The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Good Ol’ Suze

  1. .
    Don making sure he can give honest answers is chilling.
  2. .
    Once Don saw behind the facade, he couldn't unsee it.

    And then...sweet freedom.
  3. .
    If Jen had announced she need a nanny, full time help, etc. Suzanne would have patted her arm and said, you know what's best, dear.

    Jill would have called her a failure as a mother, and noted how Jen was a difficult baby and Jill soldiered on.

    Emily would have gotten a bit of satisfaction.

    But Jen never would have allowed it. Queen of all would never admit she needed help. And thus, she submarined her entire life.
  4. .
    I think Jen's bitter raging at Don so easily replacing her isn't the worst of it. I think Charlotte has stepped into the life Jen actually wanted. Being the pretty child of a doting father. All the trips, all the love, none of the marital duties.

    Charlotte heading out with her stuffie in her colorful backpack, heading to Utah to do all the Ross routines, no responsibilities, must be such a bitter pill for Jen.
  5. .
    Jen gave us a makeup tutorial last week. She put it on, and then rubbed her eyes until it was 99% invisible. All the while moaning about how triggering her daughter's event was for Jen (the center of the known multiverse)
  6. .
    QUOTE (IwannabeTenslikeJen @ 6/28/2022, 08:18 AM) 
    Can someone tell me what the decorating style of Tens is? It was discussed a couple threads back and I can't seem to find it.

    To quote the movie You've Got Mail, she studied decorating at Caesar's Palace
  7. .
    The old Jen videos are a goldmine of selfishness and stupidity.

    I just rewatched a very early (2011) closet cleaning, and Jen is (and always was/always will be) a complete slob. Jen whines for at least ten minutes about she thinks of herself as an organized person (totally delusional) and then shows the closet with stuff strewn EVERYWHERE. Not an I can rearrange things to be more usable situation, a literal trash heap.

    Yesterday's video in which she sweeps the clutter on her desk to be somehwat off camera...same slob, same filth, same delusions.
  8. .
    QUOTE (lalataz @ 6/27/2022, 07:06 PM) 
    If Don and Tens have a baby you better believe Jen will have one too.

    I do not see that happening. Ever.
  9. .
    This is why Jen's Q&As are just so much garbage.
  10. .
    Real people would have informed opinions. Jen is having none of that.
  11. .
    How many nights a week do we think Don wakes up in a sweat, seeing the huge mouth and the shark teeth. Hearing the baby voice.

    And Tens pats his arm and says, it's okay you are safe, you are free
  12. .
    Jen hearing someone say the phrase 'tapped out'.

    In the next thirty days, she uses it 1800 times, 1679 of those incorrectly.

    Tries to make fetch happen, doesn't realize it came and went while she was moving crap from one bin to another for twenty years.

    Gives up, recoils when Jill uses it TWO months from now, says it is all the rage at her canasta club, and she invented it!!
  13. .
    There was no crying. There was wiping of invisible tears, there was pulling at the eyes. But there was no fluid, no clogged nose, nothing other than a dry cry, if you will.
  14. .
    When you are that dramatic about nothing, people stop caring, and then it is something, and no one is there for you.

    Get it together, Jen.
  15. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 6/27/2022, 08:51 AM) 
    For someone who lives online, Jen is not very internet savvy

    Jen lacks savvy in all areas.

    Savvy free, that's our Jen
5421 replies since 2/8/2020