The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by notonthenorthshore

  1. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 9/26/2021, 11:03 AM) 
    Some women thrive on motherhood. Stop assuming they spend all day at the soccer fields with their kids because they have to. Many do it because they want to.

    Motherhood comes in all shapes and sizes and there is no one right way to do it.

    Thank you for stating that, I did not enjoy little league Baseball but I did all the things and was there for my son, treats, snack mom, and I was secretly so happy when he stopped playing baseball (more to make Mr. N happy and Mr. N loves his sports esp. baseball,)

    but I never, not for a moment sank to the pit Jen is in with the clear disgust and near neglect, Jen has shown in her bs posts,

    The best thing that ever happened to me was my son, and he will be my baby till the end of time.

    Jen does not know that joy that the rest of us who actually love our kids and find joy in just everything our child/ children do.
  2. .
    QUOTE (HorrorQueen @ 9/24/2021, 11:30 AM) 
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 9/24/2021, 10:36 AM) 
    Circling back to cash on hand, it has been reported that $750,000 in cash was found amongst the rubble of the Surfside Condominium collapse. There were 138 units. That’s an average of almost $5500 per condo.

    Holy moly. :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:

    I have known someone who does not believe in banks, yeah I know, but he got it from his Dad so they literally would keep money (not insignificant amounts stashed around the house, he has since moved and hopefully remembered all the cash stashing places, such as his bed. sat on it (loooooog ago in a far away young me, high school actaully) and the bed felt weird, and said high school boyfriend proudly displayed his mattress was stuff with cash. I was in shock. We broke up, he was not right in the head nor was the Dad who encouraged this cash hoarding in the house. It was a Great Generation thing, his Dad was significanly older when he started a family and well anyway---

    Now with apple pay and all the options not to carry cash, and just shut your card/s off if your crossbody bag is taken or your purse never would carry over maybe $50 or less with me the rest safely in the appropriate financial institutions.
  3. .

    along with everyone else sending good vibes your way,
    #fuckcancer #cancersucks

    from another Baker who was diagnosed around June (it mish mashes together, things happen so fast)

    anyway this Bakery is full of the nicest bestest kindest people ever and

    snarking at Jens unending ridiculous behavior, for me, has been a great distraction

    regarding Jens bs insta posts today :::: again all I can say is she is the ultimate hypocrite.
  4. .
    QUOTE (sweettreat @ 9/22/2021, 12:11 PM) 
    Sure, watch your kid—CC—float out on the lake in a cheap inflatable giraffe and no life vest while you talk to your camera.

    This as well as several other moments really had my anxiety up. CC shouldn't have had to ask her to wait for her when they were walking to breakfast, are you fucking kidding me? I also don't think I would have slept very well in that situation, but of course she got a full 8 hours.

    Agree 100%
    while Jen is yammering away at her camera she has no idea what could have happened behind her, CC was pretty far back and all it would take is a second for someone to have jumped out from behind one of those tent things, and Jen barely looks back and they are up at the crack of dawn
    no one up yet to witness anything, omg I feel sorry for those kids

    and she seems so very annoyed when in this most choppy chop chop of edits Donny asks a question or CC asks about her bracelet, geeze jen put the damn camera down and go back with her to locate the frickin bracelet, its not like you can even have breakfast yet- you are up so early nothing is open -
    let them sleep in, and the sound machine WHO takes that to the desert, Jen to control their sleep - she shut that white noise off at 5 am and those kids are so used to it meaning "WAKE UP" what did she think -

    oh no jen basically dismisses that CC is upset and keeps walking and mutters something to CC about it being by the bed,

    This highlights and underlines that this trip was staged to show she still has the kids, and that she jen is showing us that

    Edited by notonthenorthshore - 9/22/2021, 12:40 PM
  5. .
    Water at that lake looked gross but maybe it always does, wondering if the drought/fire smoot falling into it made it look like grey soup

    also Jen you are soooo very full of s#it, most especially after last weeks bs off the chain rant

    you are attention-hungry beyond anyone i have ever seen, even the freakin kardashians are not as bad as you
  6. .
    well we know she is still hoarding mugs
    and what we all were waiting for: she is on a matcha latte kick lately.

