The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by She's Going Nowhere

  1. .
    There is no way in hell that Jen will actually go camping, glamping, van-ing or anything. Yes, she had a camping tab open the other day. But since she already admitted to maladaptive day dreaming, I'm sure she spends hours searching all the fun things she could do, fantasizing about all the different directions her life could go in.

    But she'll never follow through with anything because
    a. she has no real sense of self and what she wants
    b. she's responsible for the care of two human beings (no matter how single and free she tries to act)
    c. she's lazy as hell

    Besides, she won't go camping until she has purchased a dedicated camping car, fancy gear and cooking equipment. (sidenote: I don't blame her for not doing these activities. I would not feel comfortable or safe camping or van-ping on my own)
  2. .
    On a personal note, I recently started growing some plants from seed and it is SUCH a pleasure. And I'm making it all happen in my 1b apartment. My gosh would I love to have as much space as Jen.
  3. .
    Hey now.. she vaguely suggested that she would do a closet purge video in 2 weeks. With all her new camera equipment, it will surely be a cinematic masterpiece.
  4. .
    If I were in Jen's shoes, I wouldn't be too excited about putting out a new video right now. Her viewers have so many unanswered questions, and no clear expectations since Jen flops on everything (town hall for example). Like that poster earlier said (I can't remember your username sorry!) Jen is a liar who lies, and the cracks are showing. Her comment section will never revert back to majority compliments and adoration.

    Of course, she could practice some accountability and listen to what her viewers want (how she still has genuine fans is astonishing). But that would mean caring about what others think, and treating YT as an actual job.

    Edited by She's Going Nowhere - 3/16/2021, 09:51 PM
  5. .
    I almost want to bet that she posted that "progress isn't linear" quote because she doesn't have a video to post today. I also wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Jen's YT journey. She's been very indulgent in pretending to be planning videos on IG, whilst not delivering anything. I'm sure the shopping high from all that new camera equipment has already fizzled away, too.
  6. .
    Gee, I wonder what could possibly be "stunting her growth". She has all the money and time in the world.

    Most people don't have the luxury of ~letting go~ of the things that cause them stress. Growth comes from developing the ability to get THROUGH problems and challenges.
  7. .
    Who wants to bet that Jen lugged all of her new photography equipment to those gardens?
  8. .
    As someone who was unemployed and not in school for 3 years of my life, I can attest that the days really do melt in to each other. Especially with depression. Lazy days and empty promises "I'll do it tomorrow when I have more energy!" "I'll start on Monday!" (even though weekends are just regular days for the unemployed). Starting something with high hopes, but then getting discouraged when you realize it takes more work, effort, mistakes, and time to achieve that goal.

    Jen has no stakes. She has no concrete deadlines to meet, no boss to hold her accountable. Whether she puts in effort or not, she'll get that direct deposit from Don. She clearly doesn't give a shit about her viewers, so her accountability to them means nothing to her. This is why I think that "Jen has no friends" is an important argument, because she yo-yos between using her viewers as her personal therapist, and then snaps when she gets too much criticism. When she doesn't adhere to her posting schedule, she still posts on IG because she literally has no one else to share her life with.

    I do think that home decor videos would do great on her channel. As kind of a maximalist myself, I could make the argument for being a singleton in a big house. Hell, after all these years on YT, she still hasn't bothered to make a dedicated filming station. Instead, she just yaps away in her kitchen.

    I also think that perhaps she hasn't bothered to furnish her home is because, for once in her life, she's realizing that her cash flow is finite. That must be absolutely terrifying for someone with no employable skills. But then again, there are loads of fun ways to decorate on a budget. But Jen's identity is being rich. Thrifting is for the poors.
  9. .
    Maybe Jen's devastating news was that Don wouldn't let her take 6 months off from childcare for a solo cross country road trip :P
  10. .
    I mostly follow Jen/this forum for the snark, however, I would genuinely be entertained if she made a video series going through all her boxes from RM1. Like, when she made that 800 mugs video, I almost thought that she had a tinge of self awareness about her rampant consumerism.

    Also, I hope this doesn't come across as too grim, but sometime in the distant future, Jen's estate sale is going to be LIT. So many barely used items. I bet it would feel like you're in a shopping mall.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 3/12/2021, 12:43 AM) 
    she'll always be thicker on the bottom. even with 6 hours of exercise a day starting at 4am. she can't let go of her tasty treats

    I'm pear shaped. I used to spend so much energy doing lower body exercises and oodles of cardio, desperately waiting for the day where my thighs would shrink and my cellulite would go away. It took me a long time to accept that my wide hips and my thick thighs were going to stay as they were. It helps a bit that it's a trendy shape now, too. I also avoid capris like the plague.
  12. .
    Jen is so TERRIBLE at marketing herself. Last month she vaguely insinuated that she had exciting stuff planned for spring. This week, she vaguely said she was planning something with her "cute" planner pic. Now, she's being vague again with the new camera equipment? What is the point? What are her viewers supposed to be excited about, exactly? It's like she just uses her audience as a tool to feel productive.

    Once again, zero substance. Hey Jen! You could start your new exciting journey by filming a new intro for your dang channel ffs.
  13. .
    Sometimes I wonder if Jen was SWF'ing someone in college, that caused her to choose a life of leisure, rather than pursuing a career, passion, volunteering, ANYTHING of substance. Or maybe it was a slippery slope where she intended to have a career, but got too comfortable. An art history major is tricky (speaking from experience). You either wind up in an unrelated field, or need to pursue an MA/PHD to get anywhere. Since she never talks about art in any capacity, I have to assume that she didn't choose the degree because of a genuine interest.
  14. .
    IMO, Jen desperately wants to prove that Don was the replaceable one in the relationship. She was "way out of his league" 20 years ago so clearly she is top tier wifey material.

    Personally, I'm very happily engaged. But if we ever break up, I have no desire to re enter the dating world.
  15. .
    Misc observation but I HATE that Jen vlogs the kids waking up. That is a private moment in their private bedrooms. Honestly, shame on Don for allowing Jen to continue posting their innocent lives on social media.

    As CC gets older, it is inevitable that someone in her friend group (hopefully she has friends..) finds Jen's channel. That would be mortifying. Kids can be so cruel when they find something they can tease you about.
98 replies since 11/1/2021