The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by HappyasaPeach

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    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 28/4/2023, 02:37) 
    We all know that the one thing Greg likes to do is be grabby and inappropriate and disgusting in front of his children and on camera just like Jim Bob dugger. He especially likes the part that she cringes when he does it. All of those men that have hundreds of kids are the same gross grabby perverts. They get a kick out of impregnating their wives and never taking care of their own children themselves. I can't even imagine what hell it must have been when all of the kids were little and Amy was trapped in a house watching them by herself. Guaranteed Greg never even changed one single diaper and he never got up once in the middle of the night. He seems to have no empathy or conscience at all. He's leaving her there to do all of the work and raise his kids by herself while he's off doing who knows what for the last 8 months. He showed up to stand around with a shovel and that's it.

    I have to disagree with some of this..I think Greg did have the kids a lot. She never films them and she was always saying they were off at camp, “friends” (there are none” or this and that. She kept making meals that were in her smaller season of less mouths to feed. As for when they were younger he worked long hours out of the hike and well I have no idea what he was like as a dad. They sure seem to like him though..more so than Amy who cuts them off in mid sentence, shoves a camera in their face, or blames them for breaking something.

    I will agree with that he seemed to enjoy when she cringed at his advances. It was almost odd at times like it was set up to make Amy seem so desirable. Im also not very fond of Amy..everything she does makes me want to puke; especially this season of corny immature giggling.
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    But…there are a few treasure she hasn’t gotten to deleting yet lol
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    Gosh her comment section is like a feeding fest of these bible thumpers who go to all efforts to be an asshole in comments to other people asking simple questions.

    The comments today particularly annoyed me…she is very strategic in how she announces things. The comments today are all congratulations on new baby and Greg’s birthday etc etc…meanwhile this awful woman disposes of several pets because they don’t fit her “new lifestyle”. But oh Maxine will fit right in…I swear she keeps that ugly thing for something she can post in a video because no one else wants to be seen; also she thinks it makes her appear like a good pet mom. All lies.

    And look at this bitch…put your capitals away lady…sorry if everyone doesn’t follow every waking moment of Amy Maryon.
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    hahahaha…that comment I bet is what a lot of people are thinking. The way Any just keeps dragging out this stupidity is ludicrous. And these click bait titles like “big surprise” and it’s a bloody copied recipe cookbook!? Bravo Amy; the only thing I’ll give you credit for is the way you can lie and manipulate your audience to make a buck. Your moral compass is pretty darn low.

    And what is with this “my family is wonderful” “my family is blah blah blah blah”…whatever Amy. People can read through your bullshit so easy you are just annoying people at this point; of course I’m sure everyone but Barbara. Maybe she can buy your poorly slapped together house and built a shrine in your honour.

    And what in the heck….she is starting to look rough! She better do something more than shitty purple finger nails cause she’s starting to look like Eileen Wournos.
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    This whole family makes me sick! I don’t know if Amy is just editing stuff out or camera Training; but they are so disposable of everything. Dads, dogs, houses, jobs, education…anything really!

    I can’t watch a 45 minute video but did this woman seriously just post a video showing her 3 day slap together projects and “husband” who’s been missing for 6+ months…and NOT even mention what had happened or what’s going on???

    This secretive bullshit is getting on my nerves! And if she speaks to her vehicle “the Honda pilot” in third person one more time I’m going to break something. I’ve gotten to the point where this woman’s face just makes me cringe. She has got to be annoying some of her loyal viewers..I mean the ones that still have a brain.
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    As annoying and grabby as Greg he at least seemed to really enjoy his time with the kids and half the time the whole lot was at his shop likely bbq’ing a fresh hot dog. He also didn’t cut them off like Amy does..or one thing that drives me nuts is how often she blames the kids for everything. The ground is sticky (it’s the kids), something broken (it’s the kids), something not put away (it’s the kids…remember I have so many of them). I still remember the one time she blamed them for breaking the shelf off the refrigerator door…only to a couple months later film herself break one off :hearty-laugh:

    She is as controlling as shit…Greg wanted cherries, ribs, or make the fish he caught with the kids. Abd any just insulted him.

