The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by DonIBoughtUReesesPieces

  1. .
    OMG! That’s the best new thread title for whenever we do another. Real simple and to the point.
    “Trashy and her videos suck!” :blushing-smiley-emoticon:
  2. .
    Notice how she looks in EVERY SINGLE haul headshot. No kind of energy, no attempt at a smile, not showing teeth.. she sucks! Lol
  3. .
    Somebody posted on her newest video that they appreciate everything she does to entertain us and she knows there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into making these videos for us and she just loves and appreciates her! 🤮 Wtf is wrong with these idiots???!!
    Their celebrity doesn’t even speak with proper grammar. She doesn’t edit her videos and everything is:
    “Yall! Literally!!! Yall…
    “I grabbed it, cause why not!”
    “Such an amazing deal!”
    “Geerrrrrrab you a drank!”
    Dumb idiot
  4. .
    She is “literally” insane!!!!!!!!
  5. .
    I couldn’t have said it better!!! “Narcissistic little house on the prairie” etc etc need to be incorporated in the next thread. lol
  6. .
    The shot glass is the 1st thing I noticed. Then the staged stance, as if she really looks through the dust collectors.

    And she also posted a text message between her and “her airman” 🙄 Cayman. Why doesn’t she leave anything private!

    Stop showing off for the internet. You are not famous and you aren’t the 1st and only person to live in Georgia (always boasting and bragging about the weather).
  7. .
    Y’all look at the staged photos in the hideous green dress! I am laughing so hard, I needed this laugh! Thanks Tiffers
  8. .
    I hate that ridiculous repetitive intro of hers “I hope you’re happy and your healthy and thangs are going good for you. Stay and subscribe and become a part of the family!”
    Oh Shut Up! Lol
  9. .
    She gonna put a picture of yet more food (Crumble cookies) extra sweet and overpriced hard cookies - with the caption she got them for Khia and her friends after school yesterday.
    BS!!! You know she got them for herself and her 1 friend (Khia). Nobody should be giving other people’s kids food, I would not allow my child to eat anything from her/her apartment!
  10. .
    Hideous shirt and I swear she is intoxicated, she is overly goofy and the country accent is in over mode! She is delusional, obnoxious and let’s be honest - “literally” weird! :woot:
  11. .
    Can somebody please ask that idiot Tiffany why every single picture has to be sideways!!!! It’s ridiculous, ANNOYING and redundant. If she thinks she is being photogenic she is not. Try practicing with different angels and locations instead of E V E R Y S I N G L E post being crooked. I “literally” can not stand her!
  12. .
    My issue is her chronic big nose picking/touching/itching then sniffing directly after. Trashy idiot get a tissue. She “literally” picked her nose that entire video!!!!!!!!!! Somebody gotta see what I see?!
  13. .
    Bakers!!!! Hear me out. That heifer definitely reads our website. Because why all of a sudden she is talking about a “NDA!” Or either someone called her out on it privately in a direct message on one of her social media platforms and said something. I know she didn’t just all of a sudden decide to disclose that things need to be private. Dumb butt!
  14. .
    That was her plan to make it look like it was more than just her and probably “Kee-Kee!” It was 2 water glasses and an alcoholic drink. She staged every darn photo that she takes. She is a loser!
  15. .
    Why does she ALWAYS post double and triple images of the same thing, on every single post. She is the most annoying person!!!
171 replies since 25/12/2020