The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Bren00

  1. .
    Wow MOOMOO hitting your husband on your live..... you are a abuser not only to animals but to your family..... you are absolutely disgusting! :nervous: the food you cook MOOMOO is vomit in a jar you nasty pile of 💩! :20130930103114-64d41b31: :flipping-the-bird:
  2. .
    Tracy what is it about everyone in your family exposing their butts on camera....omg. Her Dads butt in all over the videos of them working on Mali’s new room..... does the guy not know how is belt works.... gross🤢
  3. .
    The “Live” comments are gone..... she must of loved my! MOOMOO you are a disgusting individual and you should seek some mental help! Your son needs to be removed from that horrible home, even if he is an adult... :5153:
  4. .
    In today’s video at the end she speaks briefly about haters.......Tracy have you been checking out this page? She was in a bitchy mood at the lake. Her poor grandson. I’m so sick of those damn untrained dogs.
  5. .

    Bruce talking about how he steals trash cans..... Bruce you are a piece of shit! :fist-shake:
  6. .
    Hey Moochele! Looks like something is showing.......rolls for days! :nervous:
  7. .

    Martins other life!
  8. .
    MOOMOO go fuck off you complete moron! Disrespecting the American flag....Disgusting! That food is vomit inducing!
  9. .
    QUOTE (Sheishorrible @ 30/6/2022, 06:18) 
    QUOTE (Cool Beans @ 30/6/2022, 06:14) 
    :scared-smiley-emoticon: kKB2nXYRheZjv86HcV


    @SERIOUSLY??? Do you like this? You must, don’t defend these trashy pieces of crap! Move along now! :hearty-laugh:
  10. .
    MOOMOO and her prego looking short piece of shit man are disgusting nasty people! Absolutely gross people! They should have never had a child!
  11. .
    Tracy is ridiculous! She’s not even keeping violent safe after her surgery! What a lazy piece of shit. Out of control kids, lazy absent man and her own manic behavior.....what a train wreak. I’m shocked she was able to even adopt the one girl...
  12. .
    She is ridiculous! I’m sure Scott’s on the payroll. I’m not even convinced that Sophia has a job anymore.... she is basically begging for money.
  13. .
    She deserves all that happens to her. I’m sure it’s one of her neighbors! Hey MOOMOO show us the animals or were they taken away??? I hope they were taken away! Maybe someone needs to check on Nate!! MOOMOO you are a horrible person!
  14. .
    Yes, with a simple search you can find out where they live and everything. I just thought it was funny how she showed her address when she’s always telling Bruce Boy not to show the address when opening mail. And her hair is falling out like crazy....the self dye jobs and other products aren’t working out there hey MOOMOO! :celebrating-smiley-emoticon:
    Bruce Boy I don’t see you much taller than the door knob on that door..... :lazy-good-for-nothing: I swear Bruce Boy looked like he was wearing a Diaper :jawdrop:
  15. .

    Look at Nate.....those legs are tiny🙀....he looks ill! Bruce is nasty! Bruce is a short fat piece of crap! 💩🤢 oh I see your address MOOMOO. :hearty-laugh:
104 replies since 13/10/2020