The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by OMGjen

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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 29/9/2021, 23:24) 
    She’s grown up, she can swim and has her board. This is a lake, not river rafting on a wild stream. What should happen to her? 🤷‍♀️

    QUOTE (DisneyPrincess @ 29/9/2021, 23:20) 
    My thought dump as I watched:
    - this is a lovely spot for a couple or family. Freaking scary in the dark alone.
    - Snakes. Critters. Spider web in the face.
    - She never touched or slept in that bed.
    - Dirty 'kitchen' She couldn't bring herself to cook in that pan or deal with washing up in the cockroach sink. I thought she was going to cry.
    - It all appeared to be somewhat enclosed by wire fencing. And close to the road. I couldn't sleep a wink here. I don't think she did.
    - I also cannot believe she showed a guardrail after all the guardrail mansion comments here!
    - Attempting a water sport for the first time ALONE which is a huge no no. With an unhappy elderly animal who could freak out any second.
    *****No life jacket!!!!***** Water safety 101 fail. She's a massive fail full stop. That was like a PSA video for dying in an awful drowning incident. Why is she promoting dangerous activities.
    - Pepper spray and a 'blade', really? You'll never see them coming sweetheart. They'll hit you on the head with your own poop shovel and steal your van.

    That actress from Glee drowned in a lake…so it can happened.
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 9/28/2021, 12:31 AM) 
    I'm not a dietitian, so I try not to make recommendations outside of my expertise. I am certified in weight management, but that really didn't require a lot. BUT, that being said, I don't shy away from animal protein or veggie carbs. I wouldn't limit veggies to someone. I would try and eat the ones higher in fiber (if possible). Avoid the starches as much as possible. I've had clients that didn't really like animal protein very much and they supplemented with protein shakes. I prefer to eat my protein, LOL, but it worked for them. But my main recommendation is to limit fruit (don't need to eliminate) and fill up on fibrous veggies.

    If a person could only have one, which would you choose? A treadmill or a pelaton type bike
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    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 9/22/2021, 05:34 PM) 
    Just wow, Jen!

    Yes, you are a hypocrite.

    “You guys, I’ve read the comments. I NEVER said I was being stalked. I don’t know why you think I said that.”

    Did Jen really say this?
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    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 9/22/2021, 08:31 PM) 
    what. a. bitch.

    (I still think she's buying followers. There are a lot of messy bitches in this world but not THAT many.)

    She’s definitely buying followers. I work with a group that buys followers and they have the same new followers.
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    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 9/18/2021, 11:41 PM) 
    To quote a Jenion’s comment from Facebook:

    “You are a complete stranger that I feel close to. I feel like we have almost grown up together…”

    “… those of us who deeply love you…”

    Some might say she sounds like a stalker 🤔

    Oh and someone responded to Deb Brown.


    The Deb Brown stuff is getting good! 😂😂😂
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    I was reading her YouTube comments and this one made me laugh.
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    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 8/17/2021, 06:59 PM) 
    QUOTE (DonsAmex @ 8/17/2021, 09:52 AM) 
    Just to clarify, this is all speculation about the custody arrangement + the Disney Vacation Club stuff, right? There wasn't a discovery?

    Jen claimed she canceled a trip to Disney World. We are assuming she booked this trip using her DVC.

    Did she ever mention her DVC home resort? There is a new rental for a two bedroom villa at the Grand Floridian and she might be selling her points.
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    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 8/15/2021, 03:32 AM) 
    Hmm must be a regional thing. Charcuterie boards are very common and popular at events and restaurants here. We use cocktail spears, toothpicks or forks to take what we want off the board onto a smaller plate or napkin.

    We do that too. I love them, at 4th of July we had a table sized one. ❤️
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    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 8/15/2021, 02:52 AM) 
    I just do not understand why she has stems of Ruscus- those leaves- stuck in the food
    Used in floral vases
    It’s not edible
    Not sure if it’s poisonous

    Looks like lemon leaves to me.
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 8/14/2021, 11:02 PM) 
    Could Jen be purposely avoiding Tensleigh? I wonder if Don cheated on Jen with Tensleigh, and she doesn’t want to be in the same room as a “home wrecker”?

    If Don cheated, that makes him the “home wrecker”.
  11. .

    Yeah that’s believable!
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    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 8/10/2021, 05:30 PM) 
    Let me lead with I know nothing about Chicago area neighborhoods, but could it be this house?

    The listing agent of Tens’ house represented the buyers of this house.


    I think if it was updated it would be nice and def add in the Pinterest ideas.
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 8/10/2021, 04:21 PM) 
    Tensleigh’s old house is exactly what Jen should’ve gotten after RM1 (personally, I think she should’ve gotten a townhouse). It’s the perfect size for a single woman with part time children. There’s even lawn chairs for mama and the babies out front

    I like Tensleigh’s old house..I’m sure a new family will be happy there.
  14. .
    Did you guys see the PK Instagram pic....or am I late with the info? It seems she’s def in Utah.

    Edited by OMGjen - 8/4/2021, 06:10 AM
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    QUOTE (RosesinParis @ 7/31/2021, 06:26 AM) 
    I saw her first husband must have stopped working 2 or so years ago so Don really was her saving grace.

    I have seen couples who are on the brink and the wife stays home full time or part time to see if that can help the marriage somehow. And then if it doesn't after a year or 2 they divorce. I really don't think her business is or was successful she doesn't even have a working website, I have friends in that business and a website is very important even if you are doing it at small events. I don't know why everyone wants to believe a woman who is a part time______ with 3 kids is impressive. Maybe if you didn't grow up in a home with a mother who cooked real meals. And yes I know Jen doesn't. Regardless, I was expecting her to be a self employed business consultant or someone with a few franchises, I was shocked to find out all the hyping of her career for that. Her specialties in particular aren't that impressive because most of the items would need to be store bought ahead of time its not like she has a farm!

    As for how they met, I really think they met on tinder or even

    I know mostly everyone on here strongly dislikes Jen, but it seems the hatred for her is seeped with delusion for anyone who isn't her.

    Bangle Bitch I'm not judging her for going after security. Women are biologically wired to desire the mate who can provide and protect the most and best. I've always been hypergamous in my relations and have no shame about it either, my fiancé is older than me by some years and I am in my late 20's, he earns 7 figures a year, I earned low 6 figures a year. I already wrote that I am in a similar relationship and good for her, as Jen let herself go amongst other things. No one is calling the woman lazy either but she's being made out to be superwoman and she isn't.

    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 31/7/2021, 05:42) 
    I still suspect they met because she was hired by PDQ for an event during COVID (trying to be deliberately vague)

    I know some of you went digging for info so surely you saw that her steady money was important to that marriage for...reasons. referring to the new Mrs here. even if she "only" had Don and a handful of clients like some of you are saying that may be good enough for decent earnings. I don't recall anyone saying she was wildly successful but the fact that she works and raises 3 kids seems to be true?

    I am leaning toward this theory too


    She does have a website. But only a few of us know about it.
88 replies since 15/11/2020