The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ProcessOfProcessing

  1. .
    QUOTE (Twinkle Toes @ 6/11/2023, 21:53) 
    Wow--that's such a passive aggressive dig at BBB. Or am I reading too much into it?

    What a passive aggressive bitch.
    And she wonders why no one hangs out with her. I'm dying to know what happened when she had drinks with BBB at Boathouse...I feel like after that, it was dead silence from BBB
  2. .
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 6/11/2023, 01:06) 
    $1400 on headbands, plus however much on a matching light up scrunchie for most if them, too.
    Keep trying to fill that empty hole, Jenny…..

    I wonder how much more she's going to spend before she realizes BBB doesn't want to be her friend
  3. .
    I follow alot of Disney Instagram accounts and so many of them run disney races. And almost all of them know eachother, post photos together, meet up, etc. Its crazy how many years and rundisney races Jen has actually done and she has built zero community.
    She said the other day that so many have come up and said hi to her. Yeah ok...where are the reposted photos then Jen 🙄
  4. .
    Remember right when Jen and D separated and Jen had those ladies come stay with her? And she posted a picture with them calling them her "tribe"?
    Whatever happened with them? And how did she even know them/were they youtubers as well?
    Seems like after that trip, they disappeared 🤔
  5. .
    My god- get a new dress already Jen.

    I swear, her wealth is wasted on her. If I had a speck of her income- I'd at least maintain nails, facials, blow outs, makeup from Sephora, a stylist! Something!
  6. .
    Finally caught up & watched the "I Have No Friends" video. And man, this woman is absolutely insufferable.
    I don't get the point of the video at all. To admit she's friendless...but she's healed that loneliness with walking with God....but she'd still like a friend...yet shes ok with not having friends because she's an introvert....she's tried to make connections...yet she's done making them. My god! I have never seen or heard someone so self involved yet contradictory in my life. I actually had to stop myself from throwing my phone during that video.

    I'm a true introvert. I have a group of friends, all of which I've maintained since elementary school. I do like having somewhat of a social life but also need alone time to recharge. Social interactions drain me and often times can bring on extreme anxiety- even with those I am close with. I also am the mother of a very outgoing girl exactly the same age as Charlotte. She loves having playdates with friends, having me volunteer at her school and taking her to birthdays/functions where I need to be around other parents/women my age. It terrifies me. It makes me uncomfortable. But I do it! I go, I smile and socialize and have managed to make some connections with other moms. I do that because its important for not only my daughter to see me in these settings but also I know by me putting myself out there- it in turns helps my daughter foster and maintain connections with her peers outside of a school setting. I refuse to let my social anxiety hold my daughter back.
    Jen seems to think joining/volunteering is pointless and dismisses all the suggestions she gets. But at the end of the day, with her psychotic narrative of - it's everyone else, not me- she'll never learn or change. Her followers need to stop giving this bitch advice! She doesn't care. Be friendless forever, Jen for all we fucking care. Your embarrassing videos don't make anyone feel bad for you.

    Also- she said she has tried to make further connections with people that failed. I would love to see proof of that!
    I think she tried REAL hard to befriend BBB and other Disney runners but it didn't work. She's big mad

    Sorry this is long- haven't been on here or watched and of Jen's videos in weeks!
  7. .
    QUOTE (DAIRY FREE @ 23/4/2023, 23:17) 

    That is the most depressing room to watch a movie in. Nothing cozy about it at all!! Seriously Jen, get rid of the hideous brown chairs that literally block the tv, and order a real pizza.
    When we have movie nights with our kids- it's cuddling on the couch with blankets, lights dimmed, popcorn with different candies and takeout! Geez- she's so lazy about everything but how cold and uninviting her home is is unbelievable
  8. .
    I was catching up on one of her RunDisney vlogs, particularly where she shows the disney run dress she's wearing. My 6 year old said to me "why is she wearing a kid's dress?" 😂🤭
  9. .
    I think Jen thought that by spending countless dollars on BBbrookes overpriced ears and that they had drinks together once- that they were BFFs.

    Jen, you're 40 years old. Just reach of to Brooke if you want to hang out while at Disney. It's not that hard! Going on Instagram to complain about being a lonely loner is just embarrassing... now you probably officially scared Brooke away
  10. .
    Oh my god, I ran here after seeing her Instagram rant about going solo and people being chummy in groups. Why do I feel like this is directed at Brooke?

    I think someone is super salty that BBBrooke posted tons of run photos running and posing with friends in matching outfits, having fun and doesn't ever reach out to Jen to hang out at ANY of these races.
    Kinda feel bad....but then again...
  11. .
    Whats sad is that if she actually put effort into her channel and brand, she'd continue to build her channel and most likely make more of an income there. Instead of charging for the content that her subscribers have voiced constantly that they wanted to see and alienating those who cant afford it. She blames it on not feeling safe yet has so problem charging for it... :=/:
    Jen is a lazy, chicken shit.
  12. .
    I'm sorry but what losers are reaching out to Jen to show her baking and pouring oat milk foam during horrific world events because it brings them peace?? I call BS.
  13. .
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 21/1/2022, 21:00) 
    JFC this bitch talks sooooo much about nothing. Jen you have no friends because you are a miserable human being. Nothing about you is genuine. real friendships are not a one way street and that is how you operate.


    Hence why this woman can't get or maintain a friendship. Her favorite subject to talk about it herself. I couldn't imagine being THIS self absorbed
  14. .
    Who even cares enough to ask her fitness questions?? If I need fitness advice, I'm not going to a withdrawn, loner who only works out obsessively to avoid her actual life and to hopefully impress her critical mother.
  15. .
    Can someone please repost the gif of jen running in the dopey dress? Or tell me where to find it?
    I need a laugh
90 replies since 16/2/2021