The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Doodle's Mom

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    “It doesn’t go orange.” Umm…
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    QUOTE (ivywrites @ 29/2/2024, 05:01) 
    quick do you find someones buisness name? like for hickmans we found zen yatta

    It’s usually filed with the Secretary of State website for that particular state; there will be options for business filings where you can then type in keywords like a last name and any registered agents that match will pull up with their particular business name.
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    Ahhhh, the sweet irony of Meh trying to make a buck posting videos of a house she no longer owns… :flcvoy01:

    I’ve missed you ladies!
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    When the Queen of Clean used that big kitchen bowl to put her cleaning solution in for the windowsills, I think it was? When she saran-wrapped the Christmas trees because she was too lazy to take them down properly. When she made the comment, "You're not doing anything, haters."(how'd that turn out, Meh?) When she discussed Julie's UTI and Moon Pie's low-T. When she laughed when Ross fell down ice-skating. When she took over $60k in PPP loans and yet stated that she made more money than ever in 2020. When she offered a one-hour life coaching call for $2500 a month. And last but not least, when she emasculated Justina completely by announcing that "Justin works for me now." Bravo, Meh. You're quite the inspiration. 👏
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    QUOTE (HotPockets @ 1/5/2023, 17:00) 
    Does anyone have the pic of Meg over in Europe depressed in bed that Justin posted?


    For your viewing pleasure. 😁
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    QUOTE (Queen Of Gab @ 26/4/2023, 16:59) 
    Just catching up on the thread... I am not Oaklee either. I do live in the same area in NC that Meg is from. I have seen her at Hobby Lobby & Target shopping back in the old rental days.
    But I am not Oaklee.

    Since you've seen her in real life: Is she really too pretty to be shopping alone? 😄
    Also, let me jump on the bandwagon and say that I'm not Oaklee either. I'm from the Buckeye state. I'm going to have to listen to this video of the "liars" reference because I'm not getting my pitchfork out but I would like to hear the context in which it was said.
    I also originally thought she was Meh by the voice but I definitely do not now. She says certain words in a similar dialect but Meh is too full of herself to spend bed/bath time making videos of other "celebrities." :to-quote-smiley-emoticon:

    ETA: Oaklees accent is definitely from NC or SC.
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    QUOTE (Lady Lucky @ 22/4/2023, 12:52) 
    QUOTE (Doodle's Mom @ 22/4/2023, 11:55) 
    Slightly off topic but I saw on FB that CR has a bun in the oven. Wonder if she'll "hire" Meh to make charcuterie boards for the baby shower... :mocking_smiley_emoticon:

    She already had the baby shower and there was no sign of Meh in the photos posted 😂

    Oh boy, I bet that chapped Meh's stone-cold @ss. :waiting-hand-gesture-smiley-emo
  8. .
    Slightly off topic but I saw on FB that CR has a bun in the oven. Wonder if she'll "hire" Meh to make charcuterie boards for the baby shower... :mocking_smiley_emoticon:
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    QUOTE (Wayupnorth @ 20/4/2023, 15:28)

    Justin, Justin, Justin don’t you look foolish!!!

    * You may have to scroll down to Justin’s review.

    He should change his IG handle to Justinscammedit
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    QUOTE (VanityCake @ 21/4/2023, 04:16) 
    Well if she's sticking videos back on YT she needs to update her bio!

