The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by CookieMeownster

  1. .
    The people at that church went above and beyond to welcome them. She never goes to anything when she's invited so of course people will stop asking (if they have). Not to mention they might watch her videos and know she talks shit daily lol. Jess always wants all the rewards without putting in any work. David seems to have no problems fitting in and he's as "new" as she is 🙄
  2. .
    QUOTE (Calla-lily @ 6/5/2024, 02:08) 
    So I have to wonder, are we going to see or hear about Jess going to an Optavia cheerleading/indoctrinating convention? I can't imagine her voluntarily going, but it does seem to be such a big deal in these MLMs to go to these conventions to get charged up or whatever. But imagine the anxiety she would have if she went! I don't know if she could do it. But they aren't going to accept her special needs mom excuse.

    She probably can't bring Lucy so no chance 😂

    I've been watching her for years so for her to say they bring Nate to therapies is CRAZY!!! Lying about that proves she knows she should have him involved in more things and chooses not to.
  3. .
    Congrats V, you went to the bathroom and lost .4lb 👏 good work this week.
  4. .
    I'm not religious, but when I did respite care I used to go to church with with the family I was helping and I would participate in bible study and help clean the church etc because I was there so I may as well join in to pass the time. And yes, the pastor's wife was always there 🤭
  5. .
    So Mark gets to work full time AND play landlord cuz no way Lemon will want to interact with tenants lol
  6. .
    Hope she doesn't get them resized before actually seeing if she can keep the weight off.

    Just go bowling! It's for fun with the church, not some world championship 🙄
  7. .
    David actually looks really good. Good for him.

    Hope she gets a lot of comments about him looking good and gets mad 😂
  8. .
    Hey now... she put David first when they went to see Indiana Jones, and then she bitched about it the whole time, but she put him first! She's a saint! 🤭
  9. .
    What is her obsession with Lucy having to have curly hair? 💀 She's such a weirdo about the most random things.
  10. .
    They're going to do the same thing to Mark, too. It's sad.
  11. .
    Jess just put some Taylor Swift on and clean your house lol Should be all the pump up you need since you love her music so much all of a sudden.

    -Signed someone who was just listening to music while cleaning my house.
  12. .
    QUOTE (INeedANap @ 16/4/2024, 18:31) 
    Also I can guarantee the only reason she had a 1.9 loss was because of not eating for days. I feel like she was annoyed it wasnt more.

    Dang even I went from 125 to 120 when I had covid before Christmas lol. I survived off of tea and popsicles because my throat hurt so bad.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 16/4/2024, 18:09) 
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 16/4/2024, 16:01) 
    Every OOTD is new. Sis must be going through their tax return like water.

    She actually looks nice in that. First time ever.

    Because she's not bursting at the seams probably.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Bama Girl @ 15/4/2024, 23:28) 
    Y’all my Monday has sucked, first of all got called for jury duty, usually they do plea deals, nope not today, so we sat for 4 hours being questioned, then 2 hour recess and back for them to sit a jury, guess who got chosen….ugh, I do not like it, but I will suck it up. Go back tomorrow for the case to begin. It’s a whopping 25 bucks a day plus .62 a mile(I live 6 miles round trip), I don’t know what I will do with all that cash…😂😂. Came home and turned my ac on, keep in mind it was SERVICED last week, now something is kicking the fan off and on. Waiting on them to call me back. My gentleman that mows my yard is supposed to be here tomorrow, so was trying to figure out how to leave him his money, so he can mow while I am sitting in court, ( we figured out a solution). I thought for sure if the lawyers saw the book I was reading while we were waiting, they would change their minds, nope. Oh it’s called “It’s Always the Husband”. Oh, and it is just Monday..

    Damn you get $25? I got $15 😂
    Good luck with Jury Duty. I wasn't chosen last time but still wasted 3 days while they were choosing.
  15. .
    At this point her best bet of losing weight is getting her breast reduction surgery. Will probably take some good pounds off. No comment about 160 goal except that she's going to have to do more than use the massage chair at the gym at this rate if she wants to reach that.

    Gaining weight with the stomach flu is diabolical lol. Is that her way of admitting she was faking? 😂
1168 replies since 5/11/2020