The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by What'sup

  1. .
    Angie did a IG story today, Just saw it. Her right cheek is so over filled it looks horrible. It looks like a implant gone bad. It really is so noticeable on the IG story today. What a distorted look
  2. .
    In todays video, you can see bruising on the corner of Angie's eyes, from what I would say is her latest botox shots. They are green so I would assume she got it 2 weeks prior. Also the list of product links is so long, she might have not listed a toilet seat, the rest is listed.
  3. .
    He might not be good looking, but to hear her say she doesn't trust good looking men, what a insult to anyone, and to say it on and IG story. It can't make Doug feel good about himself, his wife saying she doesn't trust good looking men. It's just unnecessary insult to him.
  4. .
    She did a IG story, something about a new doctor. He is nice, but good looking, and she does not trust good looking men. I couldn't make this up, WTH. So is Doug not good looking?????
  5. .
    That is her, she is in front of a mirror, but it is also photo shopped. The hand she is holding the phone in is her right hand. So the tattoo would be on that inside arm. If you look at her left side below her breast, she didn't quite erase all that side. There is a part that sticks out. The right side, where she made an indention for a waist, the mirror got distorted from her photo shopping it.
  6. .
    She did a U tube short, and for the first time she had on a semi tight top, and he upper body was on the video. She went bigger with her implants then she said. I remember her saying she wanted same size as she was. No way they are the same size.
  7. .
    Its an older home, and they had a hurricane. It also looks like major updating was done, so buyers will be cautious if they had damage. Plus the house next to them is new, all new, not just painted and made to look newer. People can be assured the new home had no damage. Many Florida HOA do not allow B&B. It's a residential area, and I would guess neighbors would not be happy and call on them. Also most counties in FL now have rules that rental have to be for a month, or only one rental per month, so neighbors do not have constant new neighbors.
  8. .
    I think she found a new boyfriend, and that is why she has been not doing you tube. This one might have more money than the others.
  9. .
    She also talked about urinary incontinence, and how the hormone she was on wasn't enough. For someone who is trying to look so young on the outside, she needs to concern herself more with what is going on on the inside. She is much younger than me, and all her diet and exercise isn't doing a thing for her leaky bladder and weak bones.

    I agree all these devices are having side effects, fat loss is one of them, along with thyroid issues.
  10. .
    Her bone density is because of her vegan diet. She is lacking in protein. Mine was bad, even with weights and working out, when I was a vegetarian. Now that I have added chicken, beef and eggs back in, it took 2 years but my last bone density was much improved. Her strict diet is what is causing much of her bone issues.
  11. .
    The house in Florida isn't small it is over 3400 sq feet under air, not to mention all the patio's and outside paved areas.
  12. .
    BTW, for all those years, she bragged at cleaning her own house. The last video, I had it on while cleaning, and she said she was giving clothes and stuff to the house cleaners. Is she a liar, or did she now decide she has no time to clean, with her hours of working out every day?
  13. .
    No, they bore me, and all look the same when done
  14. .
    Did anyone see her picture on IG of her brothers wedding. Her brother's new wife looks to be younger than his daughter. She looks to maybe be in her 30's, her brother looks to be in his 60's.
  15. .
    She needs ro spend her money on a therapist, she is looney tunes
349 replies since 15/9/2020