The Gossip Bakery


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    QUOTE (RikkiJones59 @ 13/2/2020, 00:50) 
    I found it very odd that she went to Utah with the in-laws after Christmas. I didn’t see Don in photos. I would feen awkward doing that.

    Maybe he cheated and felt humiliated and didn't go? He really did look like shit at Christmas
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    Sadly I went thru this last year. I filed on Jan 3, hearing on Feb 22 and divorce final on June 24, so she has a way to go. And we had a technically "easy" one :/but it does take a toll. I think maybe she meant they've decided on alimony and child support but they have ALOT of assets between them, not to mention visitation etc. I agree with the poster who said that once the Melissa's have moved on, she will spill... And I bet she will try to blog her feelings into a book. They are all still friends on Facebook.
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    She said in her video "it's pretty much a done deal" what are the particulars that are not? So I'm wondering if someone will ask if she plans to keep the house etc... Although I don't think she will stay. Too many memories.
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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 12/2/2020, 22:05) 
    Don, get online and film your own Q&A please! :snickering:

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    I don't think any of this is easy on her and she could go 2 ways... 1. Either tell everyone none of our business. It is what it is, respect my privacy and move on blah blah. (which would stink for everyone who wants to know) Or 2.. Spill it all. She can spill without being defamatory, or specifics. Example:we weren't getting along, yes there was infidelity, or just basic facts without the sordid stuff

    You don't just throw teasers out there or open up a Q & A after this bomb has been dropped on us and censor the questions we all want to know.
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    I think Donald III wanted a boy for legacy and pride purposes sort of planted that seed (no pun intended)into her head, and Jen who overthinks everything somehow felt she was disappointong him.. I do agree that Don is smitten with his CC and Jen love does love her kids. I think it's all pretty sad really because given her personality and issues, she thought she was protected by Donald and secure.. and yet something un excusable /unforgivable happened and she walked. Also about Judith.. Where is the video that she fired her??? And who uses that term, they fired thier Dr? I'd just stop going lol
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    "It's pretty bad when you can't even stay together until your youngest is two
    I'm just surprised at how quickly it all went downhill"

    Not sure if I copied that correctly.. But THIS. Exactly why something big happened or a series of little things that she finally was like.. Fuck this, I'm out. She may be flaky but she's not stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds her.
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    Maybe she was parenting on her own and he was one of those guys that refused to touch his wife after they had children and she had to like pretend to be happy and try and accept and then found out abt tinder and went batshit crazy.. You won't bang me. But you'll bang a stranger lol ??? Or who knows. But... If we all.. It will allllll come out eventually.

    Edited by Dominant1percenter - 2/12/2020, 05:30 AM
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    I think Don did something to her emotionally. Made her even more fragile. Her stating 4.5 yrs of what she went thru? That's the entire timelone of parenthood. Oh sonething definitely happened. That Christmas pic.. Don looked like shit and sad. I don't feel bad for him though, I honestly can't believe I'm Jen fending here but for her to file and give up the life she had with him... That's speaks volumes that something big happened . I think Don is a pompous asshole.
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    I wonder what their " safe " word was.....
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    Long time lurker and Jen watcher. I hadnt been paying attention since the holidays,and found out only yesterday so Im still reeling!!! Has anyone realized that if Dons calling himself DOMINANT.. that may mean he used Jen as a submissive. !!!! No wonder she got accustomed to using that cutesy little girl voice around him. I cant imagine what he liked to do privately! Furthermore he says hes shedding all that weight That poor girl was having sex with that monstrosity. making him feel loved and like a million bucks every day. As quirky and as entertaining as she is, Ill give her this.. shes authentic and I hope she rakes that bastard thru the coals after having to put up with his shit and then finally birthing his children and then he pulls this nonsense ? Bravo to Jen for filing!!!
296 replies since 6/2/2020