The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by notonthenorthshore

  1. .
    I am not sure what re-run video is the one being discussed, so I will try to scroll back and see,

    I did watch something last night with them in Utah in August, and there was a discussion between
    Jen and Don about something that needed to be done, and Jen reminded him that
    BOTH CLEANING LADIES are coming today (I am sure Jen would not know what in the H%LL to do with a mop let alone how to clean it ---
    the concern was were they arriving at 11:30 am or 12:30 pm to clean up whatever was to much for the family to actually deal with.
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    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 8/23/2021, 01:46 PM) 
    Have any of the viewers’ UP suggestions on IG been of abandoned nuclear facilities? Or anything close, really….old deserted shopping centers maybe, or old dilapidated/boarded up buildings she could stealth camp next to in her minivan?

    Isn't that what we ALL do, advertise on Instagram where we are going to be traveling to and asking rando people for suggestions? what a nut job.

    I saw the post after she had received so many places thus she CAN'T WAIT TO GO EXPLORE!

    (I am sure she deleted all of the questions about if she is taking the kids, or still has custody of them)
  3. .
    That post and video today from Jen ::: equates to :::

    "Tell me you never wanted kids and want to be alone, without telling me you never wanted kids and want to be alonel"
  4. .
    QUOTE (Sebs @ 8/22/2021, 11:44 AM) 
    I finally uploaded all of the MHWL videos that I had saved to Rumble. They're all here: Longchamp parts 1 & 2, Disney, Tosh, Gravy, Italy, Parking Lot Meltdown and all the rest. I also have The Busy Bee Buzz videos saved and will start uploading those soon. Credit to blondeambition for the name of the channel.

    A thank you from me as well, that is a lot and it is appreciated, especially now that we are looking at them from an entirely different viewpoint: Jen uncaged but in shock and angry that her uncaging did not go exactly as she planned
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    QUOTE (TWO!!! @ 8/22/2021, 12:39 PM) 
    Happy Sunday everyone!!


    Hmmm no shit post or any scolding yet today, must have her hands full and unable to scroll around intsa for passive-aggressive things to snap at us with.
  6. .
    Only 1:38 min into the video and the dog has not moved,
    i.e. making me wonder if she gave or gives Winnie Benadryl or that Drama-mean she mentioned in the previous packing video (she showed her travel walking pharmacy and one of the 4 meds in the pill pack was Drama-mean (that is how she said it)
    so Bangle Bitch you are correct she does bring it up in some vague manner in that previous packing video,

    this riveting packing video should put me to sleep shortly. No Benaydrl needed. :D
  7. .
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 8/20/2021, 12:11 PM) 
    I don’t like that house. That staircase looks so 90s.

    Agree, it is odd and does not seem to fit, all of those homes were built in the late 90s or Y2K so maybe that would be the first thing someone would rip up and change, it is in need of it,
    Close to Golf course which gives it some extra points, but not ON golf course so small deduction of points
    And altho it is a lot of room
    they might need more with all the kids and ??? and anchor baby just in case if Tens is feeling nervous about locking this all down

    - on the lack of yard space, well that is the price one pays to stay in Glenview proper that area used to be a govt airbase or some such thing, it was bought and they parceled it up in the way to make the most money by jamming in as many houses as they could
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 8/20/2021, 10:44 AM) 
    Why did Jen drive when they all went to the club fir lunch? She said in another video that “she is usually the one who drives” out there. They were all there. I would never have hopped in my in-laws vehicle while they were with me, to drive. Doesn’t sound like something someone with anxiety would do. Or someone caged

    Excellent point that someone should comment on if she mentions her anxiety again or starts to go on and on about it or shit posts about it/or being caged
    I would be hesitant to drive a huge van full of family members and a small baby
    So Jen is so full of s#it
    She pulls out her anxiety card when she doesn't want to do something or to manipulate others into feeling sorry for her.
    She really and truly looking back at the "narrative" she put out there, is so full of it

    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 8/20/2021, 11:44 AM) 
    QUOTE (SkeletonOnThePeleton @ 8/20/2021, 12:05 PM) 
    I'm trying to remember because I skipped through it, but didn't she say the men were golfing, aka drinking? Suzanne might be like me and have actual anxiety about driving, especially a huge Suburban. So the lesser of two evils, either one of the drunks drive us or the loose nut behind the wheel. The nut won.

