The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Do-do byrd

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    QUOTE (Twirly Squirrely @ 30/3/2023, 17:49) 
    Hadar probably would understand drunken Hebrew but would most likely be useless otherwise. Although I do recall him translating the doctors record especially the one where Andrea thought the ultrasound for Abigail showed she had no brain.

    My acquaintance is a well educated woman who I recall saying it was often very difficult to translate for a drunken Spanish speaking person. She is now living in Florida.

    In my opinion I think he is doing some type of gaming translation, which of course does not require proper grammar. I feel he grooms in new by gamers, giving them advice while grabbing treasures which scammy then turns around and sells to them to help them level up faster. In an older video scammy buys gamer gold for the dummy for his birthday. I don’t know if it’s legal or not. Dummy could also translate top hammer videos and then re-issue them to non-English speaking gamers. He could also have a pay as you go question/help line. His. Dream job.
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    Kayla has a new video. I was not able to leave a comment for her, but thank you Kayla!.

    Here’s the link: [
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    QUOTE (Taz @ 28/3/2023, 17:12) 
    QUOTE (Twirly Squirrely @ 28/3/2023, 17:05) 
    The weather is getting warmer and tornado season is upon all of us in tornado prone areas. I wonder how the children are doing in their death trap cells. It really is a concern of mine even if I don't personally know them. After watching the devastation in Mississippi I am even more concerned.

    The weather has been so odd from winter onward. The wind doesn't seem to stop and I am talking about high winds. I don't live in the prairie lands either. The weird weather is happening in other places, one Australian YouTube personality says that El Nino or maybe she said La Nina is causing their problems. La Niña is the cool phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), usually bringing more rain to Australia, while El Niño is the warm phase, where the climate is often drier than usual. Both can play havoc with the weather in the US too.

    There was snow in Los Angeles in February!

    England has had some odd weather or so I have heard.

    Be prepared everyone and listen to the weather forecasts. It appears the weather patterns are undergoing a cycle.

    A meteorologist posted that this year is shaping up to be a 1 in 10 year season. The number of tornados and the strength is expected to be higher than normal. Always be prepared. Me, I foster special needs cats and dogs. I always have enough transport kennels to kennel them all. I always monitor the weather and if it looks like bad weather is coming, I get them all kenneled and in a safe spot before anything happens. Last year, I was able to get 11 cats and 2 dogs kenneled and to safety in under 10 minutes. A new record for me.

    Bless you for what you do!
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    Shocking that fl Abi is in need of a bra and fat moomeh continues to show her on video in a thin material, too tight outfit. So inappropriate and sick.

    Shock of shocks, the girl can’t sleep because she’s afraid her dolls will come to life and eat her flesh. Been showing the kids horror films, eh Scammy?

    Pair that fear with the sick and demented drawings the girl did that were shown in an earlier video. The girl needs help from a therapist as do the parents.

    The girl “forgot” how to sleep in a bed, how sad. You can tell these kids are not tucked in, nor say prayers, nor have bedtime stories.

    About age 3 my mother taught me my first prayer, the “now I lay me down to sleep” prayer which we said every night along with giving thanks and asking blessings for our family and friends. Later on other prayers were added. It seems religion is not a thing in the fooly family even though rafa has begged to go to church. The kids were bought bibles not too long ago but I bet they’ve never opened them. They don’t seem to know the reason Christmas or Easter are celebrated; to them it’s all about candy, presents, bunnies and eggs. Rafa seems to know a bit about Hanukkah but no Jewish prayers or blessings or songs. Sad as rafa does show an interest.

    We ALWAYS went to the library and reading was a big part of our lives. We would go to the library sales where we bought books for 25 or 50 cents. Such a joy! By 5th/6th grade I was reading Shakespeare manned with a dictionary. I’m very thankful reading was a priority in our home and going to the library was a regular thing.

