The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by HelloGorgeous

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    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 17/5/2020, 21:34) 
    She was writing shitquotes when she was 16. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    She has not matured past that.
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 17/5/2020, 20:58) 
    hmm, wasn't this the "abusive" one? ConvenientNarrativeLikeJen


    And does she think she's not depressed now?


    She probably called her vagina 'her flower' as well.
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    QUOTE (Madmom @ 17/5/2020, 21:01) 
    QUOTE (FutureMrs.DonaldK.RossIII @ 17/5/2020, 20:46) 
    Why does she keep this old shit?

    What the actual fuck is this nonsense? All the stars and hearts and long winded strategies even at 13...the handwriting was on the wall even then. The worst was yet to come. Probably still is.

    I had a diary when I was 12. I found it when I was going to boot camp. I read through some of it, rolled my eyes, and burned that shit.
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    QUOTE (YouGuysSlayMe @ 17/5/2020, 20:24) 
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 5/17/2020, 11:03 AM) 
    By the way, have you ever seen the clip where Suzanne trained Grace to “properly” react if someone says I love you?

    Oh, how I hated that!
    Grace looked utterly confused and Suzanne totally pushed her own agenda on the poor kid, using that fakey sing-song voice.

    It's on Suzanne's instagram, here:

    This makes perfect sense for people outside your household. It is accepting a compliment and not having to give a compliment or demean yourself back in the process. It is considered fake. However, close people in your family should receive some type of sensible accolade in return.

    You are so pretty.
    Thank you ( :p: you are prettier, I'm so ugly)

    You are a really hard worker.
    Thank you. ( :p: I can't do this, I had so much trouble and blank name had to help me.)
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    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 17/5/2020, 20:04) 
    I just found this video. I have been looking ever since the Untamed Debacle. Start at around 3:30 when she is reunited with Winnie. What a complete bitch. She barely greets Aunt Julie- I don't even hear her say thank you (which should have been the moment she walked through the door). Then she goes into the spiel about Poor Winnie- look at her (untamed) hair. She's heartbroken for the unkempt dog. Man, if I was Aunt Julie, that would be the last time I helped her out. (At least Don makes some effort to acknowledge his aunt). Sheesh.

    It seemed like such an ungrateful exchange. No one cares for Winnie like Jen. Even Don pissed me off in this video.
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    QUOTE (.Edie. @ 17/5/2020, 17:19) 
    She’s projected all her issues onto that dog. Winnie is her living Bunsy.

    Nail on head.
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    QUOTE (Kinkerbelle @ 17/5/2020, 17:12) 
    QUOTE (GetDatAssOuttaDatHouse @ 17/5/2020, 17:05) 
    No Jen, my dog is not scared of the rain.

    ~ I’ve heard of dogs frightened by the sound of thunder, but never heard of any scared of rain. I remember her walking Winnie in the rain in a video. The hairy kid seemed fine.

    We volunteer at the local animal shelter and there are many dogs afraid of the rain. There are also dogs who need to wear the thunder jackets because they are afraid of thunder and not the rain. Usually, the dogs afraid of the rain were those who spent their whole lives tied on outside.
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 17/5/2020, 16:54) 
    What has she done to that poor dog? How did she make Winnie afraid of everything? I have never met a dog like that, who had to have a babysitter because they couldn't be alone for an hour.

    Winnie is bad AF. Jen is the one who refused to let her drink like a normal dog or play like a normal dog. Every once in awhile we would see Winnie run and you could see the smile on her face if the wind blew because Jen had her face covered in fur and it was hard to see Winnie project. But it was there on those rare occasions when we saw Winnie want to be a real dog and then you would hear Jen command, "Winnie Come."
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    QUOTE (NotAMommyPlanner @ 17/5/2020, 05:06) 
    I know I'm late to the party, but there as already knowledge of Don's apartment that rents for around $1500 a month, yes? Edit: miss 2 hours and whew you guys are FAST.

    That is cheap, it can't be right. We rent basement apartments for that much.
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    QUOTE (YouGuysSlayMe @ 17/5/2020, 03:29) 
    QUOTE (SeeminglySweetLikeJen @ 5/16/2020, 06:24 PM) 
    7E31DAE4-CE8C-4203-AA8B-EBBC2421998BThis was posted on March 8th, the day the Northbrook house went pending, coincidentally... Does anyone know the date she was “ecstatic” on stories?

    Ecstatic = February 12

    Dear Jen, Please grow your hair long again. This looks lovely. When it is shoulder length it is flat and if you curl it, it looks childish, let it grow.
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 16/5/2020, 20:42) 
    I would not want to go to Disney in August. Mask or no mask.

    We canceled our trips for Halloween and Christmas. Things might be better by then but unless they have a vaccine, I'm not risking it.
  12. .
    She coveted that Grandma house and honestly believed everyone was jealous of what she owned. No other house will do.
    Don will have to get her a house that is similar because he has to provide her a lifestyle she was accustomed to.
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    QUOTE (HappiestAlone @ 16/5/2020, 18:12) 
    I'm annoyed. Maybe it makes me a bitch but ever since she faked fertility issues and treated her own baby with such distain I have wished she would be taken down a notch. Before that she seemed harmless enough and was good for a laugh. Divorce seemed to be that thing that would make ger grow with maybe a lesson learned but no, this bish is buying pizza paddles and special snowflake flour still in the middle of divorce while touting she is a single mama and begging for people to support her non video making ass. And the worst part is she will end up in a gorgeous house with everything she wants as usual. She won't learn anything and creates her own damn drama.

    The only reason I had children is because of medication. I was very lucky and I can no longer have any more even though my plan was a very large family, I'm talking football team big. We do plan to adopt and are in the process. There is a place in hell for women who fake fertility issues, use their children against their fathers or other family members or who spend way too much time on self care then they do on child care. Jen had no interest in kids. You can see it all over face.
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    Jen doesn't need the money. She is being taken care of. She is pretending to be poor but her ego gets in the way and she needs to brag she has things and can still buy whatever she wants. We know the difference but there are more 'friends' who will fall for her poor persona and buy whatever she is selling.
218 replies since 22/3/2020