The Gossip Bakery

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  1. .
    She looks like Mrs Claus.
  2. .
    Flappy probably gave them Covid.
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    500 budget at each store? Lol
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 9/12/2020, 17:38) 
    I give Paige some slack because I’m assuming she probably reads here. She’s a teenager so I don’t want to knock her too often. She for sure is a product of Lemons poor parenting. Lemon has allowed her to run the show in her own life starting at what age...12,13?

    Lemons excuse was always “if it’s not hurting her I’m going to let her do what she wants”

    No lemon. That’s called lazy parenting.

    If your child has social anxiety.... it’s ok. Every child is different. However. As a PARENT you don’t just give in to every whim and allow her to live in her room, not attend school, upgrade her cell phone, not participate in family activities....and then further isolate her by not including her in the younger kids “treats” or family meals, buy her refrigerators for her room so she has even less opportunity to interact with others!

    My kids don’t even have TVs in their rooms. And neither has a cell phone. I have a 14 year old and a 10 year old! We prefer to have them involved in family activities, academics and competitive sports (dance and swim) . They will be productive members of society. That’s our goal anyway.

    The time that Lemon spends out of the home shopping for groceries. Home DAYcor and eating out with Kiera. Yet has her 16 year old at home in her room with a lap top and cell phone. She is asking for trouble!!!

    Take care of your kids Lemon!!

    Haha you make me sound like shit parent of the year. 🤣
  5. .
    People complained that she didn't show her making coffee one day?? Gtfoh, you aren't fooling anyone. Arrogant asshole.
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    QUOTE (BerryPie @ 6/12/2020, 01:34) 
    QUOTE (I cant even @ 5/12/2020, 22:53) 
    Why does she get all Giddy about protein bars. Like she is into healthy eating.

    I'm into healthy eating but have never had a protein bar. I think she uses them as a treat, after binging on candy.

    I'd rather give my kid a couple of hershey squares than one of those protein bars.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Kishaswonkytits @ 5/12/2020, 05:38) 
    In her newest grocery hoard moo says that they haven’t had fresh fruits and vegetables in the house for several weeks. Moo seems proud of that!😩

    That behavior is so bizarre to me. I cannot imagine not bringing home any produce from the grocery. It just couldn't happen. Our snacks and meals would be screwed.
  8. .
    I've gone all day thinking those were her feet. Fuck sakes.
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    QUOTE (SF929 @ 2/12/2020, 15:50) 
    Does andres get off on her being such a lazy pile of garbage helpless woman? Because seriously wtf. She said she can’t go to Costco because the stuff is too heavy for her to handle getting by herself. How does she not see that’s pathetic? Sorry but I go to Costco alone all the time, load my cart and car and bring it in. It’s never crossed my mind that a woman might have trouble doing that. Or man or anyone really LOL. Wow.

    She's ridiculous. I go to Costco with my toddler and do all that with her on my hip when she isn't in the cart. Then unload it with her. Tf.
  10. .
    Idk, I have kids born in 98, 00, and 02, and didn't have a digital camera. I took film photos and had them developed. Everything else is bullshit.
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    QUOTE (mmsucks2018 @ 1/12/2020, 17:44) 
    I am disabled with diabetes and a thyroid disease plus over 10 years of age on her and can run laps around her. Could you imagine having her as your NP and being in your 40s, telling her you’re pregnant? Melissa would probably tell her patient she’s gonna be so exhausted and made a mistake having a pregnancy in her 40s. Also did she really have a fit and a pity party over her Hydoflask? Jeez materialistic much...

    Also, she needs to grocery shop because she’s out of everything again. How can you have 4 kids and be out of milk and bread? Furthermore, they have been out and about the last 2 vlogs so why not pick some up? Her face and neck are huge so she must be eating a ton of takeout if they don’t have any groceries....

    For sure. I don't have a thyroid gland, and it's a constant struggle, plus RA. Yet, somehow, I'm able to play with my toddler, get down on her level, etc. I'd sue the practice if I ended up with a NP like that.

    And with the being out of milk and eggs, you aren't new to parenting. Why don't you get the appropriate amount for the week when you shop? Just another excuse to shop more.
  12. .
    QUOTE (BerryPie @ 1/12/2020, 16:58) 
    The reason Moo feels tired with a baby at the age of 34 is because she's morbidly obese and sedentary.
    I know plenty of 60+ year old women who would run laps around Melissa. I don't think her age is the factor in why she's fatigued. I'm sad that the woman in the comments took Moo's excuses to heart.

    I'm 41 with an almost 2 year old and I feel great. She's full of shit. I hate when people talk shit on older moms. Get bent.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Xtine @ 26/11/2020, 04:43) 
    It’s 10:30 on the east coast and Flappy posted her thanksgiving potato recipes. The grocery stores are closed and 50% of my dinner for tomorrow is already cooked. These women are shocked that there YouTube channels are flops.

    Btw: it’s potatoes cooked in bacon grease, poutine and mashed potatoes, with bacon grease, heavy cream and butter. Revolutionary. Don’t forget, potatoes are a vegetable. #keto #suckitbitches.

    Lemon’s fancy bike will be on FB marketplace by February.

    Well, I just had a coronary just reading about those potatoes. I heard my arteries clogging with every word.
  14. .
    Alright. Fiddy can't stop saying "absolutely love" whatever it is, and puts a weird "uh" sound before almost every word in a sentence. You guys are probably aware. I am just now watching this garbage, so I had to complain.
  15. .
    Man.... I read through a few of the threads here before watching one of these weirdos. I'm sorry that I did. It was 50. Her mouth. What the hell is wrong with it?? Does she have front teeth?? Her lips really do flap!! I'm not sure if I should attempt to watch the other ladies. Yeesh.

    But these posts are hilarious, and I may as well see what you're talking about.🤣🤣
1245 replies since 21/10/2020