The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by She's Going Nowhere

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    I mean, I do kind of feel sorry for Jen in the way that I feel sorry for most narcissists. The way they see the world is very black and white. They derive their self worth through praise/attention, and if they are questioned in any way, they immediately feel victimized and betrayed. Like, genuine depression when they feel like the world doesn't revolve around them.

    I hope I'm explaining myself properly.. it's 8 am and I may need a tea latte and half a chocolate bar to get through this motherfucking day XD

    I had a friend in college whom I suspect is a narc. She gets her narcissistic supply through academia. In the 8 years that I've known her, she switched from art to law to psychology. She always acts like she's the expert in each subject, and starts a boring blog to match her "expertise". Then switches when she doesn't get the attention and adulation that she wanted. As we all know, getting praise from teachers/peers is NOT the same as getting praise in the real world, when the real work begins.

    For YEARS Jen tried to define her self worth through stuff. OODLES of stuff. But inanimate objects don't love you. They don't turn your life into a happy Kraft commercial, no matter how good the advertising is. Jen is addicted to social media and she feels a genuine betrayal when people don't fawn over her content.
    This is why I believe that Jen's YT ~career~ played a part in the divorce. She was NOT willing to let go of her "work" because it's the only thing that gives her narcissistic supply. She probably took it VERY personally if Don tried to tell her that, hey, maybe your two kids deserve more attention? To Jen, Don was basically saying that she should cut back on the ONLY thing that gives her joy, the same way that she took that peleton "hater" comment so deep. It's the equivalent to a personal attack. How dare anyone question the things that bring her joy?
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    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 2/12/2021, 05:44 PM) 
    QUOTE (She's Going Nowhere @ 12/2/2021, 17:15) 
    So.... I'm not super familiar with peleton stats but I assume the numbers on the right are calories burned? How the heck did she only burn 136 calories doing 30 mins of a ~bootcamp~??? And how in the fuck is that a PR?? I used to burn at least 250 cals per half hour on a modest speed on my elliptical.

    The Peloton stats are her output (in kJ) aka how much energy she exerted during the ride. She’s a beast with those numbers. The back to back rides she’s doing is also a super intense workout. Girl needs to calm down.

    Hm, interesting! I did some digging regarding peleton stats and kj. Seems like it's not super straight forward to transfer kJ output to calories burned.. I'm confused. But thank you for clarifying!
  3. .
    So.... I'm not super familiar with peleton stats but I assume the numbers on the right are calories burned? How the heck did she only burn 136 calories doing 30 mins of a ~bootcamp~??? And how in the fuck is that a PR?? I used to burn at least 250 cals per half hour on a modest speed on my elliptical.
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    Well, at least we all know that Jen is having the day she deserves. All alone in a big empty grey house, stalking the SM of people who have a more fulfilling life than her.
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    QUOTE (DominantJunk @ 2/12/2021, 01:42 PM) 
    My theory:
    Jen got completely overwhelmed when baby #2 came around.
    I always found her post-kids videos extremely odd, because she made it seem like Don didn’t do a whole lot in the parenting realm. I could never figure out if it was her completely taking over and pushing him out of the way/martyring herself/micromanaging, or if he was that disinterested and unhelpful in the parenting department.

    Like, it was always her with the monitor, her holding a napping baby, her making CCs lunch while also trying to get food in, her getting kids up in the morning and getting them ready, even when on vacation. (That Hamptons vlog was always very haunting to me simply because the only thing Don did was take CC to breakfast one day and go to the beach one day, while she stayed back making food for herself, doing the dishes herself, dealing with the baby, talking about how she had to pack everyone up to leave.

    My husband and I went through some mental load struggles for a number of years, and I resented him for not jumping in to help without me having to ask, or carrying more of the physical load of things like dishes and kids and whatnot. So part of me wonders if that was part of it.

    My other theory is that there was a lot more to their dominant/submissive setup that we didn’t see and it got really muddied after Charlotte came along and much worse after Donny and the vegan thing was partially her rebellion about that.

    When really it’s probably something stupid like Don telling Jen to stop vlogging because he makes enough money and she’s embarrassing him and she needs to make real friends and she didn’t and he just up and left one day.

    Don seems like a pretty traditional guy. He probably did expect Jen to do the majority of the child rearing. I'm sure that made Jen SEETHE. For over a decade, he spoiled her in droves, with the unspoken agreement that all Jen had to do was pop out some kids and be a mother. Don's method of ~taking care~ of Jen was to throw money at her whilst ignoring her narcissistic, passive aggressive, consumer-obsessed ass.

