The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by RumpusChairs

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    The thing is Jen is old enough to be able to identify what effects her upbringing had on her, she should be able to decide to do better for her children so they don't grow up to have the same food/body image issues as she does. But alas, for that she would have to recognize she has issues in the first place. The way she talks about food/exercise when her kids are around really makes me cringe.
    I don't have kids but I have many (read: 8!) nieces and nephews, and my sisters and I regularly talk about the things we grew up with that we won't pass on to the next generation because they were messed up.
  2. .
    Hi everyone 😊 loooong time lurker because I couldn't think of a good name to register with, probably won't post much because you're all so much more funny and witty than I am! But the last few pages made me think of a good name at last 😂 and needed to post before the thread moved on!
    Sending love to Demented Turtle and Finister2020 's mom 💛
197 replies since 13/2/2021