The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Nefarious Claundry

  1. .
    QUOTE (KayTee @ 25/7/2020, 21:24) 
    QUOTE (SteamingPileOfClaundry @ 25/7/2020, 20:10) 
    Just reading through this and something occurred to me.

    Is it possible that Don did cheat and it’s stipulated in the divorce that she is not allowed to talk about it online? Could that be a reason she is so seething with anger at his being a good guy.

    I can’t quite understand what she is saying about the ‘message’ sent to other women (and men) by people pointing out that it’s nice Don continues to support her and the kids. I’m sure she things it’s un-feminist or something but I can’t quite get what she even means. Surely it’s a positive thing he is doing that and they are getting along for the kids.

    I found her instastories quite uncomfortable. She reminds me of my mother. That cold anger where you see she is capable of really hurting you. I feel sorry those kids.

    I have not been able to stop thinking of the trash plates since yesterday 🤢

    What she is saying about the message being sent is that it is still “Don’s money” that is paying for everything is that such a message implies that being a long term stay at home wife, and mother, has no financial value to the couple/family and only the person who works for a paycheck is valuable and the other person (usually the woman) Has no value or entitlements except through wage earner’s largesse.

    Her view is that she stayed home with his blessing and encouragement and their financial assets belong to both of them even though he worked, such that the half (or whatever amount) she receives from their joint assets in the divorce is her money and was always just as much hers as his - rightfully/equitably as opposed to just legally.

    So I think she was implying that by saying that you’re telling women that if they don’t work outside the home they have no value and that such statements also suggest the same thing to the husband; that being the breadwinner is more valuable to the family than the partner who stays at home, supports the working spouse emotionally (🙄), takes care of the house and the social obligations (🙄🙄), takes care of the children (🙄🙄🙄), etc.

    The 🙄‘s are because Jen did Jack 💩- but I agree with her premise, especially as here where Don wanted her at home.

    Yeah that makes sense and I do agree with that view. You get married you agree it’s 50/50 in principal (money, work towards running the home, raising kids), even if that is not the reality.
    There was just something so off with the way she said it, it seemed like there was more I wasn’t getting. Like as far as I could see it were one or two comments but they provoked such anger.
  2. .
    Just reading through this and something occurred to me.

    Is it possible that Don did cheat and it’s stipulated in the divorce that she is not allowed to talk about it online? Could that be a reason she is so seething with anger at his being a good guy.

    I can’t quite understand what she is saying about the ‘message’ sent to other women (and men) by people pointing out that it’s nice Don continues to support her and the kids. I’m sure she things it’s un-feminist or something but I can’t quite get what she even means. Surely it’s a positive thing he is doing that and they are getting along for the kids.

    I found her instastories quite uncomfortable. She reminds me of my mother. That cold anger where you see she is capable of really hurting you. I feel sorry those kids.

    I have not been able to stop thinking of the trash plates since yesterday 🤢
  3. .
    QUOTE (PowderRoomCandy @ 21/7/2020, 17:05) 
    QUOTE (SteamingPileOfClaundry @ 21/7/2020, 16:59) 
    Rewatching vintage Jen.
    She mentions putting a kitchenette in the basement. Why?
    I think I always thought their house came with the kitchen down there. Did they ever use it? Was that the backup kitchen?

    She used the basement dishwasher for Thanksgiving dishwashing overflow...

    I'm sure there were gallons of Titos in reserve for (formerly) sweet boy Donald in the cabinets.

    Ah yes, how not 1% of me. I should have realised you need a whole other kitchen to avoid having to hand wash dishes once per year.
    Yeah sure came in handy for Don.

    Her whole life seems to have been consumed with staving off future inconvenience or discomfort.
  4. .
    Rewatching vintage Jen.
    She mentions putting a kitchenette in the basement. Why?
    I think I always thought their house came with the kitchen down there. Did they ever use it? Was that the backup kitchen?
  5. .
    I haven’t posted here for years. I fact it may not have even been here where I last posted. Can’t even remember my old user name. I remember pinksims.

    When I saw her marriage was breaking up I felt a tiny bit of empathy for Jen. Having just caught up on the latest and the gossip here I’m disgusted. The size and price of that house!

    Anyway today’s video... has she had her lips filled? She looks old all of a sudden but her lips look weird.
380 replies since 17/7/2020