    I’m pretty sure the two rooms were made as an answer to the authorities pushing it. I also feel the building codes are not up to legal code. Andy is so proud of herself. It will be sad for her when the authorities condemn the bedrooms because of building codes and lack of exit options. . Fire/smoke detectors will help very little if there is no way to escape. I know of someone who had a fire start in the walls in her laundry room, in a mid-size home and by the time she saw it and the detectors went off she barely had time to get out before the home was completely engulfed. Literally minutes. I really worry for the kids safety.

    The meals ole Andy fixed were disgusting. The kids got one biscuit each with a spoon of gravy over each half. The pasta salad was also gross and didn’t seem like enough for a family of 4. Ole Dumbdar seemed perplexed that Andy was not going to add protein like tuna. She claims she was prepping the dinners cause she wouldn’t have time to cook. She has an insta pot, crock pot, oven and microwave…quick meals can be prepared in minutes. The least she could have done is cut up the lasagna noodles. Such a strange, weird and subpar meal prep.

    Finally, dumb daddeh, STFU! Trying to explain science is really not your thing. Not only did you botch the explanation, but you totally confused your kids.
    Stick to your fear of rain and nature. Duh!
  5. .
    The cells.

    No AC/heat as the only vent is covered and encased in a “desk” enclosure.

    Only window blocked so neither child could benefit from using it to escape in the event of an emergency.

    Many, many electric lights installed in a haphazard way by unknowledgeable person. Same with an overhead fan. Certainly nothing up to code.

    2 old, (probably 20 years old) used mattresses still in use, one of them sitting on the floor.

    Reminds me of 2 holding cells for prisoners.

    Rafa will at last be able to sleep in his bed, have privacy of sorts from his sister and wear pajamas?

    I wonder if, when they go to sell the tin can they will list it as three bedrooms ? Hahaha!

    Wonder what the folks down at the city hall permits and certifications will think about all the illegal construction?

    Finally, today, a 7 second video of the kids commenting about their new cells.

    Desperate for videos Andy? LA-ZEEEEE PIGGY.
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    NoJobDarTheHouseBitch Congrats on the title! Excellent! Perfect! True!

    :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043:
  7. .
    New fooly video up. As usual…weird AF!

    Dumdar bragging about his new weight lifting set; minus the weights; a gift from large Marge.

    Rafa, still trying to work with the exercise bar and Abi “still” learning to swing.

    Really, Dumdar, STFU you are so weird. Moo-meh was in the house napping, per usual.

    They take a road trip, stop by a pet store, Aldi and pick up lots of mats. Mats for Rafa’s archery, mats for dadduhs weight (which according to moo-meh won’t get wet because they have holes. But still no mat for rafa to keep him safe should he fall from the exercise bar. Priorities right?

    I agree with this comment left by a minion, but honestly it’s something the Bakers have brought up a lot. No reply from moomeh.

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    One thing that puzzles me is that in past years the kids go to visit Santa and I assume tell him what they want for Christmas but he never brings them anything. Just subscriber gifts and gifts from Ester and Jack and moomeh and dadduh. No Hanukkah gifts from the grandparents in Israel? Aren’t they usually asked to chip in for a big gift? Maybe the parents unannounced “gift you can’t open” was this years donation? Well, in another few weeks they will announce the mysterious gift and make a whole video out of the announcement. Wait, I’ll hold my breath.
  9. .
    . Kayla! Thank you for the new video! Excellent commentary!

    The Foolies have their Christmas/Hanukkah video up.

    All the gifts were from the grandparents, none from Santa or the parents although Scamdrea says they have a gift for the kids that can’t be opened but no mention was made of it. Could it be another trip? Disney maybe? Hahahaha!

    They light the Hanukkah candles, all new, not previously used. Haunnaka ran from 12/18/22 to 12/26/22, so, um, yeah.

    Dumbdar child’s rafa for not knowing the prayer and Abi spouts gibberish making fun of it.