    Some people think that having children will change you. In Don's traditional little mind, maybe he thought that children would finally give Jen's life purpose, meaning. Or maybe he only cared insofar as finally getting an heir, something he was probably ready for as soon as they got married. But not everyone changes for the better after having kids.
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    QUOTE (Deadeyeslikejen @ 2/11/2021, 03:16 PM) 
    Ok, I know I don’t post here all of the time but I’m sitting in my doctor’s office FREAKING out because I’m getting my first colonoscopy today. (I know, ewww).
    None of my friends have had this done yet. I’m very afraid.
    What if I didn’t do something right and they have to do it over? :nervous:

    Hey! I've had a colonoscopy before. Don't worry about it! I had actually messed up with the laxatives (I didn't start early enough because there were dif instructions on the bottle vs the instructions from the Dr), and they were still able to do the procedure.
    Once they give you the anesthetic it'll be smooth sailing. (seriously.. I wish they gave me some extra anesthetic to go, it was lovely lmao) I vaguely recall being a bit twitchy during the procedure and the nurse held my hand lol. Godspeed, hope the results come out clear <3
  7. .
    If I was Jen, I would totally do yoga and meditation in front of the fireplace. How cozy and lovely would that be? Instead, she'd rather do it at 5 am in her cold basement. Channeling that frigid air, I suppose.
    My mom is a kindergarten teacher and her kids LOVE to do lil yoga and meditation practices. Jen doesn't even think about how she can share her hobbies with her kids.. it's her ME ME ME time. As if she needs more of that.
  8. .
    In 20 years or so, Donny and Charlotte are going to have to send monthly cheques to support their shopaholic, peleton obsessed mother X) I'll put money on CC going no contact/low contact with Jen, too.
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    QUOTE (Single and Sad @ 2/10/2021, 06:08 PM) 
    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 10/2/2021, 17:50) 
    I think she is trying to tank her channel to increase her alimony. I wish we knew how long he needs to pay her alimony. Once the kids are in school she should be cut off and have to get a job.

    I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure she received a huge settlement. Half of Don's retirement, half of all their investments and savings. Also half of the selling price of their first home. So my guess would be over 2 million at least,maybe more? I believe she will always be financially secure. And of course child support.
    What do you other Bakers think?

    For most people (maybe), that money would be enough to last a lifetime. But for years, Jen was able to spend so frivolously because she knew that the account she was leeching into would be replenished. Doesn't matter how much money she received from Don, it is finite. And Jen has ZERO marketable skills, she will never get a job that will afford her the comforts that she currently has. She must be very aware of this, since she's so keen on dating and finding herself a new bank account to leech off of.
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    Out of ALL the comments she received...the pelaton one is her hater comment of choice?? Why is that the comment that bothered her the most? She is truly vile.
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    QUOTE (Madmom @ 2/10/2021, 04:46 PM) 
    QUOTE (ComfortablyNumb @ 10/2/2021, 16:01) 
    She scolded everyone, it was saved here.

    In that scolding, she says that our words can impact everyone. In yesterday’s video, she says our words are just about us. As always, pick a lane, Jen.

    That video is a gem. I think it's funny how the comments about "her exes money" got under her skin, too. Even though it's just... the truth. Does she want us to believe that she earned everything she has?

    Also, hey Jen, re: patio set. I've got some great money saving advice. You'll only need one chair. Trust me. The plague isn't the reason why you never have any guests.
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    Lord, that glass tabletop moving around gave me such anxiety. It is SO unsafe for young children. I had a glass related accident when I was 8, so I have a complete aversion to glass tables. But holy moly.
  13. .
    Jen eating up Lana del Rey's new book is so hilarious. One delusional privileged white woman after another.

    Also... sorry if someone's made this joke already......but the only D Jen is interested is Don's Direct Deposit
  14. .
    Jen is so late on the discourse train when it comes to Britney. But of course, she doesn't really care about Britney or her story. It's so embarrassing how obvious it is that Jen uses all these quotes/memes to justify how no one should critique her, or judge her. I actually hope that Jen continues to use YT and SM for her narcissistic supply. Then, hopefully, she won't have as much energy to mentally and emotionally abuse her children once they're old enough to disagree with her. (I'm the daughter of a narc mom who NEVER admits that's she's wrong.. at 28 I'm still in therapy for it)

    In other news, yesterday I took some time to redecorate my desk/office area, and I had a bit of a chuckle thinking about how I've probably spent more time decorating my desk than Jen has spent on any room in her mausoleum.
  15. .
    Re: Speculation about Don cheating. I could see him having an emotional affair rather than physically cheating. Maybe he finally found someone who treated him with respect and kindness, with no passive aggressive greedy bullshit, a la Jen. When you're in an unhealthy relationship for so long, it can be really eye opening to finally meet someone who treats you well.

    I also don't believe they had a "real" kinky daddy/little girl fetish thing going on. I think that Jen's ~little girl~ act was more like a regression/defence mechanism tactic to appear non sexual and cutesy so that she could avoid being sexual with Don. And since I'm willing to bet that Don was a primo virgin Before Jen (BJ, for short), he didn't know any better, and rolled with it to keep her appeased. Then again, he REALLY rolled with it...
100 replies since 11/1/2021