The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by BannedInUtah

  1. .
    Of course she is attention seeking online for Mother's Day.

  2. .
    She's working out right now. Because nothing says Mothers' Day like shutting your kids away in the basement.
  3. .
    Jen is grieving the loss of Suzanne! She would be fine if she could go back to her old life and celebrate with her forever MIL. You know she misses making spinach squares and chocolate chippies.

    She thought she'd be invited to Ross celebrations forever and that she'd have a new husband who would worship her. LOL!
  4. .
    Pretty sure that post is for people who are grieving the loss of their mother.

    ...not psychos who believe their kids to be a burden to bear. SMH
  5. .
    I'm in Portugal on holiday at the moment and the Portugese haven't once commented on the portion sizes I've ordered :lol:

    Looks like I'm not missing anything in Jen's latest videos. Her logic about what is expensive (basic window treatments for her house or basic furntiture) and what's an acceptable use of Don's money (thousands upon thousands of dollars on repeat Disney trips) is so mind bogglingly frustrating.
  6. .
    So she is a mother of TWO! healthy children, and has them with her today. Her mom is alive and local and as far as we can tell, she was raised in an intact home and not abused. Yet, her post of choice was a repost shitquote reel about giving yourself grace and space throughout the day.

    She is a piece of work.
  7. .
    Yay! WhereDoesDaddySleep is back
  8. .
    Happy Mother's day Tens!
  9. .
    I LOVE that she is receiving a bouquet from no one today!!!!
  10. .
    No breakfast in bed, flowers, balloons and pretties for Jenny today. Just a couple of kids she can’t control and who kick Dat Ass every time.
  11. .
    Have the Mother's Day you deserve, Jen!
  12. .
    I personally do not like seeing pit hair on anyone. But it is just a beauty choice for women, like shaving your legs . It doesn’t mean you are dirty, a lot of women in other countries do not do it. Eva, well she rarely washes, goes weeks without showering so she may be the biggest influencer for Beefy Jeans. As long as you do not stink, who cares. Beefy stinks, shaved or not. Drip dry, scalp coated with oil, dry shampoo residue, sweat, and once a week hair rinse, you know she stinks even from 6 feet away.
  13. .
    She publicly shames & resents her own children and her family of origin on the Internet regularly and comfortably. I honestly can’t believe her family didn’t disown her after the Fraughtsgiving bitchfest. I would’ve gone ‘no contact’ immediately.
  14. .
    She only rodes a stationary bike, the Circumstances will have fun racing her, she needs training wheels.
  15. .
    Only Jen would blame her haggard appearance on her beautiful daughter.
20734 replies since 11/2/2021