    Another sad, sick and lonely holiday for the fooly kids. They are surely used to it by now. Unfortunately, life won’t get better for them, only worse I’m afraid.
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    Kayla’s has a new video up. Her last 3 address dumbdars gaslighting and treatment of the kids. Very good videos! Thank you so much Kayla for all your hard work!

    The Foolies also have a new video up; it shows the kids opening Christmas gifts from subscribers and rafa opening birthday gifts. His birthday was in November.

    I ran across the below linked video from just around the time rafa was born or just after he was born. Scamdrea moans she couldn’t nurse him for very long because she didn’t produce enough milk. Didn’t she say in a video that her husband was consuming the baby’s milk? Sick, sick, sick in my opinion.

    She also states that her husband and older son did not get along very well. Yes, we could have guessed that. Her she “let” her oldest move back to the states in August of that year and rafa was born in November. I thought I read here or saw in a video that her oldest was granted emancipation, so, ummmm.

    She weighed about 320 pounds the night before rafa was born. She talks of why she gained weight, about her social anxiety issues and starting a new weight loss program.

    Click below for the video.

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    I wonder why she is trying to revive her more lives Chanel. Is YT coming down on her for something on the main channel or is she trying to pull in more $$?
    In my mind there is no way I would follow any of her DIY projects or recipes. Do better, just do better.

    Here is the featured video on the secon channel.the picture shows what a drastic change in her in just a few years. I wondered how much editing has been done on the photo?

  12. .
    I found this old “live chat” from the Foolies as they shill for $$ from subs. It really showcases how awkward they are trying to converse and thank viewers for cash donations and claiming they don’t know how it works. also, there is a link in their description to the video they are so proud of….”Rafael in daddy jail”…sick, sick, sick.

    [ [/SPOILER]
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    Dear Bakers,

    The last 4 pages of comments were awesome! So spot on. True descriptions and calling out the Foolies.

    Proud of the 2 minions for calling scammy out but I can’t for the life of me figure out what would possess them to send money. TRUELY odd.

    Rafa’s birthday cake…scammy couldn’t even finish frosting the cake and using leftover decorations from Abi’s cake. Sheer laziness and cheapness.
    Rafa doesn’t really count now does he moomeh?

    Abi asking a half dozen times to try Rafa’s pogo stick. Shut up. Just shut up.

    Both kids are getting chubby especially Abi and both are pasty and sickly looking. The parents are just getting fatter and fatter.
    They must have some crappy eating down in da compound.

    No papaw, Eddie or Zeb. Do they just not care or do they really hate being around the parents?

    Dumdar tries to be his usual know-it-all telling rafa how to use the pogo stick but has all kinds of excuses when he fails as well!

    The “ Viqaquarium” for turtles they gave him runs “ $111.65” on Amazon and still needs an aquarium, rocks and turtles to use. They couldn’t get that for him so his gift would be ready to go? Just where the hell is he going to put it in his room? Once filled with rocks and water it will be too heavy and big to put on that piece of wood they nailed up at the end of his bed but if they put it elsewhere Abi will surely mess with it. Plus, it will require cleaning. I’m surprised yeti got him such a thing seeing that turtles are rumored to carry Salmonella.

    Daddeh is suppose to write him a letter. Why didn’t he have it ready? Maybe it will disclose where they are going for Rafa’s birthday. Trip! Hahahahaha.

    Well, the presents seemed a bit better than previous years, by a small margin, at least in cost but not in thoughtfulness. Still a shitty girly, half assed birthday cake, and no ice cream.

    Good to see rafa smile a bit.
  14. .

    Good comment! Thank you for posting such a good comment and the link to Kayla’s’ video!


    Thank you for such an insightful video! You are awesome! True stuff!

  15. .
    sonny bono's mustache

    :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: Great true comment!


    :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043: :7043:

    You nailed it!
2086 replies since 15/4/2020