    Whatever little game she is playing; no one is playing along with her. Even her regulars who leave comments seem to be diminishing and all that’s left is a couple criticisms she either misses or leaves in to make it look like she doesn’t filter things and the others are people just looking for someone to go shopping so they can live through them. There is a huge niche of people (myself included at times) that just likes to watch in the background random shopping at like Costco etc..just kind of lets me see any new items. But where I live we do not have stores like this; actually I think it’s technically illegal to sell expired goods.
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    QUOTE (Sabrina T. @ 11/4/2023, 04:28) 
    She’s definitely taking him back. I just saw the comment. She should be so embarrassed. I am so embarrassed for her.

    This is beyond pathetic! She should be embarrassed with herself. Little school girl games about their husband being gone for more than 6 months. What an absolute loser.
  8. .
    I just skipped through the video..I detest “motivational Monday” lol. Anyone who gets motivation through whining about their kids using strung to do some sort of project..because heaven forbid she had to bend over to a neighbour her seven robot vacuums 🙄.

    She is “letting go” of things and moving forward? By the looks of it she went through her cupboards for the 49th time and got rid of stuff like vegetable peeler?? Didn’t one of her idiot fans send her that like a month ago? Is she subtlety implying the only thing she wants is gift cards?

    It actually makes me feel kind of bad for some (I say some because they may be new to her and actually trust what she is saying as I was a long time ago). I have seen so many people give sincere gifts and you literally never see them again; other than those ugly slippers she wears. But at least I don’t have to see her bare dirty feet anymore.
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    Did anyone else notice that she took that processed precooked stuff; spread it on a baking sheet at supposedly 3pm and then was going to the park?? Did she just leave it out like that? I initially thought no. But when I think further where would she have the space to put it in the freezer or fridge.
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    im going to try the title even though im not good at it....

    Greg Who? Ruby Where?....Amy dont care! Everything's uneducated and good good good up on processed hill.
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    I agree…her priorities are so skewed! Just before she cut up her processed sausage “the rest of the day; however the wind blows we’ll make it work”. This struck me as very odd. It’s like she purposely finds to do to avoid school.

    I agree with the person who said wanted more of a woman. Amy puts no effort into anything; kids, school, cooking, house repairs, clothes..i imagine her marriage was treated the same.

    And what is with her always mentioning the strangest things? Like today she says never mind about the crockpot that was sitting drying. We can see it’s a crock pot Amy; no one gives a s***. I’ve seen her do that with open cupboards or the overflowing garbage. She mentions these miniscule things and then continues done rant story about them…but yet major things like her husband disappearing, dog gone, or even her mother I think if her followers hadn’t starting mentioning things; would she just of pretended it turns happen.
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    Ohh the same reason she thinks that making food at the crack of dawn is smart, she’s saving time by boiling 50 hot dogs to eat for the next 2 weeks, thinking her viewers will just forget people or animals existed, reading an elementary school book is more important than actual school (which I sometimes wonder if there is anyone actually there listening to her because the whole thing just looks odd)…it all boils down to she’s a know it all idiot who thinks she is the star of YouTube mommy vloggers 🤦‍♀️
  13. .
    And that cackling laugh when Autumn said something about will they eat real fruit popsicles ! I am not sure what you’re laughing at Amy…couldn’t be closer to the truth.

    And seriously ??? Putting your disgusting grimy finger from your house of sickness into the grapes to poke them? You are disgusting!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Monday‚ Monday @ 22/3/2023, 13:23) 
    “Half Ass Amy: Good Good good good good goodgoodgoodgood”

    I think she’s getting high off the chemicals in all that crap she buys. Did everyone else see the amount of processed meat she bought 🤢! I believe everything in moderation but it was packs and packs of salami, charcuterie, sausages…and whatever the heck Jimmy Deans meat in a bag is.

    And her obsession with certain things drives me insane…”a lot of my kids have a dairy allergy”. No Amy…2 of your kids “seem” to have an intolerance to something but I doubt neither has been to a paediatrician.
  15. .
    That should be incorporated into our next title…because that couldn’t describe her better!

    The way boy thing she puts any interest in is slapping that ugly velour tracksuit and opening free crap in her mailbox. She can miss school no problem..but that Honda never misses flying down that driveway to get to the post office to pick up her grifts.

    And I hope I don’t insult anyone here but one of my pet peeves of life is when people buy stuff and just incessantly return’s wasteful and a lot of that stuff never can be sold again. I have noticed it especially in the last 6 months…it’s really irritating me.
262 replies since 22/2/2020