The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Good Morning Friends

  1. .
    She was 100% trying to wish Donald back with the moon water. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  2. .
    The jar of water is homemade full moon water... whatever the fuck that is.

  3. .
    Her hair breaks off everywhere. She refused to show the hair in the everyday scrunchie and brush drawer. She's saying it's gross, but it's because it's embarrassing. She harps on the amount of hair everywhere the entire video, trying to laugh it off.
  4. .
    She has a tape measure in a drawer because she used to do body measurements. 🚨

    She doesn't anymore, she doesn't need to be a certain size to be valid!
  5. .
    The scale she never uses! But if she ever wants to torment herself emotionally, she can pull it out! 😔

    Who is she copying with this "3 minutes twice a year" phrase she keeps repeating?
  6. .
    I'm sure you'll all be glad to know that Jen explains her diva cup and "period underwear" usage.
  7. .
    A random jar of water sitting on her bathroom sink. DON'T ASK! There's a 90210 mountain logo on top of it. Is it her tears from the failed 90210 volunteer experience? :shifty:

    She finally explains the bathroom Nintendo Switch situation. :lol:

    She needs a better charging situation! The kids don't play them. "They have a Switch over there (at their dad's) that they all share" it sounds like she's talking about more than 2 kids. :shifty:
  8. .
    Early access plus 7 hours public and she has a whopping 1.2K views. Youtube will be paying Jennifer pennies to help keep the lights on. Wow! Career goals!
  9. .

    Actually, don't. That fat cow will be 250 pounds by the end of the year at this rate. I kind of think she's already pushing 200. Dat ass is huge and gets bigger every week. Plus she's a sturdy gal with more muscle than a man. Her calves are ginormous. She must be at least 175lb.

    The only reason she thinks she isn't fat is because the front of her stomach is flat. It passes her ED body checks! She is strong! If she has a bit of a pooch it's because she has a uterus!

    All that exercise, and she's still out-eating it enough to gain a ton of weight.
  10. .
    This video is boring af... again. She doesn't DO anything. She's just... there. Stuffs her face in the airbnb, does laundry, goes on a hike... complete with trail croissant. We've seen this 200 times now.

    Edited by Good Morning Friends - 24/4/2024, 17:08
  11. .
    Maybe I'm just paranoid, but there's no way these airbnb owners don't have cameras everywhere. They all do it for the profit, so of course they're going to watch their prized investment. A lot of them act like they don't even want people in there.

    It swung back to being cheaper and easier to just get a hotel room. These people have a million rules now and expect you to do housekeeping, while still charging a cleaning fee. :rolleyes:
  12. .
    Big, fat, huge, GINORMOUS ogre Jen lumbering around in a dainty, pink, fairy tiny home? :snickering:
  13. .
    Christopher sneaking into nicer neighbourhoods for walks, just like Jen Ross. :lol:

    Those two narcissists are the exact same.

    $5,000/month rent for that discombobulated flip quality duplex in.... Charlotte, NC... :wacko:
  14. .
    She's so stubborn. She needs to just drop Youtube. She won't though, because that is her JOB and CAREER of 13 years! 😤

    Nobody is watching hour long YT videos anymore. Everyone wants short form content on Reels or TikTok. Jen is terrified of Reels for some reason and will NOT give into IG's push to Reels! 😤
  15. .
    Ewwww the beginning. :sick:

    What an obnoxious fat overgrown toddler. She truly thinks she's the most adorable thing ever.
3728 replies since 16/2/2020