The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Guchi Hoochie

  1. .
    She will never believe anything any FM, MD, (list any other professional) has to say to her.

    She wants instant, major results with ZERO effort. That’s why she wants plastic surgery and will definitely get it. It’s quick to see results when you get stuff surgically removed/repaired/lifted.
  2. .
    Works hard = had to be a big girl and drive herself to a short deposition

    Slaps = moron trying to sound cool and young

    Open-toed shoes in December with an early 2000s Christmas plaid high neck top = zero fashion sense

    Body recomp = just another failure for KK

    Doesn’t know what kind of party they were setting up for on DECEMBER 14th = dumber than a box of rocks
  3. .
    Not watching. I’ve had several surgeries/hospitalizations. Hubby didn’t leave my side. When he had surgery, you can bet I was with him, too!!

    She. Is. A. Waste. Of. Space.
  4. .
    She can complain about her tiny, tiny veins when she’s been poked over 21 times (just gave up counting finally) trying to find a vein for an emergency appendectomy and blood transfusion.

    STFU bish!!!
  5. .
    Right, Yetta

    He definitely has a lot of saggy skin due to the amount of weight he’s lost.

    Stacy, on the other hand, hasn’t lost that much. She’s gained back a lot of weight.
  6. .
    Lois Kolkhorst’s son is going to Baylor to play baseball. THAT is probably what has BM in a tizzy!!
  7. .
    QUOTE (Emotional Support Spork @ 27/11/2023, 19:48) 
    Oh Lord, she's on IG with the hooker nails and dropping the F bomb. Sis is never happy.

    WHY does she curse so much??

    For someone wanting to portray a wealthy, high society persona, she’s freaking clueless!!
  8. .
    Totally Tikaa Linkmas: Listerine Strips and Bathroom Spray. Round Top Bills We Need to Pay. Dough Boy’s Foot Has Been Put Down. No New Christmas for the Rodeo Clown.
  9. .
    QUOTE (BeeDupes @ 26/11/2023, 23:30) 
    Linking bathroom spray and Listerine strips. Big Mama is BROKE!

    THIS has to be in the next thread title!!
  10. .
    QUOTE (HushWoman @ 25/11/2023, 02:07) 
    The trucker hat is a thing in TX evidently. Tikaa wears them and they look cute on her, but KK again is being a tryhard. And the hats look ridiculous on her.

    Maybe for teenagers and 20-somethings. I can assure you normal 50+ year olds in Texas do NOT wear these.
  11. .
    Dummy is making macaroni and “tease”

    Listen to that closely. 😂😂😂😂😂
  12. .
    When she said it could have been worse if she had gotten her hair wet and added shampoo beforehand, I about croaked!!

    If dingbat had no water, how could her hair have been wet when she stepped in the shower that had NO WATER?!?!

    And no one, not even a dingbat, puts on a soap product BEFORE stepping into a shower. That woman can’t tell the truth EVER!!!
  13. .
    But y’all, she doesn’t use filters. You’re just haterzzzz
  14. .
    When your filters can’t handle your spotted chest wrinkles, you cover them up.
  15. .
    Deep End: Meet Tikaa
    Tikaa: Jumps Right On In
1418 replies since 6/8/2020