The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Finister2020

  1. .
    Let's be real. The reason she doesn't want CPS called is because she would lose her child support if she lost her kids.
  2. .
    Her life is so boring. It consists of exercise, eating, and mental escape from reality. She needs to find something to do. This video was more of the same.
  3. .
    I like to think that the freak out over boundaries involves the kids calling Don's new girlfriend mom already.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 31/1/2021, 23:10) 
    Her “what to pack in a stroller at Disney World” video was suggested to me, and the whole time Don focused on her deformed feet. It was scary.

    I think she has put off having surgery because she would be unable to exercise for weeks. She exercises constantly and is not small so she would gain tons of weight if she had the surgery.
  5. .
    So I don't want to quote such a long post but I agree with Chachacha about Jen always wanting to be the center of the universe. She completely lies about being an introvert. She only is an introvert when it can get her out of doing something for someone else. She is an extrovert that craves being the center of attention.
  6. .
    QUOTE (JENSEYEBROW @ 31/1/2021, 16:13) 
    I would never take a bed away from an elder. It's just rude. She is such a turd.

    Jen cannot have any hardship or inconvenience. She had a microwave in her office because it was an inconvenience to walk downstairs and she packed multiple snack bags to go to Target because she could not deal with being a tiny bit hungry.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Chachacha @ 31/1/2021, 14:32) 
    What RV sleep arrangement? I do not have the patience to watch the video. Did she insist to sleep with Don and the kids together like a family? 🤣... was she given the same bedroom with Loftice to share with Don in Utah?

    She took the large bed with an actual mattress in the back and made Don's elderly parents sleep on the beds that are more like a couch.
  8. .
    But remember even though Jen is privileged it shouldn't minimize her struggles.
  9. .
    Remember Don doesn't think waiters deserve tips but he thinks taxpayers should pay his payroll.
  10. .
    Instead of taking the PPP money the Ross family should have made their own financial sacrifices. They could have sold their home in Utah to pay their employees.
  11. .
    Donny is clearly the favorite, but she doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with him either.
  12. .
    I don't understand why Jen needs a planner when she does nothing. There is nothing to manage. It is like all of the fashion bloggers who constantly buy clothes, but they never go anywhere to wear the clothes.
  13. .
    It is telling how she is way more excited over the gifts than the sweet words from Don and the effort he went to.
  14. .
    If you watched Jen from the start she always had a stomach/GI issue. She would claim to be allergic to something but you would see her eat it just a few weeks later. She likely did it to avoid Don.
  15. .
    If Jen were a normal woman I would think she looked great, but how can someone who devotes their entire life to diet and exercise look like that?? Jen works out more and counts calories like a model or pro athlete.
91 replies since 9/1/2021