The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Unserviceable Jenbot

  1. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 9/2/2021, 18:07) 
    She has to figure out taxes & health insurance--she's drowning in adult responsibilities for the first time
    I think spending Tgiving and Xmas alone was a shock to her system & she's still reeling from it.

    Taxes? She's going to delegate the task.
    I bet she thinks she's an amazing problem solver.
    And we are just mean people trying to smash her alt-reality universe with our criticism and insistence on accountability.
  2. .
    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 9/2/2021, 00:20) 
    That house, those meals and her appearance are now positively dystopian.
    All it needs is a few nice men ,dressed in white, with butterfly nets and a shirt for Jen with very long sleeves.
    She depresses me more than the quarantine.

    ...and a princess tiara, and a magic wand or scepter.
    Didn't she say she likes to retreat in an imaginary world?

    Sometimes I wonder if she is afraid of losing her memory. That's why the lists with insignificant tasks, the photo albums (for her, not for the kids, as she said), the fact that she never rewatches her videos, her crazy routines.
    More often than not, I believe that she doesn't lie. She just doesn't remember what she said.

    Edited by Lexiphanic Narc - 2/9/2021, 03:13 AM
  3. .
    Long time subscriber to her channels, long time bakery lurker, but following other threads until Tindergate. Faithfully following Jen's shenanigans since then.
    I just found this yesterday and I thought to give her an idea for summer first dates (yeah right).
378 replies since 19/9/2020