The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Never Ending Spending High

  1. .
    QUOTE (KayTee @ 4/13/2021, 04:52 AM) 
    Truly hate to Jenfend 😬 but the commenter mentioned getting the 2nd Peloton before Jen made the budget comment.


    LOL thx for clarifying. I'll recant my post. I just always remember Gene being smug. My bad.
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    QUOTE (Whodunnit @ 4/6/2021, 07:04 AM) 
    I wonder if Don has started taking a lady friend to Utah and Jen broke into the cabin to stalk them like Lorna on Orange is the New Black when she broke into her ex's house and put on the fiance's wedding dress while in the bathtub.

    I would be horrified if BBG still had access to the Heart Home if I was Don or his parents. Who knows what she's up to in there? (Why does she need to be there in the first place??) Its obvi she's adept at buying expensive cameras...whose to say she wouldn't buy hidden cameras to place all over the house to spy on the family when she isn't with them? To eavesdrop/spy?


    They should do a thorough debugging of the house next time they are there.
    They will never be rid of her. Parasite.
  3. .
    Knew it. Suze doesn’t see the type to not invite Gene even though the purpose was so all the grandkids could be with Suze and Poops for Easter. They prob feel sorry for Gene.

    I had a feeling Gene would jump at the opportunity to show off she’s there. That’s why she was so happy to make the paska bread.

    The fam jam, at least Suze have the ability to be generous towards her (even if it’s thru pity).

    But I’m always reminded how she made Suze and Poops sleep uncomfortably somewhere else in THEIR OWN RV while she took the big back bed for her and the kids. What a selfish disrespectful witch. Hope the kids in the future treat her the same when she’s in old age.
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    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 4/4/2021, 02:03 AM) 
    I know! The drippings on the pizza stone is sap that dripped from her baking her logs. :hearty-laugh:

    Maybe Suze invited the kids over for an egg hunt and that's when she'll take the bread.

    So true!

    The fam jam probably wanted to see the kids since the cousins will be over for Easter...but poor Suze couldn't invite the kids and disinvite BBG. Gene probably jumped at the offer. Pathetic.
  5. .
    “My favorite helper (Dawny)”

    Uh huh so telling Gene.
    Charlotte being thrown in as an afterthought.

    Charlotte deserves better.

    Gene is so jealous of Charlotte and it shows.

    It’s also pretty sad that Gene cannot separate herself from the Ross family and build her own life. Still calling Suze her MIL too. She still going to be hanging around the Ross family like a loser leech probably even after there is a new Mrs Ross 2. She’s just freaking sad and gross. She’s like 39 going on 13. Grow up woman and invest your time and attention into BOTH your children and stop being so into yourself and being a creep on the effing camera. Her content (and lack there of) is just so posed and disingenuous.

    I hope whenever the new Mrs Ross/Tensleigh comes in the picture that Don learns his lesson and is more discerning and picks someone fabulous and a real woman who will be a great step mom to the kids and good example for Charlotte. A real grownup. A true juxtapose from Gene.

    I also hope CA distances himself from Gene bc she is a real nut job.
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    I hope she isn't using that expensive camera to make more nature voice-over poem videos. All those comments on her video for her 'v-day thru her lens' crap went to her head.
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    QUOTE (Alimony Check @ 3/9/2021, 07:41 AM) 
    Poor Suze didn’t get a shoutout, guess she’s not the dreamy forever MIL Jen imagined.

    The only thing that “shocked” me about the Ross divorce was how naive Jen was about her position in the Ross family. The “shifting family dynamics” would have been obvious to literally everyone else.

    That twit really 100% thought her life would be exactly the same just without Don.


    Totally caught that too. No shout out to Suz was very telling.
  8. .
    Not saying Don did this.

    My aunt married a chemical engineer in his early twenties when she was just 18. They had two boys together over the years, lived all over the world Brazil, Europe etc - they had the life. He climbed up the ladder and eventually landed in a top VP position of a big oil company. In their late 40s, she had marital troubles suspecting he was cheating on her at times. It came out while she was having breast cancer treatment that he had gotten a secretary in Dallas who works for the company pregnant.

    After she recovered from her treatment she was going to divorce him. He persuaded and reassured her that it was false and they moved to London for the time being. Little did my poor aunt know that while they lived in London it gave him time to consolidate and hide assets and accounts. They move back to the states and he divorces her.

    What an ass right. It was obviously a horrible divorce. She got a settlement (but probably not what she should have gotten due to him hiding assets) she got half his retirement and savings, she had alimony but it would stop if she were to ever get remarried. My aunts story is sad. She died at 52 more so of a broken heart. Her sons took his side, ultimately I guess because he controlled the $. Her ex husband older now married a younger wife (at least 25 years his junior) and took her to the olympics in China. I wonder now how they are doing.

    ...I work for a software company and its said with the guys they joke about the higher ups going to liquid lunches at high end gentlemen's club. It happens for sure. It may not be wolf of wallstreet but tale as old as time about men in power and cheating, womanizing etc. I used to think it was just on tv but dang they really do do that stuff.

    Again not saying Don did any of that. Just wouldn't be surprised because he is in a high position and its a different world up there. My aunts husband was a world class jerk though.

    Back to LazyLikeJen, her IG is gross. She's gross. How are you going to post about paying bills and then show off your unnecessary $6k shopping cart? Its just -why?? Her content isn't anywhere near deserving of upgrading that much equipment. There are tons of youtubers who don't have nearly any of that equipment but still produce good quality content. Her content sucks. She's free to buy whatever she likes but she takes it over the top by showing it off when truly her content is way too subpar to spend that much. Its going to be useless with her. Her vast consumption and showing off is just gross.

    I feel sad for Charlotte. Hope she spends more time with the Moss family growing up.
  9. .
    Its pretty apparent CA is influencing her because her videos and ideas are rip offs of his videos. Its just annoying she has no original content of her own (He films walks out in the snow with the dogs, he's doing updating decorating his house (she plans on more house videos), end of video wrap ups etc). She even tries to talk like him "lean into love" whatever that means.

    Its weird to see one go from the mess of the capital video to showing everything is happy and life is great. It feels manipulative.

    She needs to be more honest about feelings and stop pretending life is perfect.
  10. .
    Eclectic? She really thinks she’s so special enlightening the masses. She thinks she’s edgy. She’s so insufferable.
  11. .
    What in the hell did I just watch???
11 replies since 15/12/2020