The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by HotPockets

  1. .
    It’s easy to be humble and apologetic when you ain’t got no money anymore. I don’t buy it.
  2. .
    Bet she got that mixer since she was going to re-brand herself as a cooking homemaker. She has no clue what attachments to use and when. And her “recipes” are so easy, anybody could make them. I’m not impressed. I also see Justin’s hairy arm in most cooking shots. He knows how to cook more than her.
  3. .
    Was it just me or was she wearing a ton of makeup, hair done like before? Like she’s sliding back to her old hateful self.
  4. .
    Her ASMR is cringey.
  5. .

    And it shows!!!! 😆😆😆
  6. .
    I love how she said she stops everything to be with her kids. That’s rich!
  7. .
    You think if your cornbread talking self is going to be on YouTube, you would at least clean up your neck. Bet some of that hair is in those Hello Fresh tacos.

    I just can’t get over how they both sound like Gomer Pyle overnight.

    Edited by HotPockets - 3/27/2024, 07:23 PM
  8. .
    Can we address Moon Faces hairy neck and back beard? And their accents are seriously nauseating and I’m from North Carolina. 😂
  9. .
    She’s putting more videos out currently than she promised to her paid subscribers 😆
  10. .
    I saw more than 2 kids on the big float on the lake. Maybe Billy and her parents are living there too helping with rent?
  11. .
    The $2400 rental is the last house she posted on her paid site and immediately took down. Apparently it’s up for rent again so they must not be living in it.
  12. .
    Yeah, it’s for rent. $2400/month. Has her dry shampoo spray all over it!!!!
  13. .
    I wonder if the realty company paid for their stay in those Air BnBs. How did you find the reviews?
  14. .
    ivywrites Thats right, I forgot. Thanks
  15. .
    Did anyone find where they sold the Pooler house in register of deeds. I’m starting to think they may be living in that McMansion again. If you look up who lives there, Moodlefluffs name comes up. 🤔

    Renting possibly from the person who bought it????
217 replies since 1/4/2020