The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Chef Elzar

  1. .
    It wouldn't surprise me if she is preggers. She's definitely been "different" the last few weeks. Her acne seems to be a bit worse than usual too. Her couch-dress is fairly loose below the bust so it would hide any baby tummy she might be getting.

    For a woman who has been talking about having children of her own, I'm somewhat surprised that she didn't ask to hold Emily's baby. Instead, she opened her mouth at the wee tot to show off her her horse teeth.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Bluenoser @ 2/15/2022, 09:05 AM) 
    I have been wondering about something for a week now , can the powers that be at you tube ban the Brydges temporarily or permanently for hateful comments they were spewing on their vlogs , a sweet little family from Russia that are watched from all over the western world said in a video a couple of weeks ago that they cannot say the “c” word Covid or they will be banned from you tube , which made me wonder if the all out hate Stubby and Tubby were spitting out the last while has had them banned , she doesn’t like ..the French language …her own country …her prime minister ..the school system ..the measures put in place for the pandemic…and apparently her followers are a means to money that’s it …I’m sure she hates more topics / people as well …that is what comes to mind ….I can’t see you tube letting her use her platform for hateful mouth vomit …..I’m not computer savvy , so does anyone know if you can be shut down for vlogs like she was making …..

    Bluenoser, if you are talking about the Russian family that I think you are (the one with the adorable baby), talking about covid or using the "c word" has more to do with their government than YouTube itself.
  3. .
    It feels like she is watching her past videos for inspiration. She seems to have run out of content that is interesting, useful, or enjoyable. Maybe it is time she burns her apron collection and start acting like a responsible adult...or at the minimum, get treated for her depression.
  4. .
    How many times is Flabkin going to wear the couch dress? It isn't flattering and just further emphasizes how big she is.
    Notice the giant zit on her jawline? Between the acne and the wonky hair, she is going to look a fright on her wedding day.

    She doesn't appear to be happy being the "listener" to Emily's talking.

    Her fat, slug tongue is trying to escape.

    What the hell is wrong with her hair? Shave that crap off!

    It looks like she just farted or shat her pants...

    It looks like she is gesturing to her boobs.
  5. .
    Good lord, how much money did she spend per year on cosmetics when she was caged?

    The lizard-green nail polish is just gross. Leave it to Jen to buy sparkly iguana green nail polish...

    That poor ugly little rich girl was so caged back in those days. All she could do was go out and spend a few hundred/thousand dollars per day on crap she didn't need. No doubt she had to file all of her shopping receipts too.

    Such a hard, difficult life she had back in those days. Maybe she drove by a few farms that had cows happily frolicking about without a care in the world until they died and only then were they slaughtered for food (can one even slaughter a dead cow?)
  6. .
    QUOTE (Cool Beans @ 2/14/2022, 10:05 AM) 
    Will she make an appearance
    Bless us with her incoherence

    Diet zero, cotton candy, chocolate pies...

    Will Sasquatch wish us Valentimes?...


    Lol GIZZ and BLASQ

    Such a lifelike drawing of Sasquatch! Love it!!!!

    Mrs Volfie looks like a shaved sasquatch and probably smells as bad as a sasquatch.
  7. .
    Regardless whether it is Don, Tens, or a paid shopper picking out Don's big boy clothes, he's dressing a hella lot better than when he was with Jen. She deliberately bought clothing that was too big for Don so she'd look petite and put together when standing next to the slob.
  8. .
    One would think she'd figure out that the repetitive use of her favorite crappy hair color is responsible for the amount of breakage she is having. Then again, maybe she wants those errant chunks of broken hair standing tall and waving in the air as she lumbers down the aisle?

    I'm pretty sure my gran has a bedspread with the same print as Flaken's dress does.
  9. .
    Now that mask restrictions are being eased, she will act like a pig in shite as she can then go SHOPPING!


    She'll trample people to get to her crack!
  10. .
    When one's spouse functions at the level of a toddler, they both seem to resort to sniping at each other like tired brats.

    Once Don left Jen in the playpen by herself, he started dressing like a grownup and acting like a grownup. I'm assuming conversation at Ross family gatherings has returned to topics of interest by adults rather than what color Play Doh was Jen's favorite color and did she wipe her backside after doing #2?
  11. .
    I made this comment on her most recent post and it was gone by the next morning:

    Something I find laughable is that Shrimpy Short Legs works in an automotive factory. He was going to take Nadda Thing Nate to take part in the protests in Ottawa to stand in solidarity with the truckers. Said truckers have disrupted automotive supply lines from Ontario to Alabama. Which translates into "no work, no pay" for the employees like Shrimpy Short Legs. I hope whoever he works for fires him!
  12. .
    I made the mistaking of watching her latest video. If I were Ink+Volt, I'd have my legal peeps send a "cease and desist" letter/warning to Laken Can't Plan.

    I will never understand why people give her money for her pathetic goal achievement crapola. She doesn't do most of the things she puts down. She couldn't differentiate a goal from a task if her life depended on it.

    Her vlogs are getting repetitious and monotonous. She throws slop in a crockpot. She shops a Trader Joes, she pours peanut butter protein shake crap into her "coffee". She has multiple loads of laundry to do at any given time. She's too busy to clean her tiny apartment. Her tiny apartment looks like it is packed with crap. Her yellow dress and pink blazer look hideous on her. Whoever told her those were good colors for her needs to be checked for unresolved color blindness issues.

    I'm curious to see what happens post wedding. Does she get pregnant and then has to cut back her schedule because she's pregnant? Does she drop the whole "goal setting blah blah" grift and spend the rest of her days popping out brats and pre-nuptial agreements as she bounces from husband to husband like her mom?
  13. .
    QUOTE (Crazybunch @ 2/10/2022, 07:40 PM) 
    I think maybe her church has everyone thinking it is the end of the world. She got this book so she could make basic dishes with little amenities. She is hoarding food, have buckets of beans and grains... all they need are tinfoil hats.

    For all we know, they do have tinfoil hats, they just take them off for photos...
  14. .
    QUOTE (Anastasia Beaverhausen @ 2/10/2022, 08:14 AM) 
    Laken should take some project management courses online. She could even get certified (although I don’t know that she’s intelligent enough to pass the licensure exam). She would benefit from being educated on some of this stuff she talks about… it’s clear she “does her own research” and is speaking very far outside of her knowledge and “expertise.”

    I've been a certified PMP for the last 5 years. There are several requirements, including the equivalent of 36 months of managing projects. This must be documentable too. She needs to take a 35 hour course from a recognized vendor to be able to sit for the PMP exam. Watching her goal setting and non-achievement, she doesn't have what it takes to become a PMP.
  15. .
    The chances of Nate having sex with a live female and having children are zero to none so that diseased branch of the family dies off with Nate.
1452 replies since 10/3/2021