The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Freedom for Don

  1. .
    Keeping the advent calendar complete could mean that next year she could just replace the chocolate pieces and "repurpose" it as a gift.

    Who am I kidding, Jen is a hoarder. Remember the mountain of empty planner boxes she kept.

    Maybe we should enjoy the grey echo chamber before it becomes overrun with stuff like RM1
  2. .
    I do not punish myself by exercising so you can imagine how I feel when I have a visual of this woman covered in
    perspiration. Or I am subjected to cringeworthy yoga poses.
    Why are people even remotely interested in her stats?
    I think her drug of choice is exercise. It is her addiction.

    Vlogmas should be in front of a decorated tree, showing decorations and home decor. Light, entertaining and uplifting, not laundry, cleaning, dog dramas and constant filling of mugs. Just my humble opinion.

    I have no problem with her having a complete set of clothes for both children in the car. I'd probably have them in the boot of the car not inside. They are young and could get caught in the rain or run under a hose and become drenched but no need to tell the world.

    I suppose we could say, bakers, that Jen is the gift that keeps on giving.

    :glitter_cupcake_with_cherry_smi Merry Christmas Bakers
  3. .
    Put newspaper on the windows if you can't make a simple choice. At least afford the children some privacy.
  4. .
    I couldn't believe I was seeing cleaning in the vlogmas title :embarrassed-smile-smiley-emotic

    Maybe she should see what others are doing for vlogmas.

    I have to clean my own home I don't need to spend time watching others clean.
    Why is she so high on her battery box? It is a box containing batteries, put it away.

    Watching her ironing and now cleaning, I am losing the Christmas feeling and I could, if she keeps this up, become rather depressed.
  5. .
    All Jen needs is one desk and a filing cabinet.
    For dog grooming go to the groomer like everyone else does who has that type of dog. Get that hair out of Winnie's eyes so she can see where she is going

    The rooms are large and she is just trying to fill the empty space. This then becomes clutter and too much to clean and sort out. Echoes of RM1 office.

    I will ignore the ironing of the sheet nonsense but who has the iron on the opposite side of your dominant hand?
    Get a decent ironing board or hire someone to iron.

    I wonder how long will it take her to realise that the house is too large for three people and the cost of utilities.
    Face facts Jen you made the wrong choice. Move to a smaller home that comes with lawn and fences so your children can go outside and play.

    On TiffanyD I watch her and cannot understand how she was ever a teacher. Her grammar is appalling and she changes direction mid sentence. Her voice grates on my quince. The country in which I live we say ..anyway...we never feel the urge to put an "s" at the end. It maybe different in America.
    Her home is nicely done and I love her wardrobe. By that bakers I mean the room definitely not her clothes.
    While not a beauty she was natural, then, along came the botox and fillers nothing more to be said here. Total disaster.

    Now I await the next riveting vlogmas from the content creator who gives the bakers so much on which to comment :mocking_smiley_emoticon:
  6. .
    My word is WHY

    Why doesn't she get Winnie professionally groomed, she has the money.
    Why does she have to clutter the walls with inspiration boards.
    Why does she need to be inspired, she does nothing.
    Why does she have to do memory keeping, we all remember the good times and forget the bad. Let it go.

    I can recall, with clarity, the utter mess that was her office that she couldn't bear to face. This will also end up the same way.
    Get rid of all the nonsense that fills your head and enjoy your life before you turn around and you are 70.
  7. .
    Jen needs to realise she has no life, zero.

    If you have to spend the day exercising like an idiot, and then she has to think about she feels, no life

    She carries on over a word (yawn) and has to have it on a mug so she can visualise and keep it in her consciousness. Who does this?

    She has to do projects on how she lives by these words and write reams about how her life and the words intertwine. Waste of time

    She is so busy trying to emulate other women's lives, taste and homes. Choose one role model but remember she is not you.

    Until she realises that her life is what she is and what she makes of it, then she is a just going to be this lost soul.

    Why not make the grey house her heart home?
    Why is she not decorating it to the hilt?
    She should be spending her money on lawn, fences, furniture not chocolate and food subscriptions.
    I think she is beyond help until she comes out of the fog in which she is living.
  8. .
    Don may have to organise a storage unit.
    Have everything that belongs to Jen, removed to storage
    Then send Jen the location and the keys
    Plus the bill so she can keep up the monthly payments.

    It is an idea to keep in mind if he wants people not to be horrified when they see the basement
  9. .
    Just a random thought but could Jen have moved in with Don just to get away from her parents?
    What married woman doesn't know how to use makeup and spend money? Apparently she learned how to apply makeup from YouTube.
    This could be a contributing factor as to why her parents are not in the picture much.they don't seem a very warm couple.
    Anyway it was just a thought. :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon:
  10. .
    How many mugs does she need for 5 people. I included her parents.
    She needs 5 Christmas.
    2 spare mugs for her parents
    She already has the Disney( or were they initial) mugs.
    Decision made, move on
  11. .
    She grates on my quince. She obviously knows that we are aware that she is mortgage free and in receipt of a generous alimony plus child support, yet she thinks she should sell her discards. No, no, no. She should do one of the following:-
    1. Donate them so someone less fortunate could benefit from them
    2. Sell them and return the money to Don for using his money to buy and hoard stuff with a note of apology.

    She has no use for them.
    She doesn't need them anymore.
    She has nowhere to put them.
    Notice it is all about herself.

    Well that is because she threw money away on useless exercise items instead of furnishing her home.
    I hope Don's home is decorated to the hilt with copious amounts of warmth, love, laughter and Christmas cheer and your home stands out as a barren wasteland.

    She wrecked her marriage, well take responsibility and move on. She has a new life, a new house to play in and all she can do is moan.

    It really makes you appreciate the worthwhile people who struggle and push on regardless and not the freeloader
  12. .
    I watched 2 of the 3 slides when she was showing us her version of dancing. However, I could not watch the third. I was so embarrassed and uncomfortable, although I did smirk.
    It was like when you know it is rude to look at a person less fortunate, I just could not watch her embarrass herself anymore :nervous:
  13. .
    OMG one minute she is as miserable as a wet week, then later she making moves in front of the mirror that I'm embarrassed to watch.
    Don't dance Jen, just don't.

    All this carry on over the children being away overnight when there is a 50/50 custody agreement. Something is not right. :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
  14. .
    If you are comfortable financially you do not sell items you no longer need, You donate them

    Also about the Mickey tree, leave it in the box. Donny will retain the name Ross/Moss and may like it. Charlotte may also like it later.
    You should keep the tree. You wear the love bangle. :strong_no_smiley_emoticon:
  15. .
    Hello friends,
    If she doesn't wear her wedding rings, provided by Don, why does she wear the love bracelet?
    Did she purchase it herself?

    If she is a college graduate, why does she resort to the adjective yummy at her age?
    Delightful, tasty, delicious to name but a few.

    How can her children learn to speak correctly when her grasp of language is so poor.
150 replies since 4/12/2020