The Gossip Bakery

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  1. .
    So far she’s shown her trash cans, license plate, phone number, even her conception heart journal, every inch of the old house…….

    Yeah she’s fiercely private.
  2. .
    Oh so THAT is why Jen never addressed Tensleigh. Jen didn’t want Tensleigh to get caught up in the trolls and stalkers. Jen is so thoughtful and generous #blessed
  3. .
    Have the day you deserve, Jennifer Boyles.
  4. .
    Do u guys think Don reads children’s books to Tensleigh every night???
  5. .
    I still think back to the single mother Christmas tree nice of our Jenbo to give a single mother a Christmas tree AND a rich husband.
  6. .
    This is unrelated to the snooze fest at hand, but last fall, Tens & Co hired a photographer to come to the house and get everyone's pictures, group pics, etc.

    Busy beeee Jennifer Wross could have EASILY arranged this, before and/or after kids. She never did. And she called herself a housewife.

    Just an observation.
  7. .
    Not watching the video but will chime in. Pre-kids, I did think she was pretty. But I think that was because she was actually HAPPY and it showed. Now, the deep unhappiness radiates out of her and makes her look terrible. Zero joy in her eyes anymore. Night and day compared to 2013 caged Jen.
  8. .
    Jen reminds me to appreciate my cager.
  9. .
    She was friends with R. in high school. I think they kept in touch enough but it fizzled out because Jen never kept up with it. I do wonder if the 'divorce is contagious' speech is directed at this girl.

    Her bridesmaids in her wedding? If I remember correctly, she did have a few bridesmaids.

    The nail tech. Whatever happened here is the greatest mystery.

    Random YouTube personalities (planner bitches, Disney Brooke, etc) were these even real friendships?

    Don's own family? That's probably the closet thing she ever had to a friend. But then he met Mrs. Tensleigh Ross and the entire family embraced their new daughter-in-law and kids. And "betrayed" Jen.

    Jen's brother? Maybe?

    I'm just wondering what friendships she is even talking about because the records show that those friendships never really existed. Don was her only friend and lifeline. A true shame. She had it made. She fumbled the bag. Idiot.
  10. .
    The Michelle Dempsey lady (suspected life “coach” of jen) remarried her husband. Er, one of them.

    Anyway, *wonder* what this means for Jen…..

    Tens, be careful. Jennifer is coming back to collect her Villeroy&Bach china AND her sweet boy Donald.
  11. .
    God I just love that Jen blew up her life and if she only waited like 4 years, she'd be in the mansion with a stay at home dad helping raise The Circumstances.
  12. .
    Whether Jen was booted from Utah or not….any normal person would not return to the Utah house. What is she gonna do?? Sleep in the basement with the old blender and Tone it Up DVDs and Winnie’s grooming shit while Tensleigh is playing Melissa upstairs, making friendships bracelets with Emily???? Drinking Raven wine & eating smoked meats?
  13. .
    The return from the August 2020 Utah trip will go down as a mystery. We don't really know what happened. Tens was certainly on the scene if they were married not even a year later.
  14. .
    Tens is 10/10. Good for don. She’s an upgrade on all fronts.
  15. .
    Doing my own rewatch and one of the things I noticed she said A LOT before kids was “in our next house” or along those lines.

    This was also when Don was working/recently left his crazy money job working for his cousin.

    And then shortly after, she’s hanging her own Christmas lights. No more mention of building in Utah. No weekly in-home massages. And then seems to have completely stopped talking about their next home.

    Idk just my 2c. She def didn’t think the “next home” would be a guardrail flip job hahahaha.
768 replies since 30/7/2020