The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by RikkiJones59

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    Eyebrows from 2012.
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    Her brows don't look any different from before the supposed waxing.
    One trip to PT is not going to do that much good.
    I voted NO for hearing a life update. Can't believe 96% voted yes.
    She's worried about all the negativity. Then why put yourself through that? She only does them for attention.
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    Can you imagine Emilia in a few years dressing like a slut like her mom. Anna will throw a fit and E will just say, that's how you dress, Mommy. LOL
    I just don't get why she feels the need to show her boobage all the time. The top of your cleavage isn't so bad. But when half you boob is hanging out of your shirt and your side boobs are blopping out...GET SOME AGE APPROPRIATE CLOTHES! Why doesn't her mom say something to her. I know my mom would.
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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 9/16/2020, 08:04 PM) 
    I never had my brows done and don’t intend to. I just don’t care about them. Everyone who doesn’t like me just because of my brows, I don’t need in my life. 🤷‍♀️

    Same for me. Never plucked or waxed my whole life. I wear glasses so they are covered anyway. Meh!
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    QUOTE (BackupPersona @ 9/15/2020, 10:58 PM) 
    Why oh why can’t she buy clothes in her current size? She looks heavier than she actually is with her clothes so small. I’ve seen quite a few cute outfits on her too, but the bulges and skin tight pants really makes everything look so cheap.

    She has a muffin top side boob problem. She needs a grown up bra....not a wanna-be victoria's secret model bra.
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    After only watching 8 min. of the video I only saw 2 people wearing masks....1 employee and 1 guest. Pathetic. Especially with Lessi touching everything and then sucking her thumb.

    Later because they were going in a building A&J put on masks but the kids didn't. Makes perfect sense.

    Also, why did they have VIP wristbands???
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    QUOTE (eileen- @ 9/15/2020, 01:41 PM) 
    The riding over the bag scene was so fake. Who sets her bag right in front of the front wheel of a car anyway? And all that got damaged was a mirror and some lipstick? Yeah right... Broken mirror though, 7 years of bad luck. ;)

    Unless J is a total idiot, he would have seen her purse sitting there in front of the car when he walked by to get in. LAME! So set up. And why would he have only driven forward a couple feet if he was just waiting for A to come back to the car?
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    "I need to feel all the feelings of fall and the joy" LAME excuse to buy something. If she REALLY had to be on a budget she wouldn't be buying crap like this. Grove is not cheap. I got their intro box a couple years ago. I couldn't justify to keep subscribing to it.
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    Why the heck is she still calling Suze her MIL???
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    Her "butt in the air" pose is probably what hurt her back. I can't imagine that is even a regular yoga pose. So awkward.
    But, really....take some advil...use heat...go to a chiropractor. Stop whining on IG.
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    A or J should have stopped other other kids from opening Emilia's gifts. Luckily she was polite and did not whine about it, in front of the camera at least.
    Mornings are hectic enough, they should have waited with the gifts and cake till that evening.
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 9/14/2020, 02:24 AM) 
    Watch this guy freak out over rice being cooked wrong. We should send him Jen’s attempt :snickering:

    I love Uncle Roger. He's hilarious.
  13. .
    This birthday cake for breakfast is terrible. The kids will be all hyped up for school and have a sugar crash a couple hours later. Any decent parents would have cake after dinner.
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    That rice she cooked today looked all mushy. Ick!
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    Jonathan can't carry a tune in a bucket. Why the heck did they ask him to sing? I suppose they are getting paid to do it to advertise for something. Gleam probably told them they had to do it.
718 replies since 11/2/2020