    "Hi and welcome to my latest scam! I'm a 31 year old failure and liar. I love to cry wolf, lie, throw tantrums, stick my foot in my mouth and insult just about everybody! I'm a Carolina girl when it suits me. Otherwise I lie and say I'm from Savannah but it was actually a suburb called Pooler. I'm a Carolina girl again though because I canceled myself with my overinflated ego and let my fruit fly of a husband run our finances into the ground. That means we were homeless for a time. We tried our hand at some airbnb grifting which didn't work so here we are back in North Carolina renting someone else's house full of someone else's stuff! I have two children but we don't really care about them because we don't give them proper medical care and we refuse to give them an education. You'll see them a lot. They'll work hard on my channel and be my little cash cows but they'll never see a dime of it because we're saving nothing for them! We also have one dog. Only one. We never had two. There was never another dog. Don't ask about my poor dogs, I mean dog! I love comparing myself to people a million times more successful than I can ever hope to be! I also love bed days and only washing my hair once a week in the kitchen sink. I'm also super materialistic with tacky taste, so I'm basically an interior designer! Most of my videos will be thrift store hauls because I CAN'T CONTROL MY SHOPPING HABIT despite being broke! Please be sure to kiss my ass and tell me how awesome I am in the comments, but never ask a question or expect interaction because you won't get it. If you get too interested in me and my life that I'm making public then I'll just threaten to unalive myself and disappear. I won't say thank you for checking out my channel until years later so don't expect it! After all I do this for the fucking money. Feel free to stick around! I'll insult you, ignore you, then play the victim card when you call me out. This is going to be so much fun, when I feel like making it fun. Bye!"

    This is amazing. Meh can use this when she starts her OnlyFeet account for the f*cking money. 👣📷
  11. .
    Ivywrites, thank you so much.

    The biggest thing that stuck out to me (besides Moon Pie's nose) is Meh's comment about how she "wanted to get Justin home." Okay, I get that firefighting is a dangerous profession. But he didn't have to come home to not work at all at 30-ish years old. He could have found a remote job even pre-pandemic.
    I remember way back when Meh talked about Justin doing those workbooks, Ace Paces or whatever, w the kids. I thought it was nice that they were preparing the kids early for school, which obviously wasn't the case. But I also found it odd that Justin was working outside the home but still doing the homeschooling when Meh was home with the kids all day. I don't mean anything sexist by that and certainly would support any parent wanting to participate in educating their children. But I can't recall ever seeing or hearing about him working with the kids on schoolwork once Meh "retired" him. It turned into an incentive to become lazy and the kids' education has suffered as a result. I really hope they enroll them in public school so they can develop much-needed social skills with their peers finally.
    As for the multiple "Friends" references, laughable. Absolutely laughable but not surprising given the size of their (bruised) egos.
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    QUOTE (indyrose @ 15/4/2023, 21:52) 
    I do think y’all are on to something with predictions of her either completely quitting content creation or returning to YouTube.

    My hot take is that she’ll return to YouTube soon. I can’t imagine Meg taking an honest job (most likely in a service industry with her lack of any work experience). She hates hard work and any type of routine that requires effort and self discipline.

    Back around 2020-21, Meg fussed SO often about how hard making videos were and how she was going to start taking it easy and making videos less often/at her own pace. And this was while she clearly slept in and did the bare minimum and already posted sporadically. As much as she’s cried wolf about her YouTube experience in the past, she (and we) all know that her half-assed content creation is a literal cake walk over putting in a hard day’s work - especially where she’ll likely make minimum wage. Nothing wrong with that, but I just don’t believe she won’t get caught up in the flash of making an easier, bigger buck on YouTube than working as a cashier or barista.

    I can not imagine Meh working at Hobby Lobby. She'll unretire Moon Pie to work 24-7 before she would dare risk being seen having to do honest work for a living. "Justin, I'm too pretty to be a cashier!!!"
  13. .
    Just gonna leave this right here.
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    I just can't imagine denying my child a proper education so my "buddy" can't fulfill his travel dreams. Even homeschooling is great done properly but all the fruitfly family (thanks, Dismom8606 😄) has offered are sh*tty workbook pages or confining them upstairs in the former McMansion with a teacher a few hours a day so they can film or sleep in. I hope wherever they rent/buy, they finally enroll those kids in school. They're going to be so socially stunted and they need to be able to form friendships beyond being siblings.
  15. .
    Meg and Justina: "We wanna see the world!"

    Four months later: We wanna move right back to the place we just left!"

181 replies since 6/3/2020