The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by RubADubBingingInTheTub

  1. .
    Maybe all the fires being posted is for insurance evidence when her shit flip house “spontaneously combusts”
    Sorry CC and donster, you’re adults now fend for yourselves, mommy has to save the peloton from the flames.
  2. .
    That delusional narrative she’s fabricated in her mind that we’re all wizened cackling hens who have been cast out from normal society and any commentary is a reflection of our sad lives is rich. Almost as rich as her ex. Almost.
    Sure Jenny darling.
    You’re not a container store fire we can’t peel our eyes away from, we’re all just envious of your life choices. Or should I say the choices caged you was forced to make??
  3. .
    My own mother is very similar to Jen, she used to insist on finishing her 90 minute long yoga video before we would be allowed to eat. It’s sad that I can see Charlotte’s life ending up mirroring my own, speaking from experience case you were wondering: yes she will be aware her mother didn’t want her.
    I moved to my father’s when my parents split so hopefully she’ll do the same, half normal is better than the faux marble looney bin.
  4. .
    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 10/2/2021, 13:34) 
    QUOTE (RubADubBingingInTheTub @ 10/2/2021, 13:19) 
    Why in the kids breakfast do they not have any protein?? Literally donuts, pancakes and raspberries, it’s all sugar. Like if you don’t want to cook meat for them fine, (sure they’ll have it at their dad’s) your children are dependent on you to give them balance and teach them balance. All Jen’s teaching is emotional dependence on food.

    She gives them protein powder. No, I’m not joking.

    Clearly Jen has never heard the phrase “children aren’t small adults”
    Your children need food. Not meal replacements. Smh. She’ll have them on huel next. No donuts for you until you finish your vitamin slop.
  5. .
    Why in the kids breakfast do they not have any protein?? Literally donuts, pancakes and raspberries, it’s all sugar. Like if you don’t want to cook meat for them fine, (sure they’ll have it at their dad’s) your children are dependent on you to give them balance and teach them balance. All Jen’s teaching is emotional dependence on food.
290 replies since 15/1/2021