The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Don'sDollars

  1. .
    Yeah, Jen just wants the divorced life she THOUGHT she would have---Suzanne and her heart home without having to sleep w/ Don.
    I don't think she ever saw Don as much more than a means to an end, to provide her the lifestyle she wanted. They had very little chemistry from what I could tell from her videos.
  2. .
    QUOTE (REmily2021 @ 13/5/2024, 23:00) 
    She's implying that there is some trouble in Don's life. Even though she's super jealous of Tens, as long as she treats her kids well (which I think she does) She should have no problem with her. Tens and her kids are part of CC and Donnie's life. If something is going down over there it affects her kids too. If Don and Tens marriage didn't work out, Don would immediately be looking for wife #3. She might not be as nice to the kids as Tens. One more thing her hair is absolutely disgusting. She's so greasy.

    She doesn't care what happens to the kids, as long as they leave her house at least 50% of the time.
  3. .
    i'm sure jen thinks that the couple dollars she drops in the tip jar is more than enough help.
  4. .
    I bet she’s going to do that full body MRI that costs like 3k not covered by insurance.
  5. .
    Everything about her irritates me. Everything.

    She wants everyone to be as miserable as her and that's why she says things like "Whew, did we all make it through the month?" and things about holidays being so hard for so many people. No, Jen. Most people have learned to deal with their life so if family is difficult, they enjoy the holidays with friends (most adults, believe it or not, have other adults in their lives whose company they enjoy). If a person has a bad relationship with their mother, Mother's Day might be uncomfortable but they learn to move on with life and most spend the day doing something they enjoy rather than wallowing in self-pity. Stop deciding that since you are miserable, everyone else is, too.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 5/13/2024, 05:34 PM)
    Jen: “I probably have a lot of tea to spill, but they’re not necessarily my stories to share at this moment”.

    The giggling gloat.

    Hey Jen, do you know when that moment will be?

    Jen still thinking she won the Divorce.
  7. .
    Youtube only "Lost it's shine" because she got divorced and the perfect life she tried to portray for a decade was exposed as a fraud. She only enjoyed Youtube for the praise and envy showered upon her.
  8. .
    Tea, anyone?

    SPOILER (click to view)
    IYKYK 😂😂😂

    Edited by Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol - 5/13/2024, 10:21 AM
  9. .
    Whoo, y'all. I almost forgot! We just got two new puppies over the weekend and I've been watching them like a hawk.

    However, we are currently percolating.
  10. .
    Charlotte would out run Beefy Jeans in a mile race, but imagine them doing a 5 K and Charlotte saying mom, come one, you’re supposed to run, not WOG.
  11. .
    I've never once seen her express joy with her kids the way she does when she's alone at Disney or alone in her car. Nothing even remotely close. Instead of running away from that, she needs to work through it with a therapist. And fix her relationship with her kids before they're too old to care.
  12. .
    Lol. She did a “Fit Family Flow” yoga.

    You’re supposed to do it with your kids but she probably did it in her bedroom alone.

    It’s possible she will post a pic of them doing the family yoga to try and show that she includes her kids and she’s such a loving mother 🙄
  13. .
    There she goes with the shitquotes. Her mother is alive and well, and she has her TWO! precious babies. What is fatso's problem with Mother's Day!?

    Such a miserable wench.
  14. .
    I chose today to attempt to catch up here not realizing it's Mother's Day, the BEST of all Jen days.
    Of course she was on IG yesterday complaining about parenting. OF COURSE :hearty-laugh:

    So she has them today? Loooooove how she was fully called out and is now making a point of spending MD with Those Children. (Mother's Day Timeline from last year.) Eat shit Jen! You deserve it.

    Fat pants 2018 vs fat pants 2024
  15. .
    How long until someone in their class (or older sibling of someone in the class) stumbles on Beefy and hears all the comments about the kids, the videos, and it gets back to them. They'll go crying to their real family and there's nothing anyone can do. She has a great job at making sure the kids will be teased as they get older about all this stuff.
10752 replies since 9/5/2020