The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by JennyFromTheBlock

  1. .
    When is she going to release a statement saying she’s quitting her YouTube career to focus more on her exercise? 7 hours a day just wasn’t enough
  2. .
    Maybe if she created actual content rather than the very intimate details of her life like mentioned above, people wouldn’t have as much to hate on. She doesn’t understand the difference between posting content and creating content. All she ever does is talk about her goddamn feelings and whine about how hard life is. Of course she’s going to get criticism. Get off the fence - either you’re rebranding and making this your job or you aren’t and it’s time to retire the page and stop attention seeking.
  3. .
    It takes a special kind of idiot to announce a rebrand and then stop posting content. Not only will the followers who missed the memo on the change not know where to find her, but now there’s not even any content to find.

    Edited by JennyFromTheBlock - 11/5/2021, 04:37
  4. .
    I’m so tired of her fitness shit posts. It’s not admirable or interesting when you know the person is most likely doing it because of mental illness and/or eating disorder. Such a shame she doesn’t realize that no man is turned on by a twat who overshares on the internet and plans her day around workouts instead of going to work like other able bodied adults.
  5. .
    The very least she could do is acknowledge that she’s not posting rather than just fucking off. Whines that people don’t consider this her job but also doesn’t care to work. You can’t have it both ways.
  6. .
    If this bitch spent half the time she spends shopping working on her content she might actually do alright
  7. .
    What does she do all day???? Seriously. What does she do?

    Man, Don must fucking hate her. Not saying he’s the hardest working person - he obviously had a lot handed to him, but if I had no choice but to fund the life of my ex who sits on her ass and spends her day finding new ways to spend my money and making my family look like shit to the entire Internet world... I’d fucking hate her. What’s her plan for when the gravy train stops? Get a job? That’s laughable. Everyone loves to hire 50 year olds who have never had a job.
  8. .
    I feel like she probably drank a bottle of wine and decided to do this rebrand, then had to follow through once she changed a social media name or two because she knew she’d look like an idiot.

    As others have mentioned, it would be way more beneficial to just use Jennifer Ross instead. The people who aren’t on Instagram won’t know about the change but they do know her name and could always find her if she had done that. Also, name doesn’t match the content. Just because you camp in a van once doesn’t make you a world traveller. People who do make that content actually live that lifestyle every day, not once or twice a year. She’s so fucking dumb sometimes. Reality check, Jen! You have kids! You have a massive fucking house that you didn’t need in the first place! You have a “job” as you like to put it, where you consistently underwhelm and underachieve! Get your shit together. Yeah, when you get a divorce you have a few ways in which you can reinvent yourself but you still have responsibilities. She sounds like an 18 year old who decided to take a gap year from college.
  9. .
    Does she think she’s being suspenseful by not posting the video?
    Out of sight, out of mind. Losing followers every day.
  10. .
    Has time to go to a plant nursery but can’t manage to get one video out.

    I should try doing this amount of effort at my job and see what happens.
  11. .
    Phew..... glad she spent thousands on new camera equipment just so her content could LOOK THE EXACT SAME
  12. .
    Really glad she splurged on all the new camera shit just so she could go yet another week without posting.

    I think an announcement is coming soon about her summer plans to travel solo and cReAtE mEaNiGfUL cOnTeNt aka “roughing it” with the most expensive rental camper she could find while her kids get handed off. Can’t wait for the late night IG stories of her in the woods with a fire going, drinking craft beer to seem trendy and talking about how it’s so good for her heart.

    Get fucked Jen.
  13. .
    Is this the direction we’re going in now? Filming while doing every day activities and putting some sad music over it? The new camera and lenses aren’t going to magically create content, Jen.
  14. .
    How do those kids stay awake at school after eating waffles, oatmeal, and a shit ton of fruit? Their poor teachers.
  15. .
    Wtf? She already has a good camera and a drone and can hardly manage to produce content regularly that’s worth watching. You’re not a professional, Jen. Let the dream go. Put that money towards furnishing the empty 1500 sq ft in your house.
18 replies since 14/2/2021