The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Arlee85

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    An abundance of chick peas. I guess it makes her feel better to take food out of old plastic Tupperware and put it into glass jars.
    Personal aside. My mother kept all her old Tupperware and boy does it stink after time. Plastic degrades.
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    I used to post here but fell off. I was an avid Kate critic but the aggravation wasn't worth it.
    She drove them off the cliff with the move. I know her old neighborhood frightened her but this move to the "the forest" put them even closer to the edge. They won't recover.
    Retirement? Will they even get social security? Not sure if Bali ever settled his immigration issues. Anyone know how that works? Medicare isn't free and being old is expensive.
    I don't believe they let her kids volunteer. She probably brings them with her but they're too young. Another Kate embellishment.
    I always thought they were getting food assistance. The bulk buying cycle matched up and refusal to show receipts. Whatever. It was the waste and insistence on buying higher end vegan groceries that was a head scratcher.
    And in true Kate fashion, she says she isn't knowledgeable about history and proceeds to give a history lesson.
    She could get a job but it would probably be just enough to cut their assistance. So many in the service industry have the same situation.
    We tried to tell her the forest house with the gun range view was a bad idea. It was a miracle they even bought the old house. They could have stayed put, paid it off and sold it and headed off to a retirement friendly state and had a chance. Slim chance but not impossible.
    *Sorry for being so long winded. I'll blame it on the Kate influence.
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    She's completely ignorant. She's slapping labels on them so she can make them out to be unteachable. If they can't learn, she doesn't have to homeschool them and her problem is solved.
    I can't fathom anyone not wanting the absolute best for their kids. She is a tough one to figure out.
    She does seem to be stuck in her make believe memories of when they were young and playing in the pesticide orchard while she read. I'm sure she was bitching her way through those years too.
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    She used to carefully fold her receipts. Then she started losing them. Now she just doesn't mention it.
    I miss the days of the bulk food orders. We gave her hell on those. I don't miss her sending Bali to the store then losing her shit on what he bought. Didn't she have a meltdown over a watermelon at one point?
    Either way, she lies like a rug about her spending and income. It's nice she can obsess about groceries while many of us are obsessing about insurance costs, deductibles and co-pays. You go Kate.
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    There's some weird dynamic going on. I'm 100% convinced she homeschools to justify not working but then goes in to say no one in the house (especially the dogs) wants her to work. Then talks about how homemaking is a full time job. Homeschooling maybe but she just makes work for herself in the homemaking department.
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    She really was acting off in this video. Vague but too detailed. I sped through and still gave up.

    So the commute broke him. Maybe he got a job at the gun range? Anyone familiar with the area have any ideas?

    I'm still wondering what she did with the boys. School is pretty generic but she then goes into a lengthy retelling of the plot of Rocky.

    And off course she screws up his birthday dessert. New recipe and doesn't plan for the ingredients. Such attention to detail on her kids special day. Typical for Kate.
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    That's my diagnosis.
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    Jeez she is hyped up. Only Kate can be so animated with her ass planted firmly in her chair.
    Wonderful greens from the garden? Prove it. Wonderful plate of food? Uh huh.

    Thanks for the detailed description of how your dogs like their food. I really, really cared about that. Weirdo.

    So what's this about the boys being in school? I skipped thru and probably missed something. Did Kate swallow her pride along with her gallon of foamy creamer and go back to forest school?
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    Sam doesn't seem to be enjoying his new position as Golden Child. He's trying, telling her the dense quick bread is better without egg. But there seems to be an air of despair around the old forest house.

    Overall, lots of Kate grossness per usual. That mushroom stroganoff thing looked positively foul. She did give me a good laugh talking about her intermittent eating. So glad she isn't wanting sugar. Well, except for everything she eats or drinks.

    I had to cut it off there. She started bitching about her husband and I won't indulge her. I guess I missed another farewell lecture on the evils of the internet delivered on.the.internet.

    Suck it up Kate. Lots of us have partners that work a lot and have way more on our plates. Get off your ass, stop loading him up with household projects and futile gardening. He will be happier and have more time.
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    I found the utopia Kate has been searching for. Well, excluding the hard work, having to do things you don't feel like doing and getting along/cooperating with others.
    The channel name is Giselle Waldner. She's a mid twenties Hutterite. She melts my icy heart so go easy on her friends. I like her. Unlike Kate, I can enjoy her videos and not want to BE her though.

    Love you all dearly but the mommy wars posts bum me out. That crap should be left in the past. My heart goes out to the young widow but that's a whole other trauma.

    I too wish Kate would shut up about her "worth". It's stupid. She does none of it well, no one would pay her for the substandard work she does and she wouldn't last a day trying to balance work/home duties.
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    I agree Papillon. Something is overwhelming her and she is doing a slash and burn.
    I don't fault her for screwing up. It happens. But be honest. Sit down, add up what you've spent and how you're going to fix it. Maybe delete the Amazon app not the whole freaking internet.
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    She's always taking things away and none of it makes sense.
    Of course the boys are struggling to entertain themselves. Not even forest school to break up the monotony any more. She wants them outside digging in the dirt like 2 year olds. She didn't mention more interesting curriculum or trips or anything for them to do. Just cuts them off games. She's actually a psycho.
    She admitted she makes money on the evil internet. Can you imagine her sitting in the lobby of the library for hours? Why can't she do that at night when the family doesn't need her attention? Why is she dragging her ill behaved kids to the library?
    And what's all this admin crap she's talking about? First on her list should be banking. Yet she chooses to pick fights in YouTube comments instead of looking after her personal business. Just wing it and hope the YouTube money covers things. Sheesh.
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    I am too Catty. I think the Bakery is the only thing stable and consistent in her life.
  14. .
    I was kinda shocked at the difference. She's even given up her leggings and seems to be hanging out in pj's. Her hair looks fried off and so so thin. The boys look dirty too.
    She's blaming peri-menopause? She's reading/not reading books and lacks a basic understanding of reproductive health?
    This woman needs a swift kick in the ass and a life coach but there she is chugging coffee and burping through her videos.
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    She's been watching that whack job Way Crunchy and is full on mimic mode. She talked about her a lot a few months ago.
    I've been away doing life and I checked back in. Oh my gosh she is DIRTY. The kids are dirty and the house is just gross. Has she just completely given up?
38 replies since 23/7/2020