write.

    Amy wrote Cars instead of Cats.

    I know I’m being petty 🙄
  3. .
    For someone who homeschools you’d think she’d spell check her title. Work then play not work than play. Geez stuff like this doesn’t usually bother me but it did today. She’s been flexing too much and I’m getting sick of her again.

    Have a great weekend Bakers!
  4. .


    Look Amy has a pool and tries to swim!

    Time stamps? SW Florida really Amy? Stop with the flexing it goes against your brand of being plain and frugal.
  5. .
    So there are a few people who watch Amy who have a little common sense. I’m sure Amy will delete this comment.
  6. .
    NO WAY! Did y’all know Amy has pool in her backyard?

    How many f*cking times is she going to mention that damn pool. Amy thinks it’s a Flex .. I see people all over YouTube who brag or Flex on a regular basis. 🙄 Amy your pool isn’t that great I’ve seen Florida rooms with pools that are simply beautiful.
  7. .
    OMG Mysterygal

    Flour here is 2.48 for 5 lb. just at a regular grocery store because I don’t shop at Whole Paycheck
  8. .
    She’s a narcissist thinking she’s so close to God that it makes Satan mad so he’s always tempting her in her thoughts and life.
    What a sad life she lives. Her cult church probably teaches this.
  9. .
    If truly the “enemy” is attacking Amy she’s either possessed or has schizophrenia. I’m going with her being possessed. Maybe I should send her some Holy water and see if it burns her.

    :5153: :hearty-laugh:
  10. .
    That fake smile 🙄 Today's video was so ridiculous. Amy acts like no one knows how to make egg salad and chicken salad. Bologna salad can be made with other bologna not just the Amish one. I buy Boars Head bologna and use mayonnaise not Miracle Whip to make it.
    Amy needs to stop the we’re so poor act. It’s hard to believe in their 650k house in that bougie neighborhood.
  11. .
    Love it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Amy is trying to burn down their house! I zoomed in and you can see the towel caught fire.
    Thanks Smylee for the time mark!
  12. .
    Expensive ugly shades. Amy says pool a million times and makes fried egg rolls again with some dry ass fried chicken. Her videos are getting worse. How does she think anyone learns anything?
    All those lights and still the backyard is dark as shit!
  13. .
    For your viewing pleasure
  14. .
    I’m stopping the video right here. Amy is claiming that she heard God’s audible voice.

    Her family needs to get her professional help.
    It’s mental illness not a religious moment.
  15. .
    I’m fresh out of Dramamine so I fast forwarded. Greg looks like he’s going for the skin head look. Not shocking.
    How many of the same dress is she going to buy? Why does she always wear a dress they’re not Pentecost.
    Shopping videos are not my thing and not sure why her numbers are up when she does them.
    Have a great weekend Bakers!

1343 replies since 29/1/2020