The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by RikkiJones

  1. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 5/3/2024, 01:31) 
    I hope the kids complain and say “we’ve already been to Mexico. We went to the Nickelodeon Resort and it was more fun than this.” 😉

    I can’t wait for when her kids whine about her trips…and anything else about her.
  2. .
    First off girl, comb your hair! It looks like she just rolled out of bed. No one wants to see that. How can she edit a video and see how she looks and think that's ok to show?
    Yeah, I'm not going to be watching race videos. Did she actually say she likes it when there are less views on videos? A shrewd business woman...NOT.
  3. .
    QUOTE (ZizizouzouTWO! @ 3/3/2024, 02:45 PM) 
    QUOTE (OregonizingQueen @ 3/3/2024, 20:10) 
    I’m having trouble with my anonymous Instagram viewing platform so I tried another one. Wasn’t sure I had the right name, but yup, this is our Jenny.


    I can’t stop laughing reading this delusional drivel but Jen apparently sharing breathtaking photos and being a storyteller, finished me! :crying:

    All over the world is what got me. She went to Italy and Vancouver. The only time she's been out of the country in her new life.

    Way to go Jenny! Take your kids to the park early before anyone else is there so your kids don't have the oportunity to be social.
  4. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 3/3/2024, 11:55 AM) 
    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 3/3/2024, 11:51 AM) 
    It bugs me that she puts up her medals in order from right to left.

    Her vision boards are all zig-zaggy, too, I can't tell which ones are for which years. Every single decision she makes is nonsensical, I can't stand to watch.

    She didn't use a level to hang the medal rack either.
  5. .
    It bugs me that she puts up her medals in order from right to left.

    She's settling enough to be able to hang things on the walls? She's been in the house 4 yrs. now?

    Edited by RikkiJones - 3/3/2024, 11:56 AM
  6. .
    QUOTE (PhotoshoppedlikeJenny @ 3/1/2024, 06:09 PM) 
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 3/1/2024, 10:14 PM) 
    A bit off topic but I feel like she has completely ditched the idea of car camping. When was the last time she actually camped in the 4runner?

    She said she would go back to it after Disney I think. I hope the car camping is over, she seem's so miserable doing it.

    Has she had Blue for a year? Didn't she say that if she couldn't get into car camping she'd sell it? What's the purpose of buying a $50,000 car if it sits in a lot for months on end? Oh that's right, she has no concept of a budget, just buy buy buy.

    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 3/2/2024, 11:12 AM) 
    LOL. The space rocket returned to earth and SMD pops out. Did she manifest it and really believe it, that SMD will return to RobotChin?

  7. .
    QUOTE (Urbane Bronze @ 3/2/2024, 10:58 AM) 
    The claymation intro with the stupid rocket landing makes me stabby.

    It's her 5-year-old personality coming out. You're right....stupid.
  8. .
    Can you imagine what she would look like if she did not exercise????😳
  9. .
    She shouldn't call them vision boards. She should call them memory boards.
    Vision boards are meant to give inspiration for the future year or how ever long you choose.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 2/28/2024, 08:28 PM) 
    Well if that’s not the most narcissistic load of crap I’ve ever read…

    You are all that’s left, Jenbo.


    Exactly! She is only in love with herself. A bunch of BS, loser!
  11. .
    QUOTE (Beverage Chewer @ 2/28/2024, 10:05 AM) 
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 28/2/2024, 17:01) 
    why did she flip her head over to do her ponytail. that's for people with 4 strands of hair or more, jen.

    I thought that might be the accomplishment? I certainly don’t know how she manages to create a ponytail!

    She had to twist that rubber band 5-6 times to hold in her 5 hairs.
  12. .
    Oh geez how many office updates do we have to suffer through?
  13. .
    QUOTE (NefariousBaker @ 2/26/2024, 12:03 PM) 
    I would love to know how much money that Disney trip cost her. The hotel, airfare, race fees... She's such a pig.

    Why doesn't she spend any money on the kids? She gives them leftover stickers to make crafts out of and the house barely looks like kids live there.

    She could spend all that money on the house. Make the backyard a huge playland for the kids. Get some decent furniture and arrange the house better. What do you suppose she spends on Disney in a year?

    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 2/26/2024, 11:58 AM) 
    I have a recommendation for what you can watch instead of 2 hours at Disney

    That would be super cool in her backyard. The kids would love that.

    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 2/26/2024, 10:48 AM) 
    Show of hands if you'd rather watch a movie with those 2 hours... or watch paint dry... or nearly anything else :goodbye_smiley_emoticon:

    If she's going to have a 2 hr. vlog on Disney I'm out. I refuse to watch her race videos.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Livi! @ 2/26/2024, 11:46 AM) 
    Maybe I'm too European, but I just don't get those silly Disney pseudo sport events. At ungodly hours on top of it. You've got all those adults dressed like toddlers and not even doing anything really worth calling "sports". And now this weird yoga thing at 4 AM, again, with silly outfits and Disney princess cast members on stage. There's this childish music playing in the background. Really, I don't get it. As a 41-year-old woman and mother of two, like Jen, I DON'T GET IT. I don't see the appeal. I could MAYBE imagine myself doing something stupid like that with some girlfriends for a hen party or something, just for the lols because we'd find it so ridiculous that we would be making fun of it (and ourselves) the whole time IF we had enough cash to blow on that crap. But not for real, like we mean it, like Jen, with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. Mental.

    She must be such an embarrassment to her daughter.

    I don't get it either, but I'm not a runner or a big fan of Disney.
  15. .
    I noticed 3 of her IG stories have been deleted. Anyone remember what they were?

    QUOTE (Gene Is Sis Concert @ 2/25/2024, 01:59 PM) 
    Her disgusting tongue :sick: How can it grip the straw like that? It’s like a proboscis.

    I saw someone in a video sucking a straw and not touching her lips to the straw. How could you even suck that way? I tried. I couldn't.
1762 replies since 18/12/2020