    (translated her insta story: my video was crappy I am embarrassed to post it.
  7. .
    It is the day before her new posting day, (unless she changes it)wondering if we will see her having a magical time with her 2 offspring in the next video, (probably discussed to no end already) she is sitting right now doing nothing but ruminating over the bs of posting another bad video, and if it does not go up
    it is because she knows is bad, poorly filmed, poorly edited, and she, I am sure sounds as fake af in all of it.
  8. .
    Sarah did that is a very classy way, great blog post, explains herself, she kept her dignity and did what was right for her, also while not leaving her viewer without a very in-depth and sincere discussion of all the issues that led to her decision. Again, class act!
  9. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 9/20/2021, 05:28 PM) 
    on the topic of her 14 year old backpacking journal...

    did you guys keep anything from the 8th grade? or even HS? I tossed most of my college papers and I can't even imagine keeping anything I wrote before that

    No, however, my Mom kept report cards and a few papers in an early version of scrapbook for things she wanted (way before the onslaught of the allie edwards type hysteria over "memory keeping" )

    I am in the camp with those who believe she created that Rainbow Cover and all of it earlier on the 17th of September
    - it was very brightly colored, i.e. just done with her special so special fav marker pens, - it looked fabricated because she was doing on the fly and did not know how juvenile to go with the drawing and the topper
    the most aaaahhhmazzzinggg coincidence that it was dated Sept 17th also

    (she was about to off into a synchronistic ramble but stopped herself and called it CLASSIC instead
    CLASSIC what?

    Edited by notonthenorthshore - 9/20/2021, 06:29 PM
  10. .
    late to the party but good lord miss a few days and well, yep

    today, however, was the first time ever I heard that Jen "volunteered" to do anything /something

    She "volunteered" to sleep in a tent wherein she heard a snorting racoon walk around the tent and she turned it into a bear encounter.

    (maybe this has been said, but no one else saw or heard said bear.

    Edited by notonthenorthshore - 9/17/2021, 11:53 AM
  11. .
    QUOTE (SLEW OF SUITORS LIKE JEN @ 9/10/2021, 02:06 PM) 
    Hello bakers! :) I have been having surgery and missed much it seems. I've unsubsribed to her.. The woman she is now, isn't who I signed up for lol. I'm not into solo camping etc although I did enjoy the scenery on one of her hikes, but still, I no longer look forward to her videos. Its far more entertaining at the bakery lol. Anyway, I saw she chastised viewers again and called us creepy. ::rolls eyes :::

    I've done all my catching up and ooh wouldn't it be wonderful if a baker got the job? Hahaha. Can you imagine the pre screening questions?.. Great to be back xo

    Welcome back! Having health issues takes its toll on the time one has to do the fun stuff, The Bakery is like complementary medicine in my mind, and alternative therapy if you will, with no shag carpet drinks required!

    Hope your recovery is over or quick and wishing you all the best - yes Jen has realllllly changed, and yes it would be funny if it were a Baker.
  12. .
    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 9/10/2021, 11:45 AM) 
    So I got my Peloton on Wednesday and have done two cycling classes so far. Loving it already!!

    A few things:

    - clipping out is a real bitch. After a bike ride, I struggle to find the strength :lol:

    - my crotch is so sore. Does it get better?

    - since last night, I’ve had really bad period like cramps (sans the period). Advil helped but the cramps are still ongoing today. Not sure if it’s related to the exercise??

    Keep us posted, your honest thoughts, I have been on the fence but know winter is coming (sounds so Game of Thrones :D ) and I know here in the burbs of Chicago is going to get difficult to stay active esp outside esp. after the holidays,

    sounds great actually so far from your report that I would trust!!!

    um Jen Ross - no I trust nothing from her lying mouth about peleton or anything else.
  13. .
    ok late with this post after a ca-raz-y week ---

    So is anyone else finding it weird Becca would come back to Paradise after the Aire breakup? and the other relationship with someone in Bachelor Nation that did not work out? She was Bachelorette and he was the wrong choice, I guess, who knows

    Seems like this for Becca is brand seeking behavior, staying relevant to keep getting those podcast requests, event invites, products to promote,

    Like all of them. This season is a bit boring. Feels like a re-run. (maybe it is just me) oh well new bachelorette coming up soon so there is that
  14. .
    OK, I cannot wrap my head (again) around all of the bathtub use wherever she is, especially risky in a hotel, even a fancy one,
    so odd she says something along the lines of showering is not what people do hotels, ??? (I bring my LYSOL and spray the s#it on everything)
    would never ever sit in a tub that was left to hotel staff to wipe down with the rag they used in the previous room, moving germs from one to the next.

    Also, the lip color matches the brights we are seeing on new Mrs. Ross, but for Jen well, a colorful lip is only for once a year I guess.

    Trump special massage hmmm, she was sooooo caged.
  15. .
    I am only a minute or so into it and had to stop to examine the bald spot on her head pre- stress
    She has, I am going to guess here, not only stress-related hair loss

    But also alopecia areata, genetic, inherited from her Mom who is low on hair but from videos does what she can to volumize and keeps it short which is a look that works and can be worked with
    Jen, nope she is without a clue and trying to look like someone she is not.
331 replies since 9/6/2020