    I think that was a different outing. This one Don was there and mentioned that he was sitting in the 3rd row of the SUV. Jen was driving, Suz up front, Grace was in the back with Emily beside her. Maybe Em was in the middle and Dave was on her other side out of view? That would put Poopsie in the very back with Don. Who the fuck makes their senior citizen father in law climb all the way into the very back of an SUV?! Rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

    In that video, she jump cuts to going to lunch at the "club" that looks like it is empty but for them
    And you have the seating down are far as who was sitting where Jen driving
    Emily behind her, baby Grace, Don and
    Poopie and Suz in the 3d row back, camera person is ???? (poopsie)
    also hmmm
    just thought this family may have brought on the CC poopie talk themselves with Grandpa being called Poopsie
  9. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 8/19/2021, 11:48 PM) 
    notonthenorthshore I missed the comment about getting used to it. I guess they were already annoyed by her intrusiveness at that point. I probably would have tossed her camera out years earlier. LOL

    I watched that one twice and heard it clearly the second time because it was such a quick comment, it was almost like it flew out of Emily or Suzzane mouth and then they stopped short of any further convo or opinions on Jen filming

    it is while they have Grace on the floor in the LP and Yoda was snuggling the bear blanket and Grace is in the boppy thing w a fabric book trying to learn to sit up, and Emily acknowledges that but Jen says something stupid about that Grace is trying to do a backflip (???Jen you are an idiot) ---- (I guess that is what it is called, boppy is what we called it, )

    and Jen must have been on all fours w her damn camera is literally waving the camera back and forth in front of the baby's face, and one of them says it --- and actually, they do sound annoyed like THIS is what we put up with (neither was happy about the situation)

    In that clip it is clear Jen has NO clue what to do because the attention is not on Her, Jen and so she inserts herself and the damn camera and makes what should have been a cute moment awkward and yeah totally agree, I am sure they were OVER it by this point (the filming)
  10. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 8/19/2021, 09:34 PM) 
    After projecting her jealousy onto Winnie, she overcompensated by keeping the camera on Grace for an uncomfortably loooong time ( while obnoxiously giggling :yucky: ).

    Hearing her say “Melissa” is like nails on a chalkboard. Such a try-hard. I can’t imagine how annoying it was to Suzanne, especially in the later years.

    yeah, she did have the camera on her a lot, Grace looked disturbed by it, either Emily or Suzanne said (while Jen was blathering about the camera to Grace) almost under their breath, or at least in an annoyed manner (about the camera in Grace's face) said "well, you better get used to it..." Thought that was very telling,

    especially since Jen always reminded us how she NEVER films unless she has permission, --- well they may have agreed to be filmed Jen just to placate you and never picked up on that they really never appreciated it,
  11. .
    QUOTE (KayTee @ 8/19/2021, 11:19 PM) 
    So much “tranquility” “magic” “peace” talk from Jen.

    Yet she exudes anxiety, angst and anger.


    I don’t want to post the screenshot here, but go to that @getawayhouse and read the grid post immediately prior to The one about Jen’s visit (it has a video instead of still photo).

    She goes away one a month for self care and healing.

    The world is apparently full of Jens!! Who knew there were so many deeply struggling people with the means and lack of responsibility to wallow - I mean practice self-care - so frequently.

    that bell or bowl thing she is clanging on is giving me an ear ache and anxiety
  12. .
    QUOTE (NotBeforeNoon @ 8/19/2021, 03:10 PM) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 8/19/2021, 04:04 PM) 
    if she's doing sleep meditations at 6pm eastern time where do some of you think she is :lol:

    She's been airlifted out of Afghanistan. She's over the Atlantic Ocean now. Once she found out she couldn't get the beautiful hound species with the long blonde hair, she wanted out.

    I am sorry, but not, I am just ROFLMBO picturing this airlift, and also if she did find a dog, her holding the dog and screaming at it all the way onto the plane, and the dog is like, um, yeah, you know what lady, I will just stay here, after all, less drama then what life appears like it is going to be with you. Dog turns around and runs off the jetway
  13. .
    Ok, is anyone else feeling like we are watching re-runs here with the shit quotes? i. e. we have seen them ALL before, ALL OF THEM
    she needs to remove "content creator" from her profile as creating content she is NOT.
  14. .
    I think things might have been starting to sour between them much earlier now that I re-watched the return from Utah for a few days Video, the first few minutes in they are passive/aggressively communicating, he corrects her on flight times (like it matters) and as soon as he does this she finds something to scold him for: the trash in his car and hints at how much worse it gets and worse than we can see, then the ever slight eye roll she does and darts some looks at her (would be more telling without sunglasses) i.e. is he annoyed? yes, I think he has started being annoyed and probably has been for some time by the date of this video.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 8/18/2021, 10:47 AM) 
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 8/18/2021, 09:58 AM) 
    That’s why I don’t think she is in Norway
    If you were in your Dream Vacay would you really scold followers and look for shitquotes????


    A normal person, no.
    Jen, absolutely. It's what works for her.

    QUOTE (KayTee @ 8/18/2021, 11:14 AM) 
    I half thought Jen was expressing her angst at the tragedy in Afghanistan and that it was the reawakening of woke empath political Jan that we saw January 6.

    I thought the same. Two words into that shit quote I thought "here we go, she's gonna talk about Afghanistan." She probably still will, but it won't be until others post about it so she can copycat them.

    Yep, that is exactly what she did last year with covid and her race posts: she waited until all of the other "planner friends" posted and then and only then did she do a mish mash of what they posted and called it her own. She is very predictable.
320 replies since 